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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. UnlimitedHail

    UnlimitedHail Member

    Eh, I'm making the jump to CycloDS. I have my Gamestop bought copy here but that's staying sealed for collection purposes.
  2. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    Right, but if they activate the cheat whilst reading the hex code then they could compare what values change between the two, and therein may lie the problem. Of course this is nothing but speculation.
  3. donofmy16

    donofmy16 New Member

  4. Fretmatic

    Fretmatic New Member

    Started a new file, same thing at the same spot. Didn't people say Acekards with 1.6R2 were working fine? Or did none of them play far enough to experience this?
  5. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Seeing as how i'm now on the 4th area, it works fine for a lot of people.
  6. gamerhan

    gamerhan New Member

    i know its an old card but it doesn't save on supercard micro lite too
  7. Fretmatic

    Fretmatic New Member

    I know the game isn't corrupt, I know the save isn't corrupt, I know the DS and card aren't corrupt. Maybe it's the firmware? Hmm.
    Being a ds fat wouldn't effect it, right?
    Edit: Nope, got it to work now. Thanks for your patience, anyone who took the time to read my posts :x
  8. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Is anyone at gbatemp making a patch for this?
  9. Shinshady

    Shinshady New Member

    Funny you ask that... I'm pretty sure they're waiting for the people who are working on it here...
  10. tjhiry29

    tjhiry29 New Member

    @Fretmatic lol so I uploaded that .dsv file for nothing? meh it took me like 2 seconds anyways xD I still haven't found that hex edit 101 file -_-
    Post Merge: [time]1270223520[/time]
    @Fretmatic lol so I uploaded that .dsv file for nothing? meh it took me like 2 seconds anyways xD I still haven't found that hex edit 101 file -_-
    Post Merge: [time]1270223599[/time]
    @Fretmatic I uploaded that .dsv file for nothing? Oh well it took me like 2 seconds anyways. I still haven't found that hex edit 101 PDF file thing.. -_-

    RAWRZORZZZ Active Member

    It's like 5-8 pages back. Neohack posted a tutorial and which hexeditor he's using
  12. tjhiry29

    tjhiry29 New Member

    whoa shet sorry! My comp lagged out -_- triple post ^^

    RAWRZORZZZ Active Member

    Make sure you search for the patch on google or something when you can. These guys might not be the only people making it, and it would be awesome if you could post it if you find one.
  14. lexsama

    lexsama Member

    i'v allready check the other patch teams projects none of them have SJ on their list
  15. Twinblade242

    Twinblade242 Active Member

    does this work for the M3 simply
  16. Yeah i was wondering the same thing cause there was a rumour floating around that it works on m3 real with some sort of new firmware.
  17. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    yo. im using the critically aclaimed 'dead card' R4 and i was wondering if there is a patch for it. ill need a pre-patched if there is because i suck, and my computer sucks. so please post a link to a pre-patched download if possible. please and thank you.
  18. ashley_surferboi

    ashley_surferboi Well-Known Member

    just an idea but would it be at all possible to use the (U) roms language files and put them into the (J) rom which has a working patch.
    this is what has been done for the hg and ss pokemon games.
    would try but i'm off school and will probably push my dl cap.
  19. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    If you use YSmenu update with this:
  20. Starmongoose

    Starmongoose Member

    Are you saying Strange Journey now works with this update?