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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    link to the translated page: http://translate.google.co.ve/translate?hl=es&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fkotei.blog.so-net.ne.jp%2F2010-02-28

    it has nothing on Strange journey
  2. WraithL0rd

    WraithL0rd Member

    i found this on gbatemp, maybe it will help.

    No Encounter NO/OFF R+up/R+down
    52036610 E2840C0A
    94000130 FEBF0000
    02036614 E3A01b00
    D2000000 00000000
    52036610 E2840C0A
    94000130 FE7F0000
    02036614 E1d01FF2
    D2000000 00000000
  3. dukemagus

    dukemagus Member

    just a small note: whoever applies an april's fools joke saying there is a fix today and crush thousands of SMT fans dreams and expectations will be punished by all the 72 goetia demons

    (wraithlord advised)
  4. Starmongoose

    Starmongoose Member

    Weak @Wraithlord. Very weak.

    RAWRZORZZZ Active Member

    To be honest I agree that they might not know what they're doing. However, you can't really rip on them and tell them what to do since they are the only people I know of making an english patch. If YOU make the patch or some groundbreaking discovery, THEN you can hate on them. Even though we have no idea how much they've done, (anywhere from nothing to borderline completion) as far as we know they've done more than you and I and everyone else.
  6. nickienator

    nickienator New Member

    Can I ask you how you did find out what R4 you have? I've got no idea what kind mine is.
  7. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    Ok, if you pay attention the people working on the patch have some coding experience and are actively improving on it. They have also already said that placing the english text in the Jap rom won't work, and I have never undubed a game, it's pointless, I'm american, I don't understand Japanese, why the hell would I listen to words I can't even make out? Instead of complaining about what may or may not be going on, why don't you do something about it, or if that's out of your league why don't you just stop harping on people who are trying to be part of the solution, they don't need all your negative vibes.
  8. WraithL0rd

    WraithL0rd Member

    are you guys thinking im making a joke??? well im not, im checking every day if there is an update for this game, im a fan of this game too and im not the kind of guy who posts some things just for fun (or for april fools). i found this at the internet and i thought it could help or something, becouse i tought if you could make a cheat to NOT encounter monsters mayby it wil help fixing this problem.
  9. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    If you could provide a link to where you found these that could be very helpful.
  10. lexsama

    lexsama Member

    i think thats a fake >.> been following both of the Strange Journey posts on gbatemp and that was not post in either.

    tho a new one may have pop up when i was not looking, i'll double check when i have a min
  11. Starmongoose

    Starmongoose Member

    This was a post reffering to a cheat on gbatemp for No Random Encounters. It has nothing to do with the anti piracy on this game. It makes random encounters go away, if they are there in the first place.
  12. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    If it makes them go away wouldn't it be safe to assume that seeing what part of the code that effects will have something to do with the enemies? If so it may help pinpoint why there are no random encounters.

    RAWRZORZZZ Active Member

    Not sure if it has something to do with the hexcode. I mean everything probably does but it looks like an AR code to me.
  14. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Currently found a working patch

    April Fools

    RAWRZORZZZ Active Member

    I knew it, but you still crushed my hopes :mad:
  16. Fretmatic

    Fretmatic New Member

    Running AceKard 2

    I'm just past the mission where you save 4 crew members. Jimenez calls and says he needs help. When I leave the ship, Gore says "Here's the coordinates", it starts to scroll, and then stops. I tried re installing the game, re installing AKAIO, and backing up and re doing the save state.

    Any idea why it's not working? I think it might be a corrupt save or something, but I don't want to play an hour in again if it's not... Could someone upload a save for me to try? (Close to that point would be nice, but I'll work with whatever)
  17. tjhiry29

    tjhiry29 New Member

    Hey Thanks to the guys working on the patch! I unfortunately have NO clue what to do when it comes to coding and what not, but I am willing to learn! Does anyone know any good hex edit programs, or like a guide to hex edit stuff..? Thanks! I'll do my best.

    RAWRZORZZZ Active Member

    Read a handful of pages back tjhiry, they posted a link or maybe several.
  19. tjhiry29

    tjhiry29 New Member

    Fretmatic. I do have a .dsv file that works with DeSmuME 9.5 I suggest you get that first, then I'll upload it to like megaupload or something... It's close to where you are.. I'm at a checkpoint in the field.. most exploring has been done for you. I hope you don't mind. Make sure you get DeSmuME 9.5 it's the only emulator you can save with! I'm uploading it now!
    Post Merge: [time]1270169346[/time]
    Alright here's the link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E13UQ6YR Enjoy! (random encounters, saving all works!)
  20. dukemagus

    dukemagus Member

    you will die of cancer for it!