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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    Instead of just waiting for this game head over to GBAtemp and look into games that have been translated from Japanese to English. I found Soma Bringer and Jump Ultimate Stars, and honestly I still check this thread, but I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat, I know these guys got lives, and I hope they fix it soon, but I would also like to make sure they do good quality work, so that we don't bump into any AP later.
  2. Agerion

    Agerion Member

    I have to say, that relieved many-a-days worth of worry from my shoulders. I thought I'd have to go out an BUY this game, God-forbid! ;)
  3. Aegix

    Aegix Well-Known Member

    Honestly...I WOULD buy this game....if it weren't for the fact that I've bought waaay too many DS games recently, plus I'm planning to get Dementium.

    ....It's bugging me that of all people I'm ripping off, it's atlus (whom I have nothing but respect for) But.....I'll probably never finish this game (took me a HELL of a long time to finish all the EO games). I don't think I want to spend 40-50 bucks on a game I likely won't have time to finish.

    *sits down and waits patiently for the expert hackers to do their thing*
  4. JonnyNewman

    JonnyNewman New Member

    I would have bought it by now...if it was getting a European release.
  5. Starmongoose

    Starmongoose Member

    Yeah, same. People from Europe can only buy this game at double the price if we import it. It is not our fault if Atlus decided to have a realese date for Europe. I have much respect for Atlus and I do feel bad for downloading their game.

    Try not to be so smug.
  6. Mikey42087

    Mikey42087 New Member

    I've wanted this game for months... pretty sorry that I have a DSTT atm. I bought one about a year ago and it's worked great, but lately I can't play any of the games I want, not to mention.... even with old games it keeps freezing now. Needless to say, I orderd an Ackart 2i the other day lol. Anyways, can't wait to be able to play this.

    Also, thanks to everyone who puts in work towards putting out these roms for us. I'm glad there are still some decent people in the world who are willing to do things like this just for a little recognition =p. Keep it up!

    RAWRZORZZZ Active Member

    I also ordered and acekard 2i yesterday. I think the patch will come faster than the delivery, but we can't just continue to wait weeks after a game comes out. Bye r4. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  8. asianpride528

    asianpride528 Member

    I could wait for week, months, or year because everybody right now have some kind of money issue or just damn broke from bill and other stuff
  9. django623

    django623 Member

    Your going to feel like shit when a patch comes out before your acekard.

    Sorry neo but i can't work on the project at all this week. (Sick+busy)
    Best of luck to you.
  10. arceus12345

    arceus12345 Well-Known Member

    why do all the r4 and r4 clones have to be on the fail side of the page. :(:( (BTW i know that the r4 team left years ago.:()
  11. worldagainstjose

    worldagainstjose New Member

    props to the guys working on this, funny that i bought an R4 so i could mainly play this game (with the added benefits of others) since im broke and cant buy more games for a long while, and SMT:SJ was the one that didnt work. so thanks for your dedication guys!

    RAWRZORZZZ Active Member

    No I won't, I expect the patch to come out before I get my acekard. However, I don't feel like waiting weeks for the patch for the next game to come out. I won't need the acekard for this game, but I will need it for the future.
  13. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    Don't worry Django! I understand you, We're all working hard to make this patch come true,and I thank you for taking your time to encourage us!
  14. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    For those interested in working on this, a small test for you - without cheating, get the J version, and try to find whereabouts in the code the copy protection kicks in. Once you are fairly certain note it down, then go look at the fix - were you correct? If so, you are good to go. If not, try to understand where you went wrong.

    No point trying otherwise, as you will most likely end up barking up completely the wrong tree.
  15. ZoMgWhOaMi

    ZoMgWhOaMi Member

    lol..... you do realize you are getting a free game that is only free due to other people's efforts right? You are doing absolutely nothing but sitting there waiting for the patch and all you are doing is complaining about the patching speed? wtf??? You are getting so much for so little and you cant even wait for one single week? A bunch of these guys don't even have to patch this and can play it as they want, but for people like you are patching it to allow you to play. Come on man, at least be a little more grateful to the people making the patch.
  16. deathscreton

    deathscreton New Member

    Using an ItouchDS2 with 3.7g. I have Soft Reset enabled. No cheats. No slow or fast time. Normal save and normal method. I get a freeze when it states "7 billion." Didn't try anything else as it might have been a waste of time.
  17. Is the patch gonna work 4 m3 simply?
  18. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    ASSUMING THEY PATCH THE GAME IT WILL FIX IT FOR EVERYTHING, THERE IS NO POINT IN ASKING "will it fix it for...." CAUSE IT WILL THEY ARE EDITING THE GAME, NOT THE FIRMWARE! sorry for the all caps post, but I want people to notice it.
  19. Triwolfghost

    Triwolfghost Member

    To those of you working on the patch for this game i would like to say thank you and good luck.And for those of you complaing about how long its taking,Shut up.They are doing this for free for US.If youcan't be bother to wait just go out and buy the game.
  20. sh4w5h4nk

    sh4w5h4nk New Member

    Let me also throw my support in there for those of you who are patching this game. I don't care if it takes you a month (although I'm hopeful that it won't), I just appreciate that you're willing to take the time to figure this thing out. Keep up the good work.