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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. akiraunreal

    akiraunreal Member

    fail to save on R4 Ultra, i also try using AKAIO 1.5
  2. Tomion

    Tomion Well-Known Member

    wait does Cyclods is an emulator?
  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Cyclods is a flashcart
  4. simplytragic

    simplytragic New Member

    I'm sure somebody else tried, but I just checked using AKAIO v 1.6whatever, the newest one available. Made it through the openin and all, but no luck with the saving or loading. And I had been waiting so long for it too, lol.
  5. Xaintrix

    Xaintrix Member

    [quote author=Akamatsu ]
    And, @Jason5877, mind updating your post with a list of all the working/not working cards based on people's posts? If a mod doesn't do that before you, that is. Would help people who're having problems with the AP, so they don't need to scroll through all the posts.

    Took care of it.
  6. Tomion

    Tomion Well-Known Member

    anyone got the game work on any emulator?
  7. Akamatsu

    Akamatsu Active Member

    Thanks for the edit, Jason, but.. should change the CycloDS to "1.58 Stable", the Beta 2 is old.
  8. tekken999

    tekken999 Member

    hey, DSTT doesn't save, it gets an error also but it works FYI
    p.s. i was using the latest firmware -_-
  9. flashjump

    flashjump Member

    i guess its time to wait just like pokemon
  10. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Or create 8000 topics on the matter
  11. Castor Krieg

    Castor Krieg Member

    Yup, Acekard2i with AKAIO, game runs fine. Save fails, Loading the game erases save. Waiting for the patch then.

    How long was it for Pokemon btw?
  12. Starmongoose

    Starmongoose Member

    You have gotten it wrong. It is NOT working on DSTT. You should remedy that and edit your post again @Jason5877
  13. caverudo

    caverudo New Member

    i think its a easy hackable ap, if i remember well the jap version patch came the same day of the dump
  14. flashjump

    flashjump Member

    lol yea
  15. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    DSTTi Flashcart Firmware 1.17a12 Save failure and load failure leads to Data Deletion.

    Wow Nintendo your really letting us Pirates have it huh XD!

    Let's hope a patch comes about soon.
  16. Arcana109

    Arcana109 Member

    I doubt (or at least hope) this game has AP on the scale of Pokemon. Hopefully a patch comes out soon.
  17. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Damn AP, we should show Nintendo what what and not buy their DS games anymore

    oh wait lol
  18. tekken999

    tekken999 Member

    Yeah we are boycotting you nintendo!!!
  19. Rabeeshan

    Rabeeshan Member

    dammmmmmmm another antipiracy........
  20. eternalyouth74

    eternalyouth74 New Member

    Has anyone tried this on No$GBA 2.6a w/NZoomer yet?