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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. django623

    django623 Member

    OR you could try and help find a fix :D

    Cool. First step is pinpointing the exact coding of the AP or at least getting a ballpark estimate of where the hell it is in the rom and how it's hidden. Trouble shooting time but i'm off to bed. Been up 28ish hours now.
    An extra pair of hands is always welcome. I'm no pro I am just stepping up and organizing.
  2. dukemagus

    dukemagus Member

    cheers to django and the odd name guy... wish you all the best luck and success...
  3. yosi11

    yosi11 New Member

    how to save with nosgba
  4. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    I'm interested in learning too, I've been reading up on hex code and starting to understand it a bit. But what is the usual process for removing Piracy checks? I mean there must be more to it than modifying a couple of values at a time then checking for success. Is the code usually organized with it's events, are they any sort of on/off switches. Would it be possible to play through until you get a freeze, correct a value so it doesn't freeze. And make your way through to the next freeze until you've cleared them all out. Or is it a different idea all together?
  5. andante

    andante New Member

    I was wondering if anyone else has had problems during gameplay, as in when I'm dungeon-crawling, as I back out of menus, the screen will turn black, and the BGM will get stuck. I'm not sure if this is a ROM problem, an AP problem, a flash card problem (cyclods with the latest firmware), or a DS problem, so I thought I'd ask if anyone else has encountered this. This has happened about six times since I've started the game, and I'm about two hours in.
  6. Gryphon00

    Gryphon00 Member

    If I had ANY type of clue where to start, I'd have no problem helping. sadly, my only resources is a bunch of google and bing questions lol. I've yet to find anything anywhere else on the intarwebz yet about a possible fix yet either.
  7. sheeps

    sheeps Member

    i have no idea about this programming stuff...
    but i'll be sending you guys good vibes across the net :D
  8. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    I found a rom hacking resource, A starter ground if you will. It's a MASSIVE PDF file conceived by someone with a lot of patience for helping people.
    You can find it here http://filetrip.net/f8757-GBADSGC-Rom-Hacking-101-1-0.html There's a lot to take in, But be patient. It's starting to even make sense a little bit in my idiot brain. It goes into specifics to the consoles/Handhelds and the DS especially. It provides all sorts of examples and useful links to utilities.

    Check it out, Maybe we can get somewhere.
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    After seeing all the work towards getting things working in general, I think that I'm going to take up the challenge of trying to learn how to understand and fix hex code in games.

    This will give me something to do on the side and will hopefully make myself less dependent on others for future patches. It won't be easy, but it is better then endlessly waiting.
  10. WraithL0rd

    WraithL0rd Member

    well, i'd like to help too, but i dont have any experience in hex editing and stuff either :(
  11. duqwhdwjd

    duqwhdwjd New Member

    Hey guys, I got a Question. Please answer me with your indulgence :D
    As a ' dstt ' user, and fan of SMT series, I couldn't wait any longer.
    But the problem was that, I didn't have much money.
    But, I got some money to afford ' ak2i ' , and heard that this game works perfectly on this.
    Here goes the questions...

    1) Does ak2i work on NDSL? [There's no NDSi in my country yet..]

    2) I heard that, 'ak2i' is just same with the 'dstt' with it's not ongoing process of firmware update.
    And heard that it has a new firmware called AKAIO, and this game works perfectly on it's version - AKAIO 1.6RC2.
    I've got this 'MicroSD 2gb' with nothing in it. Does ak2i support 2gb microSD?
    And, all I've got to do is just unzip the firmware -AKAIO 1.6RC2.- and paste "akmenu4" and "__aio" into microSD?
    Or, is there any base files required before pasting those files?

    Thank for your answers :D
  12. django623

    django623 Member

    Just woke up so i won't read it right yet completely, but thats a great resource!

    To everyone, I'm glad a lot of you are trying now!
  13. ok well i cant say I have much experience but I am thinking of going into the coding and programing field anyway, I might as well get some exp under my belt. Ill do the best I can to help in my spare time. I just need some tools to do it. Ill need a way to run the code and hex editors according to http://filetrip.net/f8757-GBADSGC-Rom-Hacking-101-1-0.html. If anyone can provide help about where to get them that'd be great.
  14. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    I think the first step should be to learn how to source tools for yourself, it really isn't that tough to google, code editors and hex editors.
  15. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    Honestly one of the most important roles hackers need is a representative to inform people of status changes, people get all kinds of worked up when they don't know what's going on with a patch/translation, and most often the hackers are too busy to post anything, so if someone has time to post status updates it would probably get more support than people who have to wait until it is nearly done and get angry about constant complaints from people. A simple post every day or so even if it's just to say "no changes from yesterday, but we are making progress" would let people believe in the cause. Sounds like a good job for NeoHack, since he started this spearhead.
  16. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure it Supports 2 GB micro sd cards, not sure since i use a 4 GB one.

    Yep, all you have to do is download the akaio 1.6 RC 2 rar from the site, then just unrar all those files onto your card, plop the game on, and you're good to go.
  17. django623

    django623 Member

    I started it :(
    But i planned on doing that anyway but thank you for the suggestion. I will update this post with progress from all of us working so just post when you find something and i'll update it.

    3/27/10- Started, Switching Jap and Eng text files does not work.
  18. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    Oh, sorry, I thought NeoHack suggested it, but because he can't hack other people jumped on board with the idea, he also said he wanted to help but has no skillz. again, my apologies.
  19. lexsama

    lexsama Member

    for those of you trying to make the hack be care full, i just found out i ruined my usrcheat.dat file and cant find my back up >.> it was a good one too.
  20. django623

    django623 Member

    No problem
    I'm starting to read that tutorial while fiddling with my old books on coding. How is everyone progressing?