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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. sheeps

    sheeps Member

    The Japanese version of Strange Journey had the same save issue... and it was fixed.
    Yes, even for r4.
    So I think calling the r4 a 'dead card' is a bit silly.

    I guess it just isn't as popular anymore.
  2. lexsama

    lexsama Member

    there's a bigger demand for games over in japan and alot more people willing to do hex edits for those games (cheat code makers and the like)
  3. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    people, get with the program: the reason R4 is considered "Dead" is because it doesn't get updated firmware or people who work on it anymore. What part of that is so hard to understand? I'm sure people still buy it (usually clones) and clearly still own it but the thing doesn't get updates while other cards have teams who actually update the firmware and work on AP, etc.

    get it??
  4. Anacone

    Anacone Member

    Sorry, if I am noob. I just got my R4 SDHC couple days ago and didn't really put thought which card to choose.

    Look http://www.r4sdhc.com/down.asp#n new kernel is out. Ok really guys ::) more than month between updates and you call it "dead".
  5. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    I'm hearing it, But I'm still not seeing point you're trying to stress. Do you own another type of card and you're trying to tell everyone to go buy it instead? You're just reiterating the facts, we all ready talked about how The main R4 site stopped development years ago and that Yasu is no longer uploading Ysmenu. Patches and fixes will come out in between from somewhere as long as there is a demand for it. Pretty sure everyone else understands this already. Quit being a raincloud and post something positive or useful. This is a support forum, Not a 'Feel better about myself by starting shit' forum.
  6. buscozahir

    buscozahir New Member

    Guys come on you look like angry Pokefans and all that jazz... Chill out, what do you say if we take this space as a recommendation system? Let's play some other cool games while we wait for a patch :D

    Right now I'm playing super robot taisen and OH MAN SO MANY BEWBS
  7. snakerune112

    snakerune112 New Member

    Actually He is still working on it but refuses upload it due to people breaking his rule about uploading a precomiled ysmenu
  8. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    Corrected my post, Thanks : )
  9. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    I saw an Ys menu of 03/21 on yasu site. Maybe it will work? Has anyone tested it?
  10. lexsama

    lexsama Member

    since no one else posted anything about trying this i went ahead and did a text swap and used the JP AP code, it did not work, seems there is AP build in to the JP rom to keep that from working
    Post Merge: [time]1269646196[/time]
    thats is 03/21/2009 allmost all of us should be using that one allready
  11. asianpride528

    asianpride528 Member

    what is yasu site?
  12. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    Dammn...youre right!I didnt notice it wasnt from this year....arghhh!
  13. lexsama

    lexsama Member

  14. asianpride528

    asianpride528 Member

  15. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    yes, useful like all the whining being posted here? if everyone "gets it" as you claim then why don't they shut up about it? Seriously I hate these forums, it's all the same crap over and over. All I want is to see an update appear and I have to sift through pages and pages of stupidity. people need to just shut the hell up and quit posting unless they have a valid fix. good grief.

    and yes, I realize the irony of this particular post, no need to point it out like I know you're on the edge of your seat to do.
  16. lexsama

    lexsama Member

    o_O my Text swap is getting better, just made one that got past the opening menu but crashed when Arthur started to speak >.> this is harder then i remember
  17. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    Sorry but are talking about the game?
  18. lexsama

    lexsama Member

    ya i am trying to do what they did with the new pokemon games use the Japanese hard data, but the English Text, but it seems either my skills have dulled or they put up Road blocks for this
  19. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    Yeah i thought about that too! But then I thought it wasnt going to work maybe! But youre on the right track man!
  20. Starmongoose

    Starmongoose Member

    I support you 100% in the endeavour.