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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. satchliny

    satchliny Member

    okay thanks, I think I'm going to look into it now. DSi compatibility is not a problem, I have the DS Lite.
  2. dukemagus

    dukemagus Member

    boy oh boy... why does god hates me that badly?

    no one makes a patch, the acekard should have arrived a wek ago, the game that made me buy a DS is out and there is no original in my country.

  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there isnt going to be a patch for the R4. It is a dead cart.
  4. pythagorex

    pythagorex New Member

    Maybe not but im still hoping for a rom fix ^_^
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    It is only dead because people let it die. With the release of the updated YSMenu at the end of last year, people were able to play games that people couldn't/wouldn't make a patch for. The only big issues are coming with the new carts. With the amount of people who still use R4, I would consider it to be far from a dead cart. Somebody just needs to take the initiative to try and find a way to patch these games. I personally look at hex code and such and don't understand a single bit of it, so I'm utterly useless when it comes to patching.
  6. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    Im sure there will be a patch or a solution soon enough.
  7. satchliny

    satchliny Member

    now im debating on spending the money on acekard, how long before that's a "dead cart"? (if you can't already tell, im very new to this DS flashcart business)

    and im sorry, but If I could just ask one more question that probably doesn't belong in this topic, but can I use my FAT formatted 2 GB (one that works with original R4) with acekard2i? Or do I have to buy one of the larger, more expensive microSD's? I'm sorry about these newbie questions in this topic, but once I know this stuff, I can make a decision whether or not to take another hit from my paycheck for a flashy new...er, flashcart.
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    As much as I wish that was true, very little patching has been going on lately. If people are working on it, then we may see something eventually. The only solutions that have really been happening though have been coming straight from the teams for each card. Since the R4 no longer has an official team for it, firmware updates only happen if an outside source decides to do something (ie: YSMenu). In that respect, R4 has had multiple nails put into its coffin.

    The Acekard still has official firmware updates being created and is keeping up with the latest anti-piracy efforts. There is no way to tell when it will die, but no card will last forever. This is especially true once people start cloning it all over the place (coughR4cough). As for the MicroSD card, I'm nearly 100% that just about any size of MicroSD card currently on the market will work with it. The 2gb should be fine.
  9. tekken999

    tekken999 Member

    looks like nintendo has finally won
  10. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    The problem is that even Yasu (creator of YS menu) gave up on update because he said that people have been posting links to Ys menu directly rather than to his official site...and with that we lost support from Yasu!
  11. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    That's your personal opinion. The R4 Isn't a dead cart, The company and it's support is. There is nothing stopping others from continuing where they left off. It's just less effort to use a card with an active team supporting it. Make no mistake, the only thing preventing SMT:SJ, or Pokemon HG/SS from being completely perfect and playable on R4 right now is the right combination of hex code edits.
  12. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Nintendo didn't win, R4 got its self killed by being the first flash cart on the market. Although it was revolutionary at the time, it failed to keep up with even the clones of it being released. When the original can't beat the clone, it is kind of disheartening for the developers of that original card.

    Yasu should have known that was inevitable when most people couldn't even initially understand how to navigate the official site due to the language barrier. That is an awful reason to stop supporting something when you are the last who even remotely seems to care.
  13. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    Yasu should have known that was inevitable when most people couldn't even initially understand how to navigate the official site due to the language barrier. That is an awful reason to stop supporting something when you are the last who even remotely seems to care.

    I agree with you! I too though it was quite a selfish way of thinking, people just posted it directly because it was difficult to understand the site since it was in japanese. But unfortunately thats how things go...
  14. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Denial is fun isn't it
  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    If it doesn't have support for firmware updates and patches, and lacks a team who is willing to do just that, how isn't it a dead cart? The card still has a chance to come back, yes, but the chances are too slim at this point and many are seeing this. Instead of showing support to possibly get some interest in patching for R4, nearly everybody who uses R4 has said "Screw this, I'm buying an Acekard!" This is an awful way to get the R4 supported and encourages those who can patch to not.
  16. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    I think to fix the issue you have to test it in RAM mode and compare the hex values and be aware of any changes to the values that might trigger AP,maybe this would work...
  17. Makes me sad panda cause i just bought a new r4, and now everyones like "NO MORE R4 PATCHES"....
  18. kwiiman

    kwiiman Member

    All I want is to play on this game. I got an r4 ages ago, and my mums not going to let me get a new one as she thinks the ds is bad for you, so i need a patch really soon. PLEASE AP HACKERS! :'(
  19. NeoHack

    NeoHack Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain Toshiroangel36! i too an most frustrated because of this! And in my country Original games are just too expensive unfortunately...
  20. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    Nothing is impossible, It's only a matter of willing to put in the effort. All of us posting here asking for patches aren't contributing much besides showing there is a demand for people using the R4. I understand the chances of me learning to interpret hex code and understanding Rom values enough that I can start creating my own fixes and make a working patch for the R4 are slim. But really, we spend all our time relying on other people, kissing up to them and hoping they'll deliver what we want for free. Why not work toward the goal myself and learn a good skill while i'm at it? Then an even more anticipated game might come out that I CAN help out with.