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Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey - USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jason5877, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. saikkussu

    saikkussu Well-Known Member

    Got through to naming my person- screen blacked out when I tried to save for the first time
    R4 SDHC v1.32
  2. YamiYaiba

    YamiYaiba New Member

    Confirmed working(ish) on M3Real w/ new 4.8 firmware. The opening cutscene still has to be skipped though. Saving/loading works fine. No other problems yet.
  3. lexsama

    lexsama Member

    i got bored and tried plaything without saving and found a second problem YSmenu newist ver, no random battles happened in an hour
  4. adeboss

    adeboss New Member

    I confirm the same problem happenned to me
  5. duqwhdwjd

    duqwhdwjd New Member

    Isn't there any way to get it saved on dstt?
    I hope there's someone working on it... T-T
  6. IQbrew

    IQbrew New Member

    I had a view ideas, but failed on each.
  7. LurkerJC

    LurkerJC New Member

    i can confirm it working with m3 real latest firmware (4.8x i think?)
    but you still need to skip the intro scene, but it saves fine.
  8. beaudon73

    beaudon73 Active Member

    buchichu maybe if you read my post u would have realised i have read it all and a couple of posts said it worked on r4i but not which software which was the question i asked U could of answered my question unless U dont no the answer and had nothing 2 contribute which is why u decided 2 correct my grammar and silly me thought this forum was for helping people with roms not english :p
  9. FinPro

    FinPro New Member

    It's easier to help people when they write in English. And, this is just me but, I usually ignore posts like yours even when I could help. It's just annoying to read text like that.
  10. Henley

    Henley New Member

    Hey guys I'm getting random freezes with my version of ST im using a CycloDS with 1.58 final firmware. Do you guys have any fixes for this, or know of any?
  11. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    I can't really contribute much given most of it's already been said.
    I own an R4DS 1.18

    Not sure if the lack of random battles is a bug, I got plenty while rescuing the crew members. The first boss seemed a little tough though, Couldn't take more than 2 hits.

    I'd really like to help as far as getting rom patches out. I really don't know where to start other than downloading a hex editor and reading up on how to translate the code. Something about using tables to identify the data specific to the game. Would anyone be able to offer insight into the actual rom hacking process and any need to know differences pertaining to DS games? I'd like to contribute, but I need direction to start learning for future releases.
  12. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    This kind of writing is childish and annoying and difficult to read. Just because this is the internet it doesn't mean you get to make up your own language; normal people don't write with this internet-speak anymore for just that reason. If you want anyone to help you or even communicate with you, try using actual english. Otherwise get used to the hostility or just being outright ignored.

    god, that kind of writing should be outlawed everywhere. Seriously.
  13. beaudon73

    beaudon73 Active Member

    the shortening of words when writing has been around for years and was not made up for the internet and if u/you and2/to are hard to read and childish and using them would make people hostile to me there exactly the kind of people im happy 2 have ignore me and im pretty sure if i looked carefully on this forum i could find plenty of abbreviations ???
  14. nickfong

    nickfong New Member

    If anything, it's your lack of punctuation that makes your posts a bloody pain in the arse to read.

    Oh well. At least I don't have a download cap that won't let me download a 92mb zip file. Peasant.
  15. beaudon73

    beaudon73 Active Member

    im so surprised that such childish little people are much more interested on commenting on my graamar than actually helping i didnt know school was out yet mummys gonna spank u oops maybe u enjoy that
  16. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Internet shorthand (u instead of you for example) is against the forum rules
  17. Henley

    Henley New Member

    Hey lets talk about the game and its problems.
  18. YO SMT Thread Rage-rs! Im happy for Ya'll and im gunna let ya finish, But the HG/SS thread had the best Rage-rs of all time!
  19. nickfong

    nickfong New Member

    What's there to talk about really? If you don't own:

    * Supercard DSONE EOS SP2
    * Edge 1.9
    * CycloDS Evo (Firmware 1.58 Stable)
    * Acekard 2i, AKAIO 1.6RC2

    You're SOL and have to wait till a patch gets released. Crashes do happen here and there. In the meantime, we get to pass the time waiting for a patch laughing at cripples with download caps.
  20. beaudon73

    beaudon73 Active Member

    i must go and conduct a life instead of sitting around in front of a comp in my yfronts allday correcting peoples grammar coz ive got such a bad stttuter and acne i ve got no life
    Post Merge: [time]1269615996[/time]
    and i do appoligise for choosing to feed my kids than spending my money on unlimited downloads at maybe you shud get a job instead of sittin on comp all day spending ur giro on internet then u cud afford to buy the game PEASANT