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Sexual Orientation and Gay Marriage - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 9NineBreaker9, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. dave_salmon

    dave_salmon Well-Known Member

    Firstly - Scientologist's believe they can "Cure" homosexuality so i think that means they don't approve.
    (probably stated 5 pages back...sorry if it was)

    Secondly - I think the problem people have with overtly "Gay" people is that it's too much of a window in to the culture for people who are not gay. Seeing a Gay man or woman dressed in a specific way (meaning - Stereotypically homosexual) , talking a specific way, acting a specific way and conducting them selves a specific way in public purposefully so every one see's it and reacts is what i've found to be the root cause of many peoples phobia of overtly gay people.

    Seeing such a vivid view of one of the extremes of the Gay culture can be jarring for people because in many cases it is the complete opposite of what they have and are. Homosexuality still represents the open expression of many things that are still seen to be heavily taboo subjects and being shown that in such vividness is bound to cause some strong thoughts and feelings especially when you consider that religion holds sway in 99% of all cultures and most of the religions i know of "frown" upon homosexuality. We are still driven by at least the residual ideals of which ever religious belief we are brought up around or which founded or is currently prominent in out society.

    In my opinion - If your gay i'm happy to be your friend. If you find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with and commit to in the eyes of the law your friends and your family then do what you got to do to get that for your self/selves. Religion is overrated, whats taboo this week is a trend next week, society is falling to pieces under it's own bloated self, so who are the rest of us to tell you whats right and wrong. At the end of the day were all guilty of going against some kind of grain in some way, shape or form. Stop worrying about whose what and get on with your own friggin life.
  2. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    ^ this, basically. Very well said... actually, I think this just kind of summed up everything rather elegantly and simply 0.o

    My views have been changing of things rather recently due to... well, the little message underneath my picture. That and several other things going on...

    ... one tiny little insight into people I've discovered is in our teacher being forced by the state to teach the theory of evolution in the class - it's actually kind of hilarious to see how people were instantly angry, instantly put-off by the idea of learning something other than the religious ideas (as, well, this is practically Mormon country now >.>) that they've been raised with.

    Anything that differs from the social norm is viewed as taboo, but things that are viewed by individuals as wrong is almost like an attack on everything that they know - it's almost like taking an offensive on their thoughts and beliefs and disclaiming them in one fell swoop... which, to me, helps to single out those who don't really know their beliefs as well as they claim to. If they feel offended and attacked by differences in thought or opinion, or can't go on to explain why they feel so and themselves refute the "offending" ideas presented to them, I feel as though they're shallow humans whose thoughts aren't their own.

    My best friend is one of my closest for this reason - he's religious and attends church adamantly, but he's one of the deepest, most intellectual people I know. When you can bring alternate morals into your life, think upon them, defend them, refute them, debate them... that's the point when you've reached my respect. But when you use the gigantic book with pretty golden pages as your only defense with no sort of rational thought otherwise? You've no honor from me - in fact, screw you.

    So... what you said, Dave. And thanks for the ninja-bump~! =D
  3. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    The main reasons I find the homosexual stereotype annoying is:
    1- High pitched voices annoy me to no end, especially with sensitive hearing...
    2- They are in your face
    3- I hate culture completely

    I think 2 is the common factor for most people disliking homosexuals...

    Now as you guys know me; I can be quite volatile so the fact that i'm not ranting is that i've accepted they are people and I shouldn't get vicious too them if they irritate me; i'd like it if most people did the same...
    I am straight and I disagree with homosexuality because I find males repulsive in their appearance; people disagree for their reasons but if they aren't going to be civil about it they should just ignore it and avoid the subject instead of being volatile
  4. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    No, actually, the high pitched voices sickens me even more. Hell it fucking disgusts me when heterosexuals talk in high pitched voices.
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Here in my turf, I just dislike openly gay effeminate cross-dressing gay lingo speaking gays, oh & that's read as only one long description of a type, rather THE stereotypical Filipino gay, but I do appreciate the openly discreet lie-lowing manly looking gays that have, in recent years seem to be the more predominating "kind" of gay here in my country.
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I hate it when ANYBODY speaks in high pitched voices
  7. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    I like to think that my voice... isn't... particularly high pitched, but I know for a fact (really only after hearing me narrate a random video with my friends) that it certainly is a fair margin higher than most others. Which... is not a particularly good thing ~.~
  8. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    It's not as bad if you don't put it on
  9. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Self definition is both comforting and dangerous, to say I am gay or I am a Leninist or I am a dickhead may allow you to be part of the gay, Leninist or dickhead set of people, and, if you are happy to be part of such groups, you go girl. To recognise your difference is difficult and to announce that difference can be very difficult.

    To feel you are defined by that difference is ignorant.

    Some people who know they are a bit different speak out, some don't. For those that can or do speak out we should all be thankful even if we do not agree with them. For those that will not or cannot speak out we should remember how odd it must feel to be an individual, a person who is not us.

    The beauty of being human can not be measured.

    Some people tend to lean on that crutch called morality as an excuse to be a horrible person.

    All should understand what morality actually is. (this is the truth) -
    Morality is your mind's way of telling you that you are not ready to experience something.

    Many of us love to look down upon others, we think of ourselves as superior and better equipped to understand other people. We apply our rules and measures to others, and we gain.......we gain what?

    It may not be apparent to some that the arguments over gay marriage have had echos in the past - "Is it OK to marry a white and black couple?"
    In the past most churches in America and Europe said no, 'no way black and white people should be married', now most churches take what they can get. Unless your gay.

    Unless your gay!

    As far as I am aware a union of marriage should be between those that want to get married and god.

    If your an atheist couple I cannot see your reason to get married in a church, oh hold on here, the government in many countries say the only form of marriage is through their terms which are based on the predominant religion of those countries (who invited state intervention?) so as it stands in many countries your a bit screwed if your either gay or atheistic.

    The concept of state marriage has always come down to money...tax.
    Which is based on the idea that traditional 2.4 children families are more stable i.e pay more tax.

    So gay couples are forced to seek marriage by at least the state,if they are lucky, so they can have some sort of future security(tax, insurance)

    I find it very sad that many of us humans have been led to believe that ideas or identities can be tossed on scales to weigh their worth, and that worth is measured against money.
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Although that post is verging on a rant it is quite a good post and you have a strong point.
    That's a pretty good post
  11. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    I find it funny that the stereotypes seem to bother you guys so much. I find the stereotypical straight guys more appalling. They act all macho, pick up on every chick within a 5 foot proximity, and they also tend to get high and steal your beer and think it's alright, then hide behind their massive wall of friends when you go to kick their ass.

    And hell, if gay people want to get married and be as miserable as all us straight folk, they're all welcome to it! I'm sure some of them are for the banning so they can say, "Ohhh hunny! I'd love to get married! But oh shoot, it's illegal!"
  12. mgsdude

    mgsdude Member

    thread ressurection...

    i read the rules and hopefully im not breaking any :)

    this is my veiw on things :)

    being gay myself i see no problem with gay marriage, but i would never get married myself (hell no )

    altough being gay has had its flaws for me... none of my family (excluding my sister who has been my rock) talks to me anymore... i was severly bullied and battered at school (and at home) because of it i had my nose broke legs snapped and even run over because of my sexuality... some people can be cruel but thats life i suppose, i have some amazing friends who have been there for me and are my family :)

    to the person who brought up this topic, thanks dude :) not many topics go this far, thats probs why SOME people dont like gays, i dont know :)

    ps. if i have broke any rules repling to a near dead thread im sorry
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    If somebody hit me for being furry then i'd hit them back twice as hard
  14. mgsdude

    mgsdude Member

    people like that attack in packs though, i dont think you would have stood a chance, they never approached me while they were on there own, like a pack of wolves
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Biggest gang I have managed to take on by myself is 5, people who fight in groups are dirty fighters and deserve shame
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    if you beat them they regroup and come back at you with even more of them
  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yes that generally is a problem, good job I had a group when they had more to come get me
  18. mgsdude

    mgsdude Member

    heh school was hard for me, u couldnt report sod all because the teachers couldnt give a toss about gay people (i mean the way they handled the bullying was discusting)
  19. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    It sounds like your area was very opinionated
  20. mgsdude

    mgsdude Member

    i live in the UK, the area i come from is ok, it was the school, many of the teachers were in my view homophobic, the college were i go to now isnt and im blessed to be there i have caught up with my education and learning at a faster rate than i did in secondary school and i have made loads of friends there :) so to be honest, its turned out kinda ok in the end