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Sexual Orientation and Gay Marriage - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 9NineBreaker9, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    What factors?
  2. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    He's probably talking about abuse...
  3. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    maybe he's IMPLYING something....
  4. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    We interrupt this topic for a random, perhaps not entirely new, message.

    The Pope, as if we already didn't know what the Catholic leader thought of this issue, recently made his end of the year speech, stating something along the lines of "the human race is like the rain forest - we need to preserve it," condemning the acts of homosexuality and suggesting that there should be a larger study of humans performed, such as a science of the entire human race, before wishing that the Christian youth festival should be a rock concert with him as the star.

    Thank you, Mr. Pope Guy, for telling us what we already knew. Please go back to being old and having a funky-fresh hat.

    (sorry that I don't have the direct article, I've since lost where it was and don't have enough time to find it, as I am currently in Mexico on vacation... but strangely have enough time to write on forums... and have an Internet connection...)

    We now return to your regularly scheduled topic.

  5. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Enjoy your trip in Mexico. I hope you have a blast. BTW....I thought you might get a kick out of this.....

  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I would have been happier with Pope Snowball ;D
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    And the Pope condemns cloning... He doesn't know what he is talking about... Catholics also dislike IVF...
    This guy is just an old awkward power, like the Queen: useless, negative and unneeded...
  8. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    This just about sums up my opinion on the whole matter:


    As for gay marriage, there is nothing wrong with it and I don't see why there are people protesting against it. What difference does it make to them if two gay people get married?
  9. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Live from Mexcio, it's SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE!!! ...not really. Still weird that, even though we've driven into an area affectionately known to us as "the boonies", I still can get an Internet connection. Weird. Anyways -

    Gotta love the Pope hat.

    It's... PETER RABBIT! Yeah, a pope that was just a bunny would be convienient, as we wouldn't really have to listen to him saying stuff that we probably already knew from the get go. "ONMG HOMOS CLONING RAINFOREST GAAAAAAAAAWD!!!" gets a little old after a while... Kinda like the Pope.

    'Stonewall. Tackling homophobic bullying in Britain's schools.'

    Can we has USA branch? Seriously, man, that would be an epic Godsend for a lot of people. We had a student last year who became one of the first, if not THE first, openly gay students at our school (which, granted, is a very small school of closely knit people), but he was instantly treated like a second class citizen afterwords. It's criminal what people have to put up with, but it's comforting knowing that our lovely little potato state cannot and will not do a single damn thing about any of it.

    But, yeah - I have to agree on the sentiment of "What harm does it do to you?" Like, does every single time a homosexual couple get together or otherwise marry each other, does the world's life stream start dissapearing more and more? Do gay couples release greenhouse gases (okay, I think that's a bad example, what with it kinda being a falsity, but still:)? Do gay couples turn into hellhound who will rise from the depths of Hades and take over the world? Um, no. No and shut the hell up about it, already. Seriously, I'm gay, I think I get that by now, so you can stop reminding me.
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I just remembered this old wise saying, "He who fears or blatantly speaks ill of something is himself/herself that thing". ;D
  11. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    I have noticed a disheartening quality among most people, they tend to fear what the don't understand. And there is always the fact that sometimes people hate others for things that remind them of themselves.
  12. vhiznu

    vhiznu Well-Known Member

    not for me apopos....
    i know exactly what i dislike...and im not a gay either ;D
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    "All Generalisations are false; including this one"
    Basically, most generalisations are false...
  14. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    [Warning - post contains a semi-rant that, while having a good point, is indeed a semi-rant. Reader discretion is advised.] GIRLS GONE WILD, WOOOO! ... ahem:

    Most, if not all, generalizations are indeed false. In fact, a lot of times, they feel more like stereotypes than anything - hell, they ARE stereotypes in that they lump people or objects into a pre-established definition which may or may not be true. Kinda like one of those "You can tell a lot about a person by..." statements - they almost never are true and only serve to further segregate and separate people, typically on the individual's level, but also possibly on a much grander scale, into groups that most people won't bother checking to find any dissenters.

    It's one of my many annoyances when something gets labeled as some random thing, ranging from simply "stupid" to "gay". Last time I checked, it is not a predestined fact that things can be "emo" or whatever word you care to insert into that place. Unfortunately, for more reasons than one, most of my clothing, music, books, mannerisms, and even mere speech (more so its complicated, overdone manner than what my voice actually sounds like, though that too is insinuated) are labeled as being "gay", and, quite frankly, it pisses me off more than anything else that I have to put up with (which, granted, is not much). It's ridiculous to have every manner of your being labeled as something, and to have that label be, in this connotation and under the situations in which its used, entirely insulting. Perhaps my dress is a little peculiar, perhaps I do listen to odd music, perhaps I am overly expressive, and perhaps I do use English that's superior to the quality of yours, but none of those things are "gay", nor do they make me gay, nor are they a result of my being gay.

    The only thing that makes me gay, should you be using the word "gay" as a reference to my sexual orientation, which, as I am quick to remind everyone in my vicinity who use the word, does not mean "homosexual" outright or literally but has simply come to mean it (and that the only reason I use it is because I'm again too lazy to actually type out 'homosexual' each and ever time), is the fact that I am sexually attracted to people of my own gender. Nothing more, nothing less. So please shut up about everything I do, listen to, read, wear, or say.

    ... Sorry, that turned into much more of a rant-format than what I had expected it to, but my point still remains (somewhat) valid - generalizations are most always not true, and, oftentimes, they're more harmful than anything. Not that any of the previous ones have been anything harmful or serious, which is totally fine, but it's still something that kills me.

  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Stereotypes suck... Alot of people call me 'emo' or a 'nerd' because I listen to Rock and I know how to use computers for things other than Flash Games and Myspace... Grouping things has always caused trouble from petty arguments all the way up to wars...
    There are good people in everything and not everybody is the same but alas the people who label people are usually idiots or don't get appropriate information on things.

    Minds are clouded by religion, bad teaching and generalisation:
    If these 3 things didn't exist then homosexuals would be treated 'normal'.
    If these 3 things didn't exist then marriage wouldn't exist but it's non-religious equivalent would be for everybody.

    That's my opinion on this subject...

    --This is not meant to offend any groups of people, this is my opinion and I am not stating that this is fact--
    -----------------------------------------------------------Okay now Cahos?------------------------------------------------------
  16. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Perfectly said.
  17. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    "Normal"... my, that would be nice, wouldn't it? I wince a bit when I just read what you said, but I can't deny that homosexuality is indeed not normal. It's something I don't like to admit but can't disprove...

    Hehe, thank you~! I faintly recall hearing that from somewhere - perhaps it is just my own inner-voice just being a little louder than normal - but it's something that I've loved saying, anyways, and something that I would love to say to someone the next time that they call my listening to Coldplay gay, though I would never do such a thing...

    ... if only because I would add "PWNED!" immediately after that XD
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I'm talking about society's view on normal, the majority think of it as something weird through false stereotyping portrayed in the media and by the average person. Normal is not something desirable though as the 'normal' human or shall I say average is not too intelligent and they generally act like sheep with the majority...
    I am not normal >:3
  19. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    i feel your pain. just because i own a PSP and a DS, the people in my class refer to me as 'the one who only play games to show off'. they even jokingly (hopefully) call me 'Game Boy Absurd'

    on a more thread related topic, i agree with ninebreaker, if something is not normal, you can't consider it normal unless you are involved in it. example, someone who's gay couldn't think gay is abnormal. i myself one consider child molesting isn't normal, until i found out and fell in love in the art concept of lolita complex. in other words, something, if seen from just one perspective will stay that way. the only way it could change is if you change your perspective
  20. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Haha... well, who's to say what is and isn't normal? I, for one, have stopped caring entirely, if not for this, but for every other reason or aspect of my person being far from the normal sort of person that I see around me.

    Actually, I think that would rather be a cool idea - what is "normal", anyways? With all of the sorts of violence, crimes, wrongdoings and every other odd, horrible, and despicable thing that happens in our world, who's to say if that is or isn't normal? How can we define such people as being outside of some predetermined structure that one must adhere to in order to "fit in" with other individuals, with society, and with their world? That's discrimination on either an immensely personal level or an infinitely global level, especially as the definition of "normal" changes as you travel just a few blocks away from your house.

    I'm in Mexico right now, and, for these people, not being able to drink vast majority of their water is "normal". You might scoff, but when the locals can't even drink the water without suffering major nausea and a barrel full of other symptoms; how can this be "normal"? It's so wrong, so despicable, so sad that people should have to live this way, and that's only considering the situation of water! I probably come off as judgmental and rather cliched in saying this, but this trip, even throughout several tourist towns, even IN the comfort of small little resorts where we are still taken care of (seriously, we get Internet here, that should be a major heads-up), has kinda been an eye-opener for me, both in the small little things and in the grand aspect of my being.

    So screw normal, screw labels, screw being defined by whatever means you wish to call me by - all I know is that I am what I am, I am ME, and if anyone should have a problem with that, than that's their loss, as I am a kick-ass person. </ego>

    Plus, I'm as gay as a daisy at the moment (in every meaning of the phrase; wink-wink-nudge-nudge-saynomore), anyways, due to me having found the most wonderful person as of late, so I'm a little ecstatic and my thinking might follow that same sort of pattern... so, yeah - maybe this is all a little naive of me and a little presumptuous, but if those narrow views make me a good person AND if those same narrow views don't immediately stomp upon the views of others, then who cares?

    (Poking fun at religious groups - you can be in them, and if they make you a better person for it, good for you! But don't fuck with me, my friends, my family, or anyone else, or I'll return the favor. With a pitchfork.)