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Sexual Orientation and Gay Marriage - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 9NineBreaker9, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I was in here wasn't I nine?

    And as I said I support homosexual marriages because it will bring change, & change is good.
  2. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Oh my, I had completely forgotten that you were a mod, Cahos! >.<

    Anyways - yes, change is good. Especially good kinds of change, those are particularly good... as opposed to changes towards, like, becoming a Nazi state or something. That would be entirely horrible.

    But still! Some more of the well-known members of the RomUlation crew should share their opinion.

    And: WOOO! 100 posts and 1,000 views! AWESOME~!
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    One reason people can't share their thoughts on this thread openly is due to the topic's seriousness, by that I mean the topic's impact on society as a whole. It very much encroaches on the fringes of matters like morality, social conduct, religion & law.

    Also since people's views on homosexuality very much varies from person to person & groups per groups, it's very hard to express one's thoughts if you know (or in the case of a few others who posted on here without thinking about others feelings) that your views might contradict with others & cause mis-understanding &/or harm.
  4. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    I have noticed that it is hard to discern someone's meaning or "tone" when they type something. I know that some of mine have been misconstrued on more that one occasion. But I guess that's why we have emoticons......
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Well, I myself would never be gay, and I mean never; but I know what discrimination they go through because at may school I used to get bullied as much as the gay kids did because I talked to them and was friendly, in the end I had to fight the main bully as he wouldn't listen, unfortunately he couldn't fight fairly and ganged up on me with his 'friends', I managed to hurt the main guy for him to give up but the rest were still fighting, if I didn't get help I could have been badly hurt so I know what homosexuals go through with discrimination so I think they earn the right for gay marriage...
  6. a03dugga

    a03dugga Well-Known Member

    This is the truth, marriage is one thing and being gay is another, im not hostile towards gays, however i would never see that it is natural i mean c'mon. If they love each other then sure, let them be, but children nowadays are seeing it as a fashion statement, i mean it has already affected children. Its becoming a real problem.
    Im no NAZI or anyhting but it has got to stop.
    If my seedlings said they was gay i would sling them by their necks and abandon them, its a hard truth but people need to pass on their genetic mumbojumbo.
    My father was the same.
    Deal with it, and btw political correctness has definitley gone mad.
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    It may be off topic but a03dugga pointed out a good point, gayness seems to be turning into a fashion statement or fad nowadays. You see guys saying they're gay, but in truth they're just into this rising gay culture fad. They even have a term for it now, Metrosexual, you're straight but follow certain gay culture regiments like dressing fancy, using creams & such on your hair & face, concerning yourself with your manicure etcetera. It's good & all that "men" are finally learning to look "neat", but now you can't tell who is who.

    I don't condole the gay culture as a03dugga does, but he is right in saying that as a parent, we should take part in explaining to the next generation what gayness is, guiding them to which path they should take. Also unlike most people I'd welcome my son or daughter if they realise on their own that they're gay or lesbian, provided they are 110% sure that that's who they are & not just something the media is telling them to be.
  8. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    I hadn't really realized that it was altogether a "fad", but, then again, this place of mine is literally years behind the normal trends, so it might just be taking a little while to catch on. This also is the state famous for Neo-Nazis (having built an Anne Frank memorial for no real reason, other than to apologize for a percentage of our population being elitist [persons]) and one town has an annual WHITE POWER (!) parade, so there might be something to say there, as well, as to why there isn't any particularly noticeable 'metrosexual' population (and I go to a small school, too, so I might just be out of the loop entirely).

    But I agree with you Cahos, even in being gay myself. I saw one of those "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"... guys on a late night show, and I wanted to wring his neck - the only damn reasons that he's even moderately famous is for acting excessively feminine and overall entirely too gay, and I find it to be annoying and, to an extent, self-destructive. What does it say when the more publicized homosexuals of the nation are prancing fairies? It's built up this standard that I, quite frankly, find disturbing. It might be hypocritical of me to say something like that while at the same time thinking that people should be free to be themselves, but I seriously hope to GOD that his personality is not an act, or I'll go all Crab-People on his ass.

    And I can see the issue from a03dugga's perspective, as well, though I will comment that the homosexual population of the world is so minimal that there is not going to be any real impact upon the population any time soon, and that there are also indirect means of passing on my "seed", such as in donating my sperm so that a couple who might otherwise be incapable of having a child could possibly do so. It's not exactly having a child, but it's the closest thing I'll ever do, and I've come to accept that as a sacrifice that I am willing to make for myself - I'd rather be happy than enslaved to what I'm supposed to be doing... and I'm also sorry that you wouldn't be so accepting of a gay child. I mean, that's your choice, and I'm not going to condemn you for thinking that, but I'll still feel bad, nevertheless.

    ... and I did kind of have to jump through some hoops to convince my mother that I wasn't going through a "fad" or something similar... I can see exactly why she would want me to do so, but it definitely wasn't something I enjoyed doing.

    (And: Cahos, you picked up Metrosexual from South Park, didn't you >.>)
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    No, nine, it's an actual trend. I've heard the term Metrosexual even before I got into South Park.

    It began during the 90's when brusque men started to get fashion savvy, the whole colognes for men fad was the starting point. Haven't you noticed that after the 80's ended men started getting fashion savvy? I'm asking this if you were like me who went through three decades of trends & fads (this 2k era included). Back then there wasn't a term for this trend, it was just considered an air of coolness. I officially heard, rather read the term "Metrosexual" on a newspaper article published in 2004 here in Manila, featuring this highly successful business entrepeneur who the writer referred to as "being clean cut, smelling really really nice & wearing floral print shirts". The writer then blatantly asked if he was gay then the guy replied that he was "Metrosexual".
  10. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    If there were ever such a thing as being "Obscenely Gay", then the guys from that Queer Eye show would be it. Not necessarily all of them, but the blond one in particular would be. Most of the homosexuals that I know do not act that way. Honestly, some of them you couldn't even tell. Queer Eye is the stereotypical "Homo" role model that the media portrays gay people. An example that I have noticed is that all gay men are excruciatingly effeminate, and gay women are more "Butch" than a real man would ever be. I think that the portrayal of homosexuals has been greatly exaggerated by the media.

    After all, aren't homosexuals people too? Do they not have the same inalienable rights as the rest of us? I myself am not gay, but who am I to say what one person feels about another person, even if it's another of the same sex, is wrong? Sometimes you just have to let people be people. If two people that love each other, and seriously only want to be with that other person, then let them get married if they want to. What's the harm? Does it physically hurt you? Hell no!

    I do know one thing for sure, if my son, whom I love more than anything else in this world, were to tell me he were gay, I would accept him as if nothing were different about him. Love knows no borders. If a parent cannot accept a child for not being what they want them to be, tough shit. Parents need to stop living vicariously through their children and let them be the person that they ultimately must be. An individual. Not a copy. I love my son, and I accept him for who he is, not what I want him to be.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Sad to say though apophos, in some countries the stereotype gay the Queer Eye folk portray are actually correct.

    Like here in the Philippines, a whopping 80% of gays are either cross dressers or have mannerisms like those the Queer Eye guys have, or worse, a majority of them even go as far as the operating table. Only a staggering 20% are discreet & "manly".
  12. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    I have never been to another country to see how others act in a different culture from my own. All I can attest to are the ones I know. But America is a big place......I've not seen it all, not even close. I can say this though, no matter how effeminate or butch someone acts or is, I will accept them for who they are.
  13. DanTman682

    DanTman682 Member

    if your still wondering where I was going with that punkrock, I meant that they can all get married as much as they want, they can share last names, they can where rings and all that stuff, the government just won't recogize it. and if all they want is for the government to recognize it than they don't need to be getting married in the first place. now if the government was stopping them from holding a ceremony than it would be a problem.
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Hey i'm not camp or metro or whatever... I am straight and I don't act feminine but I still where fashionable clothes (except for things like G-star, G-star is gay clothing as it stands for gay pride, and stereotype clothes), I also wear aftershave and deoderant to smell nice, I don't see anything out of the ordinary there...
    Besides as long as somebody isn't wearing OTT clothes it doesn't matter what they wear it's what their personality is like and if you are thinking about 1 night-stand sex then it's what's underneath the clothes that count... (and if they have STI's)
  15. vhiznu

    vhiznu Well-Known Member

    as long as they happy...and as long as they dont wake me up....they're fine ;D
  16. jakenero10

    jakenero10 Well-Known Member

    A bit gross and all but if that's what they want then thats what they'll get.
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    How can tying the knot between two people be gross? They're still two individuals who've been given legal permission to be together for the rest of their lives.

    Unless ofcourse you're thinking of the sex bit & that ofcourse would be subject to everyone's perspectives.
  18. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    I am 100 percent sure he was thinking of sex :p But anyways, it's interesting to compare and contrast the mass media portrayal of gay (Queer Eye, etc.) and real life gays. Honestly, you can't even tell these days. Meaning that you shouldn't judge people for being gay just by their appearances/ certain behavior. And even then, being gay is their choice. Live with it.
  19. jakenero10

    jakenero10 Well-Known Member

    Actually there's no problem being gay and a Homosexual but consider a few factors though....
  20. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Is that all you have to say? The way your post reads is like you have something more to say. What factors? Let us know what you want to say dude.