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Sexual Orientation and Gay Marriage - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 9NineBreaker9, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    I (and Cahos) apologize if what we said was personally offensive, but we were just saying what we thought - I personally just find it a little odd whenever I see someone "flaunting" it, though that, like anything else in life, is their own choice to do, and if I were to get extremely uppity about personal choice and expressing yourself, I'd be a hypocrite as I, myself, am gay.

    Oh, wait, SPOILER ALERTZ!

    Anyways; you can be proud, and all the more power to you for being so, but you can't expect everyone to be totally fine with it - part of being proud is being able to look people in the eyes (which, granted, is rather difficult to do across the Internet, but you get my point) and tell them that you do not care, and getting immediately defensive about something is not always the best choice. I apologize if that does in fact make me a hypocrite, but that's how I feel.
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Wow 9NineBreaker9 that's a real eye opener, I didn't know :eek: Unless the others here knew & I didn't.

    No wonder you were very much into this topic.

    I commend you dude!
  3. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    Yay for people coming out! I feel the love here guys. Anyone up for singing some cumbaya?
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I hope you didn't mean that in a sarcastic way punkrockserfer :-\
  5. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member


    *is smote by a lightning bolt*

    And, yes - that was one of the main reasons why I had wanted to start a topic like this, and in a place like this. The RomUlation community is certainly both a very colorful group of people and filled with those from different countries, so I was mostly just curious to see what thoughts would be across the board, as my little town in the mountains is certainly not all that I wish it could be in that and many other regards.

    Although people on the Internet do not seem to particularly care all that much, if only because it's entirely possible to lie right in everyone's faces due to the anonymity that the Internet does provide. I did something similar in my guild in WoW and it gathered no attention... which is actually quite nice. I personally don't like being the center of attention, but this little thing right here tends to bring QUITE a bit of flak, gasps and pitchforks.

    But, yeah - there's at least one reason why I started this little topic here :D
  6. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    All im gonna say is 'If gayness was so natural then why can you only have children through a woman' ^^

    No one should harm a gay person because of what they do. To anyone religious, the bible says 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone'.

    One thing i find funny is that men who hate gay male people will have no problem watching two women doing stuff. I like neither T.T
  7. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    Absolutely not. I meant it sincerely, don't worry Cahos. :)

    Anyway, I just found this link to this video. It's very pertinent to our subject. Check it out, it's hilarious and it raises some great points.

    it's http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c0cf508ff8/prop-8-the-musical-starring-jack-black-john-c-reilly-and-many-more-from-fod-team-jack-black-craig-robinson-john-c-reilly-and-rashida-jones
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    anyone singing kumbaya in my forum will get banned, I hate that song. :p
  9. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    LOL sorry loony. It won't happen again... :-/
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you'd hate it too if you'd heard the Seekers' version of it. Nails + blackboard anyone?

    Also avoid 'Danny Boy', 'Open Up Them Pearly Gates' and '500 Miles' by that artist, but any of their other songs are awesome

    Additionally, Kiwis such as Almo and AJ might want to avoid that group entirely due to their excessive praise of Australia.
  11. Roy mustang

    Roy mustang Well-Known Member

    I do apologise if my comments on the gays flaunting comment offended you. That's just how i feel and nothing will change that.
  12. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Now this is what I hate:
    1- If people think you look like a girl then it's your fault and not theirs, it's a mistake that wouldn't be made if you dressed like a man.
    2- Gay pride is stupid, there isn't a straight pride, you aren't being oppressed, it's just annoying.
    3- Some 'Gay clothes' are appalling to the eyes, not because it is gay but because you see what you don't want to.

    I think gay marriage is fine, but I think people should go about it differently, you want it to be a normal thing but then you be in people's faces.

    You mean if gayness was so natural then why can only a man and woman make it together and not two of the same gender.
    Plus there's cloning for women but that is yet again 'unnatural'.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    * Sigh* If only Hermaphroditism only caught on in our planet's lifeform evolutionary path.

    Things would have been different, instead of sexual orientation issues like this, we'd only probably be concerning ourselves with personal choice as to who we want to be with.

    But if you ask me, I'd rather wanted Mitosis to be the path evolution chose above all.
  14. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    My best friend was gay. I say "was" because he died this past June from AIDS. I loved him like a brother and there was nothing that I would not have done for him (within limits). There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him and miss him. I'm not saying that I agree with the lifestyle, because it's not for me, I just wish everyone could be more open minded or at least more tolerant of homosexuals. After all, they are people too. As far as marriage goes, if two people want to be together, so be it. The only thing getting married does for you is give you documentation of the act. The last time i checked a marriage license does not make you married, it's just a piece of paper, the devotion and love for another person as well as the act of declaration that that person is your only "1" means more.

    As long as the parties involved are happy, then who the fuck are we to say they are wrong. And don't give me this "God said....." bullshit either. There are more atrocities in this world than two people of the same sex wanting to be together. I think that god (if there is one) needs to get his shit together.
  15. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member


    You're very much correct, though I like to think that love is more natural than the urge to just reproduce... okay, that sounds really dumb, cheesy, dumb once more over, but I look at couples who've been together for years and either do not want to have a child or cannot due to some twist of fate. Really stupid, poor example, but I still like to think it in my own, completely naive way.

    And yeah - the whole "lesbians" thing is a little odd, but I'm not going to try and understand that anytime soon...

    That was awesomely hilarious. "Jesus!?" "Hey, what's up?" .... XD


    And I must apologize, but I have to agree to an extent with CJDogger on the whole "gay pride" thing. While I think people should be free to express themselves, going out of the way to be up-front and personal about something such as being gay seems rather... pointless to me. I saw one of those gay pride parades and wanted to gouge out my eyes - it's beyond me how anyone can be that happy-go-lucky about something, though that's just my understanding and thoughts. I don't condemn it and really don't care at the end of the day, I just see it as a fruitless (how deliciously ironic) action.

    That would certainly be an interesting world, but I don't really like to go off on "What if..." scenarios, as I'm always the one thinking that, within that scenario and the future, there'd be someone exactly like the person who prompted the first "What if..." thinking what OUR life would be, what things would be like had that continued along the path that we know as our history. At that point vampires begin spawning with chainsaws and everything gets blurry, but that's totally off topic - it's certainly be an interesting world, Cahos, if that were the case XD

    Er, wow... as much as I can be, some random person across the Internet, I feel sorry for your loss. Someone within my extended family is gay and has recently contracted AIDS, and things have been getting all too serious when they get concerned with him. I guess all we can really do is just provide all the support we can and hope for the best...

    But, yes, I've viewed marriage as an empty term for quite some time now, especially after seeing my father break off several of each holy, eternal matrimony time and time again, and in seeing my mother dating someone for several years and them not getting married, even though they've since moved in together and sleep with each other. Really, I think it's a bit strange, but only because it's not the norm, and if anything in life, my current life and what my future holds for me...

    ... the norm sucks... a LOT...

  16. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Alright... my thoughts on Gay marriage is basically, I am for gay marriage!

    Imagine, as humans, we want to be with whoever we want. How ever we are limited by the religious set of rules that are interpreted in a different way (The bible can be compared to a huge metaphor...)

    I dream of a utopia where people can think however they want, do whatever they want, and freedom is however you want. I dream of the day that racism is non existent. I dream of the day where I can walk out, and it'd be normal seeing two guys/girls kissing. I dream of the day where the human race can certainly acknowledge the real purpose of life.

    I'm saying that like straight marriage, gay marriage is completely acceptable. Marriage is a bond between two people who LOVE each other, and last time I checked, you can love a man, you can love a woman, you can love each other. I mean, why educate us in true love where it is only limited to MAN and WOMAN? I hate human ignorance, it only proves one thing, and that thing is hate.

    I'm not saying I, myself, am gay, but I stand for gay rights! I don't care how other people think of it, those people who aren't straight can't help it if they love each other! True love has no boundaries, so does marriage.

    I believe that it should be legalized, it will satisfy the people's needs, and bring in more profit to the government (since it's against religion)

    I just wish that humans didn't mind how other people spend their life, chismis is evil and we all know that!

    "Oh look, that guys gay"

    "Oh you know what? I don't care!"

    We are only determined by labels, an extremely shallow point that categorizes us in a simple way. Is there any other reason that gay marriage is wrong, besides because they are gay?

    (I do not mean to harm anyone through this little rant...)
  17. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Am i not correct in thinking that the act of marriage is traditionally a religious matter? If so then i guess each religion should decide if it is able to bless the marriage of two people. Personally i think this religious union should have no basis or benefit under any civil law. This would allow civil authorities the ability to grant a civil partnership with associated benefits to any two people regardless of sex. Thus the religious groups who are homophobic can continue to be so and gay people can obtain a civil partnership. I myself am straight, i was married in a pagan ceremony (not state recognised) and i got a civil marriage. I really do not think that allowing any religion to interfere with civil life is a good idea, that includes my own religious beliefs. I should not have the right to dictate my own religious ideas on others and nor should anyone else. ;)
  18. vhiznu

    vhiznu Well-Known Member

    What you think is right....what you think is important....
    as long as this things are fullfilled...there is no problem to do what you have to do...
    but yes,we must think about religion,law,sosial in our life...
    as long as this things are fullfilled...there is no problem to do what you have to do...
    just dont break it!
  19. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @1prinnydood: You brough a very interesting topic into the discussion. Which body should be in-charge of marrying a couple, the law or religion? Originally, rather traditionally it was the church (or whatever you call it), but as several societies found it that state & church should be seperate, so did the body who gives the rites for marriage.

    Now that both Church & state can marry people it then boils down to which "form" of marriage is deemed "legal", "sacred" or both. Depending on where you're at, it can be that state marriages weigh more than a silly church wedding, or just like here in my country, state marriages are somewhat viewed as a "secretive" form of marriage, hence "incomplete" or "non-sacred". And most often those who do get civil married are couples who were "forced" into marriage by ciscumstances like the woman being impregnated by the man & such. So in a sense, civil marriaes here aren't totally "legal" because it wasn't backed by the church, an added bonus is that civil marriages can be disbanded by an annulment because it is seen as "not legal". However church marriages are considered "legal" here hence it's hard to get couples annuled. And because religion here is so in your face, such things as contraceptives, abortion & divorce can not be implemented, something that really pisses me off :p
  20. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    We interrupt this broadcast for an important news bulletin!

    My dear friend of my came across these two articles that rather sum up both sides of the argument in a very memorable way:



    The first made me cry a little. The second made me cry on the inside. And by that, I mean want to vomit. Majorly.

    And now for your regular broadcasting: