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Sexual Orientation and Gay Marriage - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 9NineBreaker9, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Could you quote Mr.Negative? Then we know who it's aimed at.
  2. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    um sorry cj....i was talkin to b0tnet.......i get a little excited about the thoughts vs beliefs vs actions debate.........just had to debate hate speeches and racism on campus for the debate team and won so i think i might know something about what i am talking about
  3. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    It's fine, but it's better to quote as you might upset/confuse people if they think you are talking to them and using @ also works: e.g-@So'n'So
  4. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    point well taken cj. the point i was trying to make was that if gay marriage were to be legalized, people would generally gain more acceptance towards homosexuals. maybe not today or even tomorrow but social chance i bound to happen when it is forced. hopefully the obama presidency will encourage more acceptance in society..........
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Quoting is better, especially when theres a high probability of a page wrap.
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yeah, I agree
    Yeah, you are probably right on that
  7. LS650

    LS650 Member

    I live in Canada. We have had legal gay marriage nation-wide for about three years: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_in_Canada

    So far, no problems. Despite dire predictions from a few critics, the institution of marriage is just fine. "Traditional families" are continuing to exist as they were before. There have been no issues or problems with gay marriage here.

    I've seen a few comments that "civil unions" are legally the same as marriage. This actually varies widely from one US state to another, and isn't true.

    I don't have a problem with gays getting married. Live and let live, baby,,,
  8. ultra

    ultra Guest

    it's actually a good time to have gay marriage becuase then you'll have more people getting married which in turn brings more money.

    you'll know have gays that will be making arrangements for cake, photographers, videographers, wedding planners, etc.... the list goes on. it's a good time to allow gay marriages.
  9. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    People should be able to do whatever they want to do, as long as it does not negatively affect another person or group of people. Banning gay marriage is basically preventing freedom of expression.
  10. catman8155

    catman8155 Member

    you got that right!*emails Tom Hanks*
  11. cncvdsrrw

    cncvdsrrw Guest

    Well, it's good to see so many supporters here I guess, and a couple of ignorant ones at the same time. I, personally am a Lesbian, and have been in a great relationship for several years now, and look forward to getting married at some point, hopefully where I live and not have to travel to across the country just to do so. I think anyone should be able to marry whom they love, be it man or woman, it does NOT matter. I am passionately for equal rights for ALL, I wear my pride beads almost everyday, reminding myself that I am not afraid of who I am and what I stand for. You want to criticize me, go ahead.

    Love is genderless.

    You can't involve your bibles and religious nonsense because there are people in the gay community who are just are religious as any other person whom believe "God loves all his children". And involving CHURCH into all of this is ridiculous and is what makes everything into a bigger issues, if you are well educated you would know that SO many things having a more religious connotation to it, have been changed, do to the more modern views society has today.

    They say "marriage is between man and woman"....and yet nobody at least in my family (females) are currently with the man they married and had kids with....hmmm?? what a functional, heterosexual lifestyle some people try to preach on you. My biological father abandoned me 7 years ago, and is hiding somewhere in Florida, doing all kinds of drugs and refusing to even pay child support....YOU TELL ME HOW GREAT HETEROSEXUALS ARE!!! I have many straight friends and have no problem with anybody, I don't just a book by it's cover...I don't care if you're BLUE and want to marry AN ANIMAL, it's your business! Homosexual lifestyles are just as healthy and normal as heterosexual lifestyles.

    Everyone should be free to marry, simple as that. I've been in relationships with both sexes and found love with someone that is a female, so what? We deserve the same rights as anyone else...And if you want to tie religion to it, THINK about whom you are praising......"murderers and rapist, etc" before even giving the Gay Community their chance, don't condemn us and say we are "sinners, going to hell" etc

    So many people really need to wake up and think of how times have changed the Gay community is growing more and more....and for those that say they have no problems with anyone "race, sex, etc" the second "homosexual" is brought up, it's a different case DON'T DISCRIMINATE against anyone, because you wouldn't like it if someone beat you for how you looked, how you talked, or who you loved...it's isn't right. I've seen so many storied, of hate crimes, some people can't even walk down the street because of this plague of ignorance that people continue to spread...it's sickening...Just let people live their private life the way they choose to. We don't bother anyone, we just simply ask for ALL of the same rights as any other human being.

    We deserve it just as much as you do, you have no idea how easy you really have it and how much we have to risk and fight for.

    Equal rights for all!!
  12. rschiolero

    rschiolero New Member

    I'd like to point out (as someone who lives in Sacramento, CA where the legislation was passed) that you worded your background story a tad bit wrong. What makes proposition 8 unique is not that it deals with gay marriage... it has nothing to do with the words 'marriage' or 'civil union'. What happened was that legislation was passed making it LEGAL for gays to marry. Then, it was written into our state constitution after the election that it is now ILLEGAL for gays to marry. It's the first time a right has been taken away from a minority group.
    It would be like repealing a woman's right to vote, or making alcohol illegal again, or repealing slaves' freedom.
    Personally, as a married man, shouldn't everyone be entitled to the same misery? Or, since the divorce rate in our country is 50%, maybe it should be illegal for everyone to marry. ;D

    "I don't just a book by it's cover...I don't care if you're BLUE and want to marry AN ANIMAL, it's your business!"
    ... um... why do people always think that the next logical step to "gay marriage" is "marry an animal" Kind of weird... Ellen discussed this phenomenon, but it's the first time I've seen it in action. Not unlike "all gay men fancy all heterosexual men" which is a bit egocentric I feel (there are ugly men on both sides, right?), or "gay men = paedophile".
    Aside from that weird jump in logic, I like what you wrote, cncvdsrrw
  13. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Please refrain from double posting in the future. I fixed it this time.
  14. DarkSpace

    DarkSpace Member

    Religion is not nonsense guys and gals. That's not being nice. I mean you may see it that way but there's no need to call it nonsense. I believe in religion and all that it says. Please don't call it nonsense. I prefer marriage to be kept straight. In allowing gay marriage, the government says that's it's right. Therefore it will be taught to the children that's it's alright because it's part of the law. Religion or at least mine says it's not alright, and by teaching my kids that it's right than your infringing on my first amendment right to teach them that gay marriage is wrong.
  15. awesomejo3

    awesomejo3 New Member

    well I'm glad everyone is very accepting of gay marriage. But although all that has been said and done. I am actually offended by those remarks made of the "wearing tight pants and pink shirts..." and "flaunt your gayness" and what not. That is actually very offensive. I get weird looks from people everywhere I go because of the way I dress but I don't care. I will wear my zebra/tiger/leopard/purple/lime green/juicy couture skinny jeans if I want to no one can stop me. I like the way the look on me and i will wear sometimes wear eyeliner if I'm in the mood. I've had people talking so much trash behind my back even while I'm within hearing distance of them calling me a "transvestite" a "dudette" asking me if I'm a guy or a girl. I AM A MAN. that is rude and disrespectful. I will not change my social life or the way I am to please society.

    I am gay and I am proud.[​IMG]
  16. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    With all due respect to you and your religion, you are somewhat wrong on a few points. The first is that people can say religion is nonsense if they want, as that's their opinion. I apologize if that hurts your feelings but that's too bad, especially because repealing rights from a group of people is just as (though probably moreso) offensive. In essense, you yourself are just as guilty of saying "rude" things by saying marriage should be limited to heterosexuals. That's fine, it's your right to speak your mind, but don't get butt-hurt when someone else says religion is nonsense.

    Secondly (and here is the big one that is WAY too common with people) Prop 8 does not infringe on your right to teach your children that gay marriage is wrong. The reason is that Prop 8 had NOTHING to do with schools, therefore, children would not be taught that it's ok. Furthermore, if the school says something you disagree with, you have the right as a parent in California to withdraw your child from any lectures on ANY subject for ANY reason. You're not FORCED into anything.

    And while we're on the subject of teaching children about gay marriage, can someone please explain to me why this is so terrible? Teaching tolerance of all different types of religions, races, sexual orientations, nationalities, etc. should be a good thing. WHY OH WHY would anyone want to perpetuate prejudice. Teaching it in school would involve promoting tolerance, NOT encouraging homosexuality. So what's the big deal?

    edit: Good for you awesomejo3. Don't let haters get you down. Someday in the future we will see a society when homosexuals are treated as complete equals and we will look back on these times in regret (just as we've done with women's suffrage, slavery, racial integration, and others).
  17. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    There is a fine line between being a racist and having prejudiced thoughts at one time or another. And I'm pretty sure you have 100% non-racist non-prejudiced thoughts in your life.
  18. ultra

    ultra Guest

    it needs to be processed. when society changes and new norms are introduced, so does policies of religion and state. when slaves were the social norms in the past, states and religion used them. when slaves were "abolished", states and religion stopped using them.

    so i think people are just being ignorant maybe due to the multitudes of various religions that may show dominance and superiority over the other due to this act. allowing this act would permit ridicule and shame pointed towards your religion from other religious group.
  19. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    You may be right ultra, but I still just don't understand how religions that don't condone homosexuality and make it a point to ostracize homosexuals can at the same time say they are accepting and tolerant. Supposedly God has asked us to love all of his creatures. I guess I just missed the clause in the bible where he amends that rule with "...unless they're homosexual."
  20. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @awesomejo3: There is a difference between being proud & being in other people's faces.

    So let me start by saying, if we may have offended you with our remarks about we not liking gays/lesbians who flaunt their homosexuality, we're very sorry.

    Now let me explain our side of the issue.

    So we accept homosexuality (I know most of us here do anyway) what we don't appreciate is when gays/lesbians flaunt it. We know who you are already, no need to go out of your way labeling yourself as such to get everyone's attention. If you feel the desire to cross dress then do so, but at an appropriate time & place. It sickens me to see gays in public wearing girls clothes, then giggling loudly so everyone can see. It's just like flame baiting on a forum such as RomUlation, you know there maybe people who are prejudistic who might point fingers at you & harass you & yet you don't care. Freedom of expression is OK & all but you have to realize that to practice freedom of expression you have to recognize other people's thoughts on the matter too, being arrogant won't win people's trust you know.

    With that, I again apologize, that's just my personal beliefs.