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Sexual Orientation and Gay Marriage - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 9NineBreaker9, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I've also read somewhere that even great Civilizations as the Roman & Greek empires were civilizations that fostered homosexual acceptance. Wasn't it even said that the fabled Gladiators of lore were infact objects of homosexual lust & fantasy? That the Romanticied Gladiators of lore fighting in the Arena for greatness was infact not that, more like a fashion show of sorts.

    Another thing I read is that light pedophilia was even tolerated, where parents of young men even feel proud that their son has fallen favor to a gay man. And in yet another reading, it was even said, that on the day that a man who has fallen favor to a gay man were to marry a woman of his liking, his gay benefactor would be one of the sponsors who would have the arrangements set for his man's wedding.

    I'm not sure if these facts have been debunked now or if they still hold true, but I got to say that I read these facts from microfilm arcchived books that are several years old found at my University's libraries.
  2. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Personally, I'm against gay marriage. Call me a fundamentalist/religious freak/right wing nut, but I am deterred by the very idea of same sex couples. I realize this is not a choice that they make. I think they should be regarded as anomalies in the process of evolution. That's not to say they shouldn't exist, but they do occur and should be taken as so.
    Anyways, I'm not bothered by their existence, and I don't really give a fuck. They should have the same rights of marriage and adoption as any heterosexual couple, though.
  3. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    I am also against gay marriage, I believe in the original or traditional view of marriage as a union between a male and a female. In my home country of Jamaica, you CANNOT be a gay person and publicly admit it. You would be chastised from society along with severe stoning/beating and the possibility of death. In other countries, it more accepted that you may be gay, as such, more civilized people easily accept the people. Personally, I do not care whether gay person are in existence or not, for they do not bother me, as long as they don't flaunt it, and act their gender.
  4. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Although I disagree with homosexuality I believe people should be able to get married because it's their life and it doesn't hurt anyone.
  5. marcy

    marcy Guest

    Let homosexual get married.

    I think it doesn't matter if a man marries a woman or a man as long as it's their both very own decision. - likewise with women
    Is there really such a big difference between men and women that we should differ that hard?

    btw. Even the mayor of the german capital city is gay.
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Heh that's nothing, here we have mayors, governors, senators & even congressmen who are both openly lesbian & discreetly, but through gossip get revealed, gay.
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Most men have lesbian fantasies anyway...
  8. b0tnet

    b0tnet Member

    Let them get married, so let the people who hate homosexuals continue their antipathy.
  9. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    forced policy change in return forces social change typically. if we just legalize gay marriage then people will begin to gain more acceptance of what are really people who are just kind of different from us. sure there are still some racists still around, but a hell of alot less of them since the US was forced to rethink previous segregation policies. look how far we have come with black rights since the million man march....we will soon have a president who is black, who might i add won more of the popular vote than any president in the last five elections. i think we can all agree that intolerance is our enemy.......how bout those damn people who are intolerant of violent video games? we should kill em all grand theft auto style!
  10. b0tnet

    b0tnet Member

    I don't think there are less racists today than there were before. In the early 20th century, people didn't mind admitting they were in favor of racial supremacy etc. I'm willing to bet half of the people in this community are racists. Every person has a hidden prejudice inside himself.
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    yes it does hurt people. if a homo couple were in relation to a certain religion then yes because it dishonors the sacredness of the belief of marriage. in todays world you may not see it because of our ignorance, our social positions, etc... but it does exists.

    "...To bring the bible into all of this is just crazy. Separation of church and state has completely disappeared...."
    yeah, but religion drives us. we do make decisions based on religion from time to time. if it wasn't then the outcome of society may be different [goes both directions of bad and good]. cloning, stem cell, abortion, etc.... if you truly favor that religion didn't play a role in politics then all those ideas and actions should be okay with you.

    i'd like to get feedback from the englanders as they live a life as a protestant, which comes with the idea of max weber. knowing that a homo marriage would not hamper anything as long as the homo couples are performing their duties in life.
  12. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Seriously, a couple, man and woman, who are not Christian can marry and call themselves a married couple. Why is this not offensive as well then? What right does one person have to tell another how they should live their life. Also there is no place to say "i disagree with homosexuality" its not something you can disagree with, its like saying "yeah I disagree with trees". All I have to say is get the fuck over it, if someone wants to be gay and get married then chances are they dont care what you say anyway so save yourself the effort. A person who is not bound to a certain religion has the freedom not to be affected by it.

    I challange any person in here who disagrees with homosexuality to look me in the eye and tell me they dont like lesbian porn, because shit we all know that we do, its a primal thing.
  13. marcy

    marcy Guest

    Yes. They have the right think what they want to think.
    If they decide to spend their life hating certain people, they may.

    There is still ethics that holds us from doing something wrong.
    People can decide what they do, even without someone telling them it's good or bad.

    lol :D fantastic example!
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I don't disagree with homosexuality but I don't like lesbian porn...
  15. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    no offense but i would really like some of what you are smoking.....it must be way better than the shit im gettin from over west...... there is no way in hell a black man could have been elected president 50 years ago.....sure everyone has biased thoughts but what makes you a racist is acting upon those thoughts and viewing your beliefs through irrationality. there is a huge difference between a racist and a person who has racist thoughts sometimes, and i would be willing to bet my shiny new 360 that the racial divide in the US isnt even half what it was in the 50's
  16. punkrockserfer

    punkrockserfer Active Member

    I say live and let live.

    Marry the same sex. Fine with me

    Marry multiple people. Okay, fine with me.

    Marry your dog. It's not hurting me, so fine with me.

    Too many people want to control other people's lives, and I can't for the life of me understand why.
  17. b0tnet

    b0tnet Member

    What makes you a racist is that you're denying it. I feel sorry for you if you really think people are that kind and generous.
    Just because someone doesn't act like a racist doesn't mean he or she isn't a racist. The acts of racism weren't scarce as they are today. Have a clue? Because acting like a terrorist to the minorities wasn't a "big issue" to the government or the law enforcements. Heck, they practically allowed it. Now, the issue of segregation is almost nonexistent because of the protests of the minorities, mostly African Americans. They pretty much forced the government to make laws to alleviate the problems. These laws provide African Americans and other American citizens with the same equal rights, which is how Obama got the privilege to run for presidency. The racists had/have no choice but to reluctantly accept the changes. You are right, there is almost no racial divide in the US, but only because it's illegal. If the African Americans never went on their strikes, I'm sure as hell we would still be in the same mess that was here in the mid 1900s.

    And what do you mean there is a difference between racists and people who have racist thoughts?
    If you have racist thoughts, then of course you're a racist.

    By the way, if you check out the statistics, you would notice that 90% of the black community voted for Obama, and no more than 20% of the white population voted for him. Fishy?
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Actually, 54% of the whites voted for him. Blacks are a minority, there is no way he would have got in without a large proportion of the white vote.
  19. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    B0tnet, I tried to put up that point too but more than half white voters picked Obama so it's not a big deal,
    my point was that Black people can be prejudice too but I went about it the wrong way, oh well...

    If they feel... 'Love'... If it's such a great thing... Then why stop them?...
    I don't know if 'Love' exists but if it does then it's more important than prejudice.
  20. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    um did you get your statistics from like KKK news or something? last time i checked over 50 percent of white women voted for obama as well as over 45 percent of white males(and if your statistics are correct then that means that over fourty percent of voters this year were black when they really made up less than ten percent of the electorate). what denial is there really? i would like to know. your opinion on this subject is so skewed that it isnt even logical. your thoughts dont mean shit! there just little things that scatter your brain when your bored it is your opinions that freaking matter. if i serve a native american food and they dont tip me the thought to run across my head is "damn indian" but in no way shape or for does that mean i am racist against indians. i have indian friends and personally think all people are created equal.......... but i see this turning into a flame war in the near future so i am just gunna stop and maybe i will write an essay on it (cause seriously i never thought it would be this freaking hard to write an 8 page paper on my opinion) back to the old grime...........;)