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Sexual Orientation and Gay Marriage - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 9NineBreaker9, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. Ema-tan

    Ema-tan Active Member

    Maybe you forgot, but the other person in the gay couple wouldn't be blood related at all. Adoption would basically benefit both the child and the non blood related parent in many ways. I'm not 100% percent sure, but I think most of authorities would not really view the parent as they should, without the adoption confirming the guardianship to the child...

    In any case, an adoption also brings a feel of security to the child. If I were raised by a homosexual couple who I really loved and viewed as my parental figures, I would really want to be adopted. It would give me the feel of a permanent safe heaven. Just guardianship is okay too, but a guardian can be guardian without the actual child-parent bond. In my view, parents willing to adopt the child express their wish to love the child as their own, not just raise him/her up like any other child.
    Then again, I'm kinda romantic in my views...
  2. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You should look in some of the other debate topics, 'god' doesn't exist so religious marriage with a priest is unneeded, so please explain to me why a religious connection has to be in marriage
    If any religious marriage is wrong it is a religion connected to the dead sea scrolls
  3. Ema-tan

    Ema-tan Active Member

    How can you be so sure that god doesn't exist?

    There are people who believe in the existence of "a god"/"gods". I believe that a god exists, when someone believes in him/her. I don't really believe in god creating the world in seven days or any other bullshit the bible tells us, but I do believe that there is this unknown force in the world. It is my belief and I can't change it. I've grown in a christian community, even if it is mostly christian by habit, not by belief. I feel myself calm in church (even if I go there rarely) and I respect the rituals. For me a christian marriage is like receiving a blessing from that unknown force, even if it is only a ritual.

    It is hard to explain, because all people feel different about religious issues.

    There doesn't "have to" be a religious connection in marriage. I, however, wish for it, if only for myself.

    In my country a priest cannot bless a homosexual pair. The church here forbids it.
  4. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I do believe that a 'god' could be possible.
    I just know Christianity is wrong
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the church is a human founded and operated organisation. It is based solely on what the humans running it decide is right.
  6. Ema-tan

    Ema-tan Active Member

    Still, the church is something that many people place their trust on. You can't just say to people that "you're beliefs are wrong" and try to make them anti-christian. And like church is human operated, so are the marriage rights.

    I wouldn't say Christianity is wrong. If it were, so all the other religions were wrong as well. Like any other religion, it has both good and bad parts. It is just that there are too many conservative leaders, who are unable to go with the changes. Christianity has also been used as a mean for war, but so are many other religions as well.

    In Finland it is a big question, whether homosexual couples could receive a blessing. At the moment the church here says no, but with time I am quite sure they will allow it.
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    They are wrong. I have not come across any religion AT ALL that could be truthfull
  8. Ema-tan

    Ema-tan Active Member

    That is probably true.
    Still, I think that all religions should allow the bond between two people of the same gender. There are loads of people who need some kind of "yes" from their religion. It helps them come to terms with their own feelings.
    For example I have a friend who is catholic and undoubtedly gay. But as he believes in what the pope (and other clergy) has declared, he wont allow himself to be with a man. Basically that means he might never have a good relationship. He has told me about his feelings towards other males, but he just wont act on it. I think it is kinda stupid, but who am I to really say to him that those conservative teachings are not worth listening to... I've tried to hint to him that it would not be that bad a sin, but... well...

    So basically, religions should allow the marriage...
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    That man is an idiot, if he wants love then he should abandon something that takes rights from him and gives him none or at least move to a similar christian religion that allows it
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

  12. sunago

    sunago Member

    I don't know about the rest of you here since I can't read minds and I definitely can't read minds through a computer screen but I'm glad the majority seems to find Gay people and Gay marriage okay.

    I'm a bisexual myself (though I prefer the ladies so you could say I'm more of a Lesbian) and personally I just don't get all the hate gay people get. Religious groups say that love should be between a man and a woman because that's what the bible says and because nature doesn't have any gay animals.

    Well the latter is already wrong. I know there are gay animals. You have a gay pinquin couple for instance. Also I don't really get how they can get that stuff out of the bible. Sure it doesn't describe gay people but I can't find anywhere that it's frowned upon in the book either. Despite all the changes that book has had.

    The only explanation for all the hate I can think of is simply because it has the word gay in it. People usually fear what they don't understand and most people just don't understand how you can fall in love with someone of your own gender. Something unknown is not understood, something not understood is feared and something feared is hated. Not to mention that it has been brought into a bad light sometimes with all the Gay parties where people deliberately give others AIDS. I think the main reason for people to be against gay marriage is either them following someone else's opinion or a plain lack of understanding.
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    In a lot of cases it's following someone else's opinion; the opinion of their religion's leader.
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I personally blame culture, the culture teached hate towards homosexuality but now there are gay cultures, it's basically the habits of the people
  15. sunago

    sunago Member

    You know that's why I am worried. There are so many people out there who simply follow someone else's opinion because they have status. I want to go to America for my internship but I'm actually a bit scared that I'll have to keep my mouth shut on certain things because of how massivly they respond to things. The Dixie Chicks are just a small example of how a simple opinion can be blown out of proportion and can cause danger.

    I want to go to America but like I said I prefer my own gender and I know it's mostly a bit frowned upon. You have some weird fanatics in every place but I guess I am a bit too used to Hollands open ways. I mean there were seriously people who thought that you could turn gay from watching the Teletubbies. Shows how little understanding there is. You don't turn gay people. You are gay from the day you are born, it's not a fricking skill you can learn or something.

    Anyway, if someone can tell me what I need to watch out for while I am in America it's most appreciated. I've heard you don't even get a Visum if you are gay but feel free to prove me wrong. Actually please do.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    depends what part of the US. The north is generally a lot more reasonable about that kind of thing, the south has most of the crazy religious nutjobs.
  17. sunago

    sunago Member

    The north...Does that involve California? Because that's where I am most likely going
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    california is in the southwest. Patton lives there so you might want to ask him what its like.
  19. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    That's true. I live in the southern U.S. But I am not like anyone else in the south that you would ever meet. I cannot tolerate the prejudices that I see and hear on a daily basis. Ignorance and intolerance about almost everything. I say if a man wants to be married to another man (or woman to another woman) WHO GIVES A FUCK? What business is it to anyone but those involved? "Well, my god says that homosexuality is wrong". Fuck you and fuck your god. If your "God" truly was love, why is love between two consenting people wrong? People make too big of a deal about this subject. We should let people be people, just because someone else does something that you're not comfortable with doesn't make them bad people.

    Love is a beautiful thing......no matter where you find it.
  20. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Gay marriage was recently banned in California 52.24% to 47.76%.