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Sexual Orientation and Gay Marriage - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 9NineBreaker9, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    well i like women
  2. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't call it an "issue". That would be suggesting that homosexuality is a negative connotation. (Which it's not. ;))

    I'm actually doing a Social Studies project in school on intolerance, and I chose homosexuality rather than the general choice of racism. It seems that if you are even the most slightly racist towards a certain ethnic group (the N word, for example), you are "attacked" for it, but if you use the word "gay" or "faggot" as an insult, such as "That's gay", no one seems to care about the social stigma homosexuals have to face as a result. I asked my friends about this, and they said it was just a "saying", not meant homophobically, but in reality, they use those words because of the current social norms; being pressured by their peers to be intolerant of "gay" people, and being forced upon a set of beliefs of which they do not necessarily agree with. And of course, the government disallowing gay marriage in the majority of states in the US oppresses the rights and liberties of homosexuals, similar to the Jim Crow laws of yore oppressing the rights of African Americans.

    ...Who's with me? :-\
  3. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    It is an issue in the way of breeding, if nature were to have a significant number of offspring produced that would not mate then it is technically an issue.

    And yes, I have noticed peer pressure an attitude to homosexuals, it get's rather a habit calling things 'gay' from some children and the fact that people are too scared to admit they are gay is a bad thing
  4. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Therefore, homosexuality will never be the norm. Instead, it will always remain a minority to enhance the cultural diversity of society. There will always be enough population to procreate and maintain a natural ecosystem. Therefore, homosexuality is natural because it was conceived by natural beings.
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    In a way yes, though in ways like this does it mean 'natural' is everything and therefore an unneeded word?
  6. 13ad13adMonkey

    13ad13adMonkey New Member

    Born2Killx is pretty much dead on - "That's gay" has become so melted into the mainstream society that it isn't even some sort of insult anymore, but that's something of a problem in itself. When people randomly call others "faggots", no one cares - I was walking through the halls, and some kid yelled "Shut up, fag!" to no result, but I, later that day, said "masturbation" within a contextually sound and adult conversation, and was instantly taken aside. There's something wrong when that's come to be accepted...

    As for "natural"... what the hell is natural and normal in society anymore? That's kind of a stupid answer, but, from my perspective, there doesn't seem to be any sort of normalcy anymore, particularly within the American society (and, coming from a kid living in the bloody mountains, that's something to be noted).

    Besides, I can help with reproduction - I can donate sperm for infertile couples, or take in children who have been left for dead by otherwise normal couples. And isn't the world pretty overpopulated to begin with, meaning that I'm really doing society a favor by not bringing anymore children into this world...?
  7. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    ^ that was me, somehow NOT on my normal account o.o
  8. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    He has multiple accounts! BAN HIS ASS! lol :p

    For me, the gay issue is a non-issue. Why? Because I simply don't care. I could argue on and on about how homosexuality is natural, etc. But in the end, it doesn't matter at all. I live my life, homosexuals live theirs. Everyone is happy. The end.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Except the homophobes/religious zealots, and therein lies the problem.
  10. DTheRPGFan657289

    DTheRPGFan657289 Well-Known Member

    Well, for one, the concept of marriage was conceived with the idea of a man and woman in mind being forever devoted to one another. Now, anti-gay religions are pushing that idea in order to prevent same sex marriages. They think that homosexuals are gonna burn in hell. But some homosexuals believe that God made them that way. But that's an empty statement on my end since religion IMO is just a natural idea that a person can adopt into their life to help them lead a life with limitations, hoping that by adhering to these limitations that divine reward will await them at the end. A homosexual individual can follow religion or not, be whatever race, ethnicity, or gender. It's about feeling content with themselves, despite what anyone tries to push onto them. If anyone forces an individual to make a choice that only conforms beneficially with what the attacker intends, then the one being persecuted shouldn't feel bad. That's what this same sex marriage is. It's a right that was established on a general basis, right? Nobody should have a say in whether two individuals want to marry one another or not. If they want to get married, let them get married.
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    There is no proof whatsoever of 'god' so the religious people can screw themselves, they use religion as an excuse for their prejudice.
    The WORSE excuse as well
  12. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    There's no problem. Religion's the problem.
  13. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Not all religious people are pricks. The following link contains a long but excelent article which you may find very refreshing and positive. Enjoy.

  14. geekalot

    geekalot Active Member

    gay marriage maybe illegal to the "ye ole buybull" but when two people are met to be in love just let them be what can be the profanity about that problem
  15. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    Homosexuals are a thing our society has invented. Sure you can argue that many men in history have practiced homosexuality, hell even the ancient greeks did. But still they had wives and they were more bisexual than gay. I think (my opinion, dont call me ignorant or some shit) that the "homosexuals" in our society are choosing to be this way and its wrong. Our culture is one of the only ones to encourage it. Ever.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    religious people attacking people's lifestyle choices is more wrong.
  17. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Yes. I've chosen to live my life in constant fear, oppression, and extraneous effort because I just felt like that would be cool; not because that's how I appear to simply be due to no real fault of my own, but because I woke up one morning and thought to myself: "Hmmm. I think I'm gay."

    ... no.

  18. Ema-tan

    Ema-tan Active Member

    I wholeheartedly would allow any homosexuals to marry, if that is what they truly wish for.

    Let me tell you a story.
    I myself have grown up in really secluded place. I think I was unaware of homosexuality till I was 14 or so. My parents are quite conservative and all that, and I never spent time with people who insulted others with "faggot" or similar. I've had a couple of boyfriends and girlfriends too, so I could probably call myself bi. However, I've realised that guys don't really compare to girls in my opinion. (I'm talking about both mental and physical things.) So I could be a really open-minded Lesbian too... Who knows.
    Anyways, I am still young and might be wrong, or not, about many things.

    At the moment I am dating a girl. In my school people are really open-minded about homosexuality. Nobody really advertises himself/herself to be one, but you wont be bullied about it either. And I have wonderful group of friends there too, who are all really supportive.

    I dream about marriage. Not yet maybe, but later. If it so happens, that I want to bond with a girl, I would really wish to call it marriage. I've realised that I really do believe in God in my own way and wish to be married to someone with a priest present. In my country that is not possible at the moment, but I guess I could get married in Sweden instead XD

    About adoption:
    As a kid, my dream was to have kids. That is what I still long for. If I was already out of school and done with my studies, I would already have one. I might not be able to adopt, but as a woman I am able to get pregnant. I think this is a huge unfair advantage towards men, who are not able to get a child that easily.

    There are two kinds of adoption. I don't know the actual terms in English, so I'll use a literal translation from my mother language. "Inner adoption" is when the kid is blood related to the other person in the couple. Imagine a situation, where you have a kid with someone and that someone dies/leaves etc. Some years later you get married/bonded/or-something-similar to a person with the same gender. You raise the kid together and he/she grows deeply attached to you both. The other person in the relationship would of course want to adopt the child, not just because of confirming them to be a family, but also to ensure the legal rights of inheritance and other things. If the kid was not adopted, he/she could never inherit etc. And what if the kid was not your own kid at all, but perhaps your nephew, whose parents were unable to raise him. Would you like to adopt him, even if you were in a homosexual relatioship?
    I don't know about you, but I'd surely want to.
    Luckily, in Finland they allowed "inner adoption" very recently"^o^

    The other kind of adoption is "outer adoption", meaning "outside of family". I my country, adoption is allowed for single women, but not lesbian-pairs. But what if someone adopted first and found a partner afterwards... Think about that.

    I don't think that a kid would grow twisted or homosexual just because of his/her homosexual family. True, the kid would definitely be more open about things in his/her views, but it's again nature vs. nurture. If a kid from a straight family can be homosexual, why a kid from homosexual family couldn't be straight. I myself grew up with parents to whom I still do not wish to talk about my views. I recently confessed to my mom. (After 3 years of waiting, lol) and she took it okay, but I could read her expression. She assumes/hopes that this is just something all teenagers have to "try out". However, she advices me not to tell father, which I wont. He is too racist towards gay/lesbian people...

    In an ethic class we discussed this adoption thing and one girl declared that "the kid would be SO bullied for having two dads or moms!" Might be. But let's not forget that 30 years ago kids were bullied for having "no dad/mom" (divorced families, or single moms/dads). Nowadays it is just normal. I guess the same could happen with homosexual families.

    This is turning to a rant, so I guess I'll stop here XD
  19. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much for sharing all of that, Ema-tan =] that really made my day ^^

    I, too, didn't really know about homosexuality until the 6th grade or so (thanks to being a secluded, protected child) when some students randomly asked me and everyone else in the class if they were "Queer or straight"... I, of course, decided to say queer, because I thought it sounded cooler. Only later that day, when I asked my mom what it meant, had I any idea what it was to be gay, and I started to think more and more about that, and noticing as well that I never really paid attention to girls, but always noticed when a guy friend was looking good or different or something...

    Ahhh, yes, adoption and child rearing - I didn't even consider that when I made this topic! That's a whole other issue entirely, and I agree with what Ema-tan already said:

    I can't even really think of what a better term for these kinds of adoption would be, but both of them make sense...

    I read a story a while back about a gay couple, both social workers, who had saved a teenage boy from his mother, who effectively tortured him - she beat him, made him clean up his own blood from the walls, dressed him in rags and little dresses to make fun of him, never taught him out to take care of his teeth or anything... she made his life hell. And these two saved the kid. This kid was, however, the nephew (I believe - perhaps the brother) of one of the gay men in the couple, and due to laws in the US, can't adopt him into their own family so that he can be finally away from the straight mother that beat the shit out of him, and only because of their sexual orientation.

    Now, me being gay might give me just a little bit of bias, but if I had to choose between an extremely abusive parent and a gay couple that could actually raise me right... I think I would have to choose the latter. It's really quite a shame that adoption laws like this prevent a kid from finding a good home...

    ^ basically, all of that - as far as I know, my straight parents raised a gay kid, so, were I to raise a child with another homosexual, it's not as if that kid will be gay, as well. I would just never want to, both out of not really liking children and being afraid that the kid would be bullied at school for having two fathers, though I know kids raised by gay parents do very well.
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    who said they had to adopt the kid? if he's the nephew of one of the men then theres a blood relationship and they should just be able to raise him.its when theres no blood relationship that adoption becomes necessary.