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Sexual Orientation and Gay Marriage - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 9NineBreaker9, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Firstly - oh yeah, I'm going there. Mostly because I'm bored. But I am SO going there.

    Secondly - 'tis a friendly debate and sharing of thoughts, beliefs and views. No unjustified hate - we can agree to disagree, but, please, for everyone's sake, don't be a stick in the mud.

    Having glanced at an extremely lengthy discussion on the Escapist on the apparently infamous Proposition 8 in California, I feel compelled to bring over the whole discussion here...

    For those who do not know, a law was passed in California without any real public voting that allowed for the marriage of same-sex couples (and calling it marriage - there do exist other such 'civil unions' that mean the same thing, but now they called it marriage). There rang cries of protest, and a proposition to change the judge's rulings in favor of marriage being exclusively a matter between a man and a woman was quickly introduced - Proposition Eight. Debate raged and voters have voted in an extremely tight call with the majority lying in "YES", returning the law back to the way it was, but not without protest.

    Naturally, two sides have been formed around this issue - those who wanted to protect the meaning of "marriage" as being a union between a man and a woman, largely citing the Bible as stating as that was what a marriage was to be, and those who wish for homosexuals to marry for the sake of actual equality.

    Now, I ask you, the good people of RomUlation - what are your thoughts on this touchy subject, where do you stand, both on the subject of gay marriage and of homosexuality itself? I venture this question knowing full well that a flame war might ensue, but curiosity does indeed have the better of me and I just can't help but wondering.
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I see no problem with someone wanting to spend the rest of their life bound to another regardless of whether it be a man and a woman, two men, or two women. I don't see any harmful consequences in the long run and it doesn't really cause me any trouble so I see no reason not to let them be bound together in some big expensive ceremony. :p

    On the flame war thing though, there's a couple admins with some itchy banning fingers so anyone who wants to go that course might want to think twice. :p
  3. Rob91

    Rob91 Well-Known Member

    All I have to say is that I'm for anything that is straight.
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I'm not too far on one side of yay or nay of same sex marriages, however I know that many Americans are against that and homosexuality. But if the same sex want to get married, then that's no problem really. I just don't want it to culturally have an effect. I'm not a macho macho man like Winterreise is though.

    And don't even get me started on bestiality. Good stuff. Very good stuff.
  5. Roy mustang

    Roy mustang Well-Known Member

    i don't mind gays. but i hate the type who flaunts it around and wears tight pants and pink shirts etc. That makes me sick
  6. CarnageMayhem

    CarnageMayhem Member

    First of all, people are free to be with anyone they like... So, why marriage is forbidden for "gay people"?
    C'mon, is just a tittle, nothing else. For those who claim that the bible says this or that, well that's how they understand it, after all, bible is just a bunch of advises for a better life, not rules or laws.

    If they like to be with someone of their same sex, go ahead, life is too short to be complaining about nonsenses.

    And after all, those who oppose gay marriage, of what are afraid of? Society is so twisted & wicked already, like Anandjones talking about off-topic stuff.

    As long as that behaviour doesnt affect others in a direct, evil way, it's just ok, not fine or bad, just ok.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    In my opinion, this is going too far. It is not for the government to say who you can or cannot marry; that is just being totalitarian. I do not think that gay people should be denied something they want on account of being gay. Marriage means nothing these days anyways, just look at the number of divorces/re-marriages. There was a time when marriage was a commitment for life, and that is still in the vows for Christian marriages. Divorce is actually illegal in the UK, according to a centuries old statute that has never been repealed. This statute is conveniently ignored on a regular basis; but it is still law.

    I had a gay friend at school. He was a bit of a troublemaker and was slightly unpopular because of that, however the second he encountered actual homophobia that threatened his place in the school, the entire year group rallied behind him and got the decision overturned. If he decided to get married to another guy, then I would wish him all the best; I really believe gay marriage (or at least civil partnerships, which are the same thing minus the church service) should be allowed in law.
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Let gay marry and we call it butt buddies, instead of man and bride, we call it butt buddies, instead of married, you are butt buddies.

    sorry, cant resist XD

    anyway IMO the word marriage is already corrupted now days, so letting gay and les married wont do any harm to the word, not to mention its just a word.

    homo (gay and les) should have the same right as normal couple since they are also human not freak from other planet. so they deserve the right to get married.
  9. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    Homosexual unions be it marriage or civil unions do NOTHING to actually hurt anyone else.
    I have many friends who are homo or bi-sexual and I support them. To bring the bible into all of this is just crazy. Separation of church and state has completely disappeared. Just how churches were saying you would no longer be part of the congregation if you voted for Obama. Complete bull that they have no right to do.
    Let the homosexuals marry!
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I'm actually for it, let people be free to choose who they want to be & who they want to be with.

    But to be honest, I only agree to this because it can serve as a test to see if two men or two women can really live together as a married couple & if they can really stand the tests of time & each other, just like a heterosexual married couple. And because the countries who approved of homosexual marriages are progressive nations, meaning they have challenged most of society's age old dogmas & have benefited from it.

    Being off topic here, take for example divorce, because of it ailing marriages can be legally terminated, though it's usually the children who gets the bad end of the stick & the parents having to explain to them that "it was just not meant to be" or "The flames of passion just couldn't stay lit", then having to explain that it wasn't their fault.

    Sure it will be a very drastic impact to society, especially to the devout whatever religion they might have who sees marriage as a "sacred" union of only a man & woman, but in time, it might be accepted in society, just like divorce did. But this time, unlike divorce that was like a bitter pill to take, Homosexual marriage would be an enormously sharp pill to swallow.


    Oh & let me just add, just like Roy Mustang, I don't like gays or Lesbians who flaunt it, cross dressing, talking gay speak & over all acting... well gay. I rather appreciate gays & lesbians who don't look like it only to find out usually through gossip that this macho good looking guy was actually gay & is in a relationship with another gay or this seemingly voluptous looking chick you thought was hot, was infact a lesbian living with another seemingly hot looking lesbian woman 8)
  11. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Wow - I wasn't expecting this much support, even if it is out of a civil belief that the government should not be able to step in... it's a refreshing change of pace from my largely homophobic place of living.

    For me, I ask - what would gay marriage do to you? All those who don't want it to go on... what sort of impact would it have on your daily life? I'm assuming none unless your spending entirely too much time worrying over about the word "marriage" being even more corrupted than this eternal bond of matrimony and all that jazz already is, but it would mean a hell of a lot more for those on the other side of the argument.

    Sure, it'll take some time, but I for one think that this will be an issue that will come to be resolved in a healthy matter for everyone. Like Cahos said - it's going to be a big, painful pill to swallow for the people, but once it goes down, it's all good.

    And I... third (?) the emotion that overly, openly gay people are a little... unsettling. We get it, you're gay, alright? Can you please stop talking in a lisp and dressing in florescent colors, now? Please? And stop with the gay pride parades, they're really... erm... [a word far more clever and fitting than 'gay'].

    ... BUTT BUDDIES. (... Well what about lesbians...?)

    It had to be said. Again.
  12. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    On a religious level, I can see how a gay couple would be turned away from marriage. I would wed them, but I'm a constitutionalist -- the church can do what they please. HOWEVER, when it comes to civil debate, there's absolutely no reason that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. Where the fuck are equal rights? What pisses me off more than the restrictions against gay marriage are the people who are outspokenly against it. If you're against gay marriage, that's your opinion (as homophobic as it may be), but protesters and such should burn for their intolerance. Protesting itself isn't bad, but protesting gay marriage is something that I just can't understand. How can someone be so verbose without being seriously troubled by gay marriage -- something that won't affect their lives at all (and only improve the lives of the gay community)? It's just selfish. Childish. Obnoxious.

  13. b0tnet

    b0tnet Member

    Because marriage is a religious ceremony, and I believe there is no contemporary religion that supports being gay.
  14. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Bite me for this, but personally I believe anything which is the opposite of the beliefs of fundamentalists.

    Therefore, homosexuality and gay marriage do not bother me.
  15. b0tnet

    b0tnet Member

    You believe in anything that contradicts fundamentalism? I think that's a little too extreme.
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Stupid off topic Question:

    Because b0tnet said there are no contemporary religion that doesn't support homosexuality. May I ask, does Scientology recognize homosexuals & the aforementioned topic of homosexual marriage? Because if it does, that's the one religion who might not agree with your argument.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    scientology is incapable of logical and/or rational decisions.
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Another thought which might be off topic...

    I'd like to share something from my country's cultural past...

    Long before Islam & Christianity found it's way here it is said our ancestors used to have its own Civilization rich with its own beliefs & customs. A part of this lost culture was the recognition of gays & lesbians. No, they were not driven as outcasts nor were they considered part of "normal" society, they were chosen as Spiritual leaders & advisors! The ancient Civilization believed that homosexuals, weither gays or lesbians were emmisaries from the Gods because they can understand & feel what both man & women feels & knows. They were referred to as the "Babaylan" which was derived from "Babae (woman) & Lakan (man). But with the arrival of Islam & later Christianity this old Cultural heritage was marked as "Paganistic or Heretic" so in the end it was by the hand of a new religion that led to homophobia & homosexual intolerance here.
  19. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    well there was a time or still is a time in some countries that marriages are all arranged for the benefit of one family or another. we should all(or at least those of us that do) be happy that we live in countries where we can marry somebody because "gasp" we actually love them. if homosexual people would like to marry a person of the same sex as they are, then let them be, is it really hurting anybody? besides i find what polygimyst's do to be more offensive than gay people getting married any day
  20. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Pretty much. I just read the protesters against it as them being intolerant, wish they could think otherwise, and continue on. But, just to clarify, people were protesting after the passing of Prop 8 for gay marriage/against the passing of the proposition. But, yes, protesters otherwise against gay marriage don't sit well with me.

    That's kind of my thought, too - would you care to better clarify that, Born2Killx, or is that to be taken entirely literally...?

    What Loony said. Although it might be argued that because gay marriage is something like "crazy" and Scientology is "crazy" that they could go together. But I don't want anything to have any association with Scientology, really... XD

    That's... actually really interesting. I don't think I've ever heard of something like that, but, then again, I don't hear much of anything. Still though, that's a cool thing to note...

    My thoughts exactly - why not let a man be tortured for the rest of his life thought the wonders of marriage, regardless of who he just so happens to be marrying?