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Sexiest Girl in Video Games [Beware: Explicit Content]

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by alcaclarke, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. Rumiko

    Rumiko Well-Known Member

    I friggin love Momiji!
  2. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    There you go:
    Claire Redfield Naked!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You people are too much perver t ain't you? XD
    Ain't this ass so beautyful?
  3. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Yes it is. XD
    So I have a funny feeling your a Resident Evil fan...

    And Sheva in my favorite costume of RE 5. XD
  4. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I wonder when the modders will make a naked version of her?
    Oh well that's why I love to play games in PC herhehe.
  5. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    I don't play games on PC much, but when they do make a nude Sheva patch, I will be there to see the screenshots. XD
  6. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member


    Lol. Britney Spears sim.


    All the world needs is Pleinair. Who needs sexy when you've got adorable?!
  7. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Yeah, ew. No. XD

    How about Rebecca Chambers?
  8. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    For some reason I found her to be pretty annoying...
  9. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    I'm not a huge RE fan, so I haven't played most of the games. So I wouldn't know.
  10. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Jade. First person I've seen that can actually pull of green lipstick.

    Faith. She's kickass, and has a tattoo that doesn't suck ass.
  11. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    I'm not a fan of the tattoo under her eye, but the one on her arm is awesome!

    Catherine-B320 from Halo Reach!
  12. bushy100

    bushy100 Well-Known Member

  13. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Well, judging by her womanly figure, BREASTS and woman's underwear, I would say it's a female. XD
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Yeah so...

    [me=hYpNoS]bitch slap's bushy[/me]
  15. bushy100

    bushy100 Well-Known Member

    but it looks like a guy!

    be reasonable!
  16. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Is it because of the short hair?
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The fine figure says other wise.

    ...what's disturbing though is there is guys that can be mistaken for girls...

    They aren't allowed to be posted here, lucky for you it's just not the best looking face of sukura.
  18. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Eh, it looks fine to me! :D
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I agree, but if you squint it can look like some of the cos-plays I seen...and I mean the guys dressing as girls...

    F***ing creepy!
  20. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    I've always thought cosplay to be a touch creepy anyways. I guess it's because a majority of the cosplayers I've seen are fat North Americans in 5 minute costumes.