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Sexiest Girl in Video Games [Beware: Explicit Content]

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by alcaclarke, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    This picture was posted already in black and white. ::) But it's a lot cuter in color. mmmm.
  2. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Actually that's not the picture I'm talking about :p


    This is :p
  3. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    I liked the other picture better. ;D
    But this one is still super cute. >_<
  4. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Click my Witch ::)
  5. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    You're not the only one who has one ::)


    I have two of them ::)
  6. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    But mine is moar cute~
  7. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I have that one too ::)

    And here's another Witch ::)

  8. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    I'd say you guys (and gals) are insane
  9. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    someone REALLY should close this. if the mods don't lock this then...... YOU FREAKIN PERVERTS!
  10. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    That thing kills.
  11. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    There's nothing wrong with this topic.
    If you don't like it don't click it then.

    Here's a catgirl version of the Witch

    Call me a Witch fan.
  12. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    you should just ignore this thread, you idiot
  13. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Don't be a hater. The thread doesn't break any rules. Leave it alone if you don't like it.
  14. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    Mia or chef frompheoniz wright ace attorney =D
  15. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    "All content submitted by a user must adhere to a PG-13 guideline. No explicit images, language or content otherwise offending to minors" WHAT DO YOU SAY TO DAT?
  16. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    If you pay a small attention to this topic, you will notice that some mods were also posting in this topic.

    Btw, this topic is probably older than your acc itself :>
  17. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    These aren't naked pics here, so you can't complain about it, if ya don't like it, then don't see it.
    And stay on topic and put a god dammit pic of a sexy game girl here!
  18. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    if you can read the title of the thread, you can see it says
    Beware : Explicit content
    you have been warned and if you clicked on this thread and find it stupid, then that's your problem
    and now that you've posted in this, you're doomed too
  19. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I say the warning is in the thread title so it's your fault for coming in here. Tirith keeps a close eye on it(for more than a few reasons I imagine...) and I don't really care either way. You really have no one to blame but yourself for coming into this thread when it's clearly stated that it might have stuff that doesn't fit the PG-13 guideline.

    Please stop complaining about it.
  20. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    For all those Yuri/Left 4 Dead lovers.

    Yes it is appropriate so you can click away.