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Seriously. This Should Be Illegal.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WhiteAndBlue, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. WhiteAndBlue

    WhiteAndBlue Member

    Best buy sucks.
  2. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    geek squad sucks.
  3. Zeb

    Zeb Well-Known Member

    It's not that they CAN'T read, more that they WON'T read. I've learned after years of working retail that customers refuse to actually read/search/think for themselves in any way. This is actually a genius idea on best buy's part, as it fits into the modern consumer mindset perfectly. After all, who really wants to do anything for themselves anymore?
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I like you.

    Smart Best Buy, if you're stupid enough to not know how to set up your Playstation 3, then you deserve paying/wasting the money for someone to do it for you.
  5. Zeb

    Zeb Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I like me too.

    I'm actually surprised that Best Buy just got this idea with the PS3. They should have brought this into effect with the Wii, considering a majority of people that purchase a second Wii remote have no idea how to sync it to the system.

    You have the right idea, playing off stupidity is a great way to increase your bottom line sales.
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Nintendo was smart enough to make this so that their customers can know how to connect a little thing to the bottom of their Wii remotes. Best Buy wasn't able to capitalize on this.
  7. Zeb

    Zeb Well-Known Member

    That's only for the motion plus though. I got a good laugh when I was forced to swallow that little video. Reminds me of the guy in Hitchhiker's Guide that built an inside-out house because he thought the world was crazy since we needed instructions on using toothpicks.

    I was speaking from personal experience in regards to the Wii remote, since I get a phone call almost everyday about them that goes like this:

    customer: my handle for the wii don't work
    myself: are the batteries in the "handle"
    customer: yeah, i'm not stupid
    myself: have you synced the "handle" to the system?
    customer: umm, what?

    There's usually a nine minute digression following that.

    Actually, the only reason that motion plus video works is because people CAN'T skip it. If they could, most people wouldn't have any idea how to work the thing.

    I've got to get away from this topic.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Hahahaha, I think there's a limit on how much you can utilize a person's stupidity without them catching on. Best Buy hasn't done this too often, unless you buy the ridiculously expensive Monster Cables.
  9. Zeb

    Zeb Well-Known Member

    What we keep calling "stupidity" isn't really that at all. It's mostly just laziness. As I said in my first response, no one wants to do things for themselves. Alas, a 'sense of accomplishment' is overrated these days.

    Been to the "technical help" section lately?

  10. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Hmm...now that I think about it, I was more like a customer service rep for the while that ndsroms was still running, I think I helped more people out than those chatbox mods, or irc 'helpers' combined(then again, I think I was the ONLY one helping the nubs)
    Best Buy, hire my ass, I can help you rip off your customers :D
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ME TOO!

    (Maybe I should work at eb games and offer to personally come down and set up thier consoles XD)
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    reminded me on my 1st IT job. I work as a technician trainee, and the 1st thing they teach us is how to make a simple problem sounded like major problem like if the problem lies with IDE cable being lose, told the customer the hard disk is dead. =P
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You sound like the guy who originally "fixed" my mum's pc :(
  14. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i guess every PC shop run that way.
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Not the one we go to now.

    My mother's a friend of the dude and actually gives a slight discount...plus I'm the one paying-and he's learnt I'm a cheap B@$tard XD

    But many I seen work that way...sad fact-they need money from suckers-and there is plenty to go around XD

    (like eb's scrath warrenty-wtf would I need that on a game I bought-or jb hifi's extended warrenty-nintendo consoles have yet to die early on me-wtf would I want to give you another $50 for it?)
  16. AbstractChaos666

    AbstractChaos666 Well-Known Member

    That is just plain robbery!
  17. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Everything I was going to say in this topic was said by Natalie and Zeb. Damn.

    Not really. It's entirely optional. Don't agree with the price? Do it yourself.
  18. AbstractChaos666

    AbstractChaos666 Well-Known Member

    No of course, that's how business works! But for those who are ignorant enough not to know how to set up their own game system (some people you can't blame) they are REALLY taken advantage of by that price, for such a simple service, is all I am trying to say. :]

    But what shocks me the most is that they charge $50 per software program to install...

    "Alright sir we just successfully installed Mickey's Magic Artist and Microsoft Office on your computer...ahem, since Microsoft Office has about 6 different programs in the package we charge $5 extra only for each one...also since we did the installation in under 2 minutes, we charge a $20 express fee. By the way, your ethernet cable was hanging out so we got that for you at an additional $40."


    At least I saved $40. ::)
  19. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    As said before, if you're stupid enough not to find instructions on how to do it yourself (such a simple service, amirite), you deserve to be ripped off like that.
  20. AbstractChaos666

    AbstractChaos666 Well-Known Member

    Well I suppose if they "get away" with leaving the prices as is, they wouldn't change them.

    I can't believe some people would pay that though x_x