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Second Amendment and Gun Control

Discussion in 'Debates' started by LuckyTrouble77, May 14, 2010.

  1. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I do own some guns here, I own a Taurus PT 92 (9mm x 19mm), a Remington M-870 (12 gauge), a Winchester M1873 (.44), a XM16E1 (45mm x 5.56mm), which I set it to safe mode, due that is more stable and the clip only holds 20 rounds.
    Well I own all those guns and I'm not a maniac, it depends the who own the gun, I agree with you Ace, guns don't kill people, people kill people with bullets from the guns.
    It's been useful to me since I've been robbed many times, well they tried hehehe.
    I don't hesitate, if you got the chance, don't think twice, pull the trigger.
    Also I hate those that play with guns around, pointing to other normal people, these dumbs don't have the right to port a gun.
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Owning a gun isn't inherently problematic. As Natalie said, most gun crimes are liekly committed by people who have obtained firearms illegally, but then, I dunno what the American laws are like. I hear you can walk into a gun shop and just buy a semi. Over here we have some rather strict gun licensing laws, but gun purchases aren't registered. It tends to help.

    I've had some pretty intensive firearms training. I do target pistol shooting, so I could probably take out an eye from a fair distance. I was taught safety procedures and responsible use of a gun, and the mindset someone should be in when using a potentially lethal weapon. The problem is that many people do not have an iota of training - it's just point and pull the trigger without thinking about it.
  3. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Well many guns that I own are illegal (can't have A.R. here), and that don't make me kill all the sudden or rob, I just have 'em here.
    I was on duty in last year, I've learned many things about guns, such as your mentality, being sanititty (sorry but I dunno, maybe this is a typo) capable to port a gun, do the right thing in the right moment.
    The problem is, I can't shoot the robber's leg, cuz he'll survive and will take revenge.
    Gun law in my country is very restricted, all we can have is pump-action shotguns, double-barreled shotguns, hunting rifles, revolvers and such.
    Well I've heard, have seen in movies and documentaries...
    Gun law in U.S.A. is the most "free" one, I've seen people buyin' Ingram Mac 10 (.380 fully auto SMG) in legal gun shops.
    Also in some barkeries they even sell rifles, shotguns and revolvers. Maybe it's cuz N.R.A. (National Rifle Association) support it.
  4. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised Switzerland hasn't been mentioned yet. There are more guns in private hands there than any other country in the world, yet the gun crimes are very low. This is probably due to the fact that it is almost mandatory to either serve in the army or civil defence (I believe they get a tax break if they do). So basically, I don't think having guns available is the issue, it's the lack of education and discipline.
  5. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Question: Will you be arrested if someone reported you for having a fight with somebody and you got back to the house and went back out with a shotgun or a "gun" and pointed it to the guy?

    If yes, another question: So you got arrested for it, got out of jail because somebody paid your bail, went to another country, will the case just be dropped because you paid bail and got out of the country? or you will be a wanted person forever until you get back and be arrested?

    This is for the US guys only... different countries, different laws...
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    IIRC the 2nd Amendement is founded by the US forefather after the civil war. they wont have win the war without guns. so they leave the right to bare arms for the people of US is for "just incase" people need to raise up against the government just like they did.

    also Gun dont kill people, people do. having gun for self defense isnt as lame as it sound. have people carry gun around intimidate other people. i mean what would a rape do IF most woman carry a personal gun with them all the time? would he take the chance to rape them in the risk of getting kill in the process? remember a shot in the head would stop a rape intermediately.

    same goes other crime. unless you are dealing with a psychopath, chances are having a gun with you are much safer then having a house alarm or having the police in speed dial or having silent alarm.

    also IF people are allow to carry gun anyway, things like 9/11 will not happen again. the main reason that those terrorist able to hi-jack the plane is because none of the passenger a mean to fight back.

    also most people think that having gun control will reduce crime is pretty far fetch. criminal wont be a criminal if they dont break the law. having gun control wont stop them from getting one and commit a crime with it. The only thing that gun control do is cripple people's ability to fight back and protect themself from harm.

    additional most gun shootout happen gun free zone, school, library..ect. Gun shootout never happen in places like gun show, or gun shop, places where everyone have a gun. The main reason is because people in gun free zone have no ability to protect themself from the shooter. Imagine what would happen if the shooter start shooting people in a gun show. The shooter would be gun-down in sec.

    I live in Malaysia where citizen like myself dont allow to carry guns... so my country is pretty safe right? wrong. everyday there is report people get murdered, rape, rob and so on. everynight i have to make sure my house if properly secured, and if people do break into my house i have no usesable weapon other then reporting to the police with my cell phone.

    what happen when people broke into my house? call the police and pray the criminal dont heard me. the chance are the police will only arrive when the criminal is long gone, with me dead and my sister raped and killed.

    so be grateful that your country allow you to have a mean to defense yourself from criminal.
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    To be fair, Switzerland is a much smaller country overall than nearly any other country in existence. Gun crime is obviously going to be lower though since everybody has a gun, and everybody knows how to use it. Are you going to try and rob a guy that is more than likely equal, if not better than you with the exact gun you are trying to use against them? I know I sure wouldn't, it would be suicide.

    To start:

    True, rape MIGHT not be as big of an issue if every women carried a gun. The problem is, the rapist is more than likely going to be forceful before the woman can react, and as women naturally have a lower upper body strength then men, that gun would more than likely serve the opposite purpose in such a situation. Defending against a rapist isn't exactly something deemed easy because the victim has a weapon, regardless of if they know how to use it or not. Most rape situations aren't even going to happen in a situation where the gun would be readily available unless kept on their person 24/7.

    Guns have never been openly allowed on airplanes. Ever. Period. 9/11 happened because of the fact that weapons were sneaked onto various airplanes. Although the people of one plane managed to crash the plane completely off target, it would take an incredible amount of bravery that most people don't have to undertake such a task when death was imminent. Blaming it on gun laws is the most ridiculous thing you could ever do. If guns were openly allowed onto planes, I'm sure hi-jacking would be a much bigger issue. Still though, this isn't a debate about 9/11, and that comment was very out of place and somewhat inappropriate.

    Gun control in its self is a poor idea depending on how it is interpreted. Gun control could be as simple as instating a few more gun laws that made getting a gun a little bit more difficult with a little more training involved. If gun control goes to gun free zones, yes, it will go down hill quickly, especially in countries where firearms are as prominent as they are in the US.

    Nobody starts a fight in a place like a gun show or gun shop because they will inevitably die due to the fact that every other person there will probably have a loaded gun. It is nothing but common sense at work.

    You are in Malaysia, gun laws are obviously very different, and criminals take full advantage of this. In the US, for the most part, many people live in an area where police are readily available. In more populated areas, people aren't as lucky and are forced to depend on their own lines of defense to keep themselves safe. In cases like that, a gun almost feels vital (although there is the less lethal taser that can do a very good job if used right), and it sort of is since, although the cops are there, it is a big city where people will call the cops for almost anything. They are always busy.

    Also, it doesn't matter where you are, people get raped, murdered, and robbed everyday. As much as it sucks, it is part of society at this stage of the world.

    Mild tangent:
    Why do people always go back to rape? Maybe the criminal just wants your items of value? Seriously, every topic about gun control I ever post in leads to somebody talking about a home invasion and some member of their family getting raped. Always. Is there some kind of code I missed that specified a criminal with a gun has to rape a person? Just a little something I noticed.

    I believe going to back to get the gun would put you in the wrong in some way, shape, or form. Mostly, it depends on individual state laws. Depending on where you are and if you do get reported, you could get convicted of a crime.

    Although you paid bail, you are still convicted of a crime. By leaving the country, you will only add suspicion to yourself on top of the fact that yes, it is very illegal. You would do nothing but make your situation worse by leaving. Of course, this is assuming you were granted bail.
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    or maybe everyone is just educated?
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I feel being more educated falls under "everybody has a gun, and everybody knows how to use it". Obviously if you served in some form of military for your country that had required arms training, you would be more educated than the average joe.
  10. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I dont mean educated in how to USE a gun, i mean educated in the whole gun issue, crime, right and wrong etc
  11. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    What has this got to do with anything? Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland are all similar in size.
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Texas has the same trend. Increase in people who carry guns, decrease in gun crime rate.
    Size doesn't matter.
    This is exactly the mentality when you are in a state like Texas. Good luck robbing banks and shit when every customer in there has a gun strapped to their side.
    Lucky, you are really ALL OVER THE PLACE. I can't tell if you are for guns, or against them. Pick a side and stick to it.
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I prefer just Trouble. :)

    You are just missing my main points and are mainly sticking to the obscure pieces that come with my posts. This isn't a topic about being for or against guns, this is a topic about gun control and the second amendment. I could absolutely despise guns and still fully support the second amendment. My view is that the second amendment is far too vague and needs to be cleaned up in one way or another. Gun control isn't necessarily the way to get this resolved. Basically, I'm not for gun control, I think it is ridiculous. I am for more care though when somebody purchases a firearm. The reasons many purchase a firearm are poor, and are only made worse through lack of proper training as to using that firearm.

    From what I can tell, I have yet to change my view. I have yet to say we need gun free zones, or that we need to take away everybody's gun in the US or anything to the like. I have already said I support guns for recreational shooting and hunting, I don't support them for protection in most situations where they are more than likely going to do more harm then good. I hadn't considered larger cities originally, so I had neglected to think of the fact that just having a gun in a place like that may prevent you from being considered as a robbing victim (or any other crime for that matter). Except for in places like that though, they aren't really needed for protection. In my household for example, we don't need a gun, crime rates for house break ins and gun violence in my area are very slim. Thus, my view on guns for protection came about.

    That makes no difference when everybody has a gun and gun training. It is nothing but common sense when your a criminal to not go into a situation where it is a guaranteed loss.
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    The problem is that you claim the need to own a firearm where you live is unnecessary. Amendments are not written for any one region. They're written to accommodate the entire nation, not just a specific area. Which leads to my next point, that amendments are not written with specificity in mind. If they were, then amendments like civil rights would only be subject to specific cases, certain areas, situations, etc. They're written with the elastic clause in mind, given that it is not so elastic that it could mean anything, but also not so inelastic that it only works in this one or a few specific instances.

    The government doesn't take away everyone's rights when they take away guns. They only take away rights from those who wish to follow the law. Like I said way earlier, criminals have no limits, no boundaries, and anything imposed to keep them from accomplishing their goals will only be worked around one way or another.
  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I see what you're saying and understand.

    Criminals are the main problem with any form of gun law. They will always find a way around it, as there will always be ways around it.
  16. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Yup and people like us get fucked cuz out-laws do their shit, with that, guns and ammo are limited for citizens.
  17. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    oh ok then, lets teach everyone how to use a gun, give them one and then give no relevant education and hope common sense prevails eh?
    because thats gonna end well
  18. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    when you tech them how to use a gun, you already equip them with all the relevant education.
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    No you don't. The person still needs to be taught discipline and responsibility. Otherwise that person could end up as one of those people who accidentally shoot someone because they were messing about with a gun.
    I think the Swiss have it right, you should have to do a term in the military before being allowed own a gun.
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    But just teaching someone how to use something isnt educating them.
    Thats like showing kids how to put a condom on then not giving them sex education.
    would teenage pregnancies fall if we did that and left it to common sense?