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scribble nauts awsome things to write:D

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by lyon999, Oct 12, 2009.


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  1. BurningHell

    BurningHell Well-Known Member

  2. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Black Magic

    Earth Magic

    Electric Magic(can fix electric broken items by dropping it on them you know like a car thats got in the ocean)

    Hover Tank (cant fly but it looks different)

    Magic Broom (A flying broom :D)
  3. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    i like the large hadron collider
    it makes a black hole and it can kill u

    try epic fail and drop it from a high place

    BOOM! ;D
  4. smashbrosmk

    smashbrosmk Well-Known Member

    flying monkey
  5. BurningHell

    BurningHell Well-Known Member

    can you write shoop da woop?
  6. SmR_696

    SmR_696 Guest

    Write devil and give it a rifle.I cant defeat it if it gets the rifle
  7. urbanazn4lyf

    urbanazn4lyf Active Member

    what's the one for the giant crab thingy?
  8. lyon999

    lyon999 Active Member

    giant enemy crab

    DONKEYMUY New Member

    Equip a bazooka or any gun to a pterodactyl.It looks hella funny.
  10. three_strangers

    three_strangers Well-Known Member

    Put a philosoraptor and a raptor together. I dare you.
  11. airdash123

    airdash123 Well-Known Member

    Try "God" Its so epic :D
  12. Syrex

    Syrex Member

    Do not forget "Longcat"

    My favorite ;3
  13. titen96

    titen96 Well-Known Member


    (heh 100th post)
  14. BurningHell

    BurningHell Well-Known Member

    tacgnol, orly, moar boar, yarly and haitai