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School is waste of time.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by calvin_0, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Tsk... People of authority should realise the influence they have on their underlings and thus the importance of being right.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    he was a mathematician. He mentioned it during one of our lectures on searching and sorting algorithms.
  3. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Maths is all well and good for calculations but it's not very useful when when the figures you use are more or less arbitrary.
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    It's very effective that a majority of school kids contemplate dropping out of school ^_^

    Well, that & the fact that a lot of people can not afford school & the issue of hunger being two other factors.

    Public education here isn't entirely free, with elementary being partially free & High School totally not free & a lot of the poorer folk often drop out because they can't afford to pay the various school fees needed. Also a lot of provincial schools have been left in dire conditions with buildings dilapidated & lacking school materials to spread around.

    Over population is another factor where in the most severe cases have 100 or more students sharing one classroom, or two or three school grades with hundreds of students each sharing one classroom.

    Oh & if you guys from the U.S. ever hated your paper routes, you're lucky actually :p

    Child labor is also a major factor here, with kids doing dangerous jobs like making fireworks or scavenging for garbage just to earn money for food.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    school is supposedly a right in the UK, the government is supposed to pay for all kids to go to school from 5 years old to 16 years old (and from 16 to 18 I think, but thats up to the individual whether they continue in education past 16) and yet I had to find a rich man to pay for me to go to school from 12 to 18. My name is now a swearword within the local authority.
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Man that's just wrong :(

    According to the basic rights of Children under the "Provisions" section:

    Quoted from here:


    Sadly even though it's an internationally recognized right, not many countries do have provisions for it on their Government's priorities which is especially true for third world countries.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It was because I'm disabled. The government at the time (tony blair's labour) decreed that disabled children should be placed in mainstream schools instead of special schools where appropriate for the child. This somehow got warped in transmission because what our local authority heard was 'ALL disabled children should be placed in mainstream schools without exception', and they realised that their dream had come true; the money saved from not having to pay special school fees would allow them to move offices (it was nearly a year since their last move so it was clearly overdue). So then my parents came along and wanted to to send me to a special school, the authority said no, and to their dismay my parents fought the decision.

    When the time came for me to move from primary education to secondary, the battle was still raging so my parents home schooled me for a year, using textbooks and materials sent by the special school, who were also spending vasts amounts of money fighting my case. At the end of the year, I was invited to the special school to attend for a month at the school's expense, I did so and knew it was where I wanted to be. Having just won the high court case challenging the tribunal we lost, we went back to tribunal over the summer holiday, confident that with the evidence gained from scores of experts and my time at the school, we would win. We lost again. My parents could no longer afford to home school me so I was sent to mainstream school, where I was treated like a retard and had to eat my lunch alone outside because the dining hall was too noisy for me to enter.

    Mum had been writing letters to everyone she could think of, and suddenly, during the half term holiday, got a response from a famous television presenter, who had a current affairs program at the time. She was very sympathetic to our situation, having encountered it before (and her husband was deaf), and said she would like to do an episode of her program about us. we did some filming at the school, and then a couple of days later the presenter phoned to say that we had to go to london and meet her production team at a famous (and expensive) department store. Dad was abroad on business, and mum said she couldnt face driving that distance, so the presenter provided a taxi. We got there, and the producer informed mum that the owner of the store we were in had offered to help us. Mum knew who he was and told me that he had a deaf son who attended the school I wanted to go to.

    We were taken into his private residence, and after he'd given us some expensive chocolate from his store, he informed us that he was going to telephone the school and I would be starting there the following week. He had decided to to sidestep our local authority entirely and fund my entire secondary and sixthform education from his own money. He said he knew how much difference that school had made to his son, and when the presenter had contacted him about me he had felt compelled to help. His legal team assisted my parents but even with his almost limitless funds they were not able to make the authority take on the burden of paying, so they gave up.

    The authority had got in early. Even while I was still at primary school, they had told my parents not to expect much from me because 'deaf children are not very intelligent' and one particular comment infuriated my mum the most 'deaf children can't learn foriegn languages'. My mother is a language teacher. I was assesed at 8 years old by an educational psychologist who put in his report that I was 'disturbed and potentially dangerous'. He was too clueless to realise I was fucking him around and deliberately giving stupid answers out of boredom. I passed my special school entrance exam easily (it was a grammar school) and went for an assessment of my academic potentional. I wrote two lines in 5 minutes and had to be taken out with a stress induced migraine. The vice principal analysed what I had written and declared that I was capable of straight As with the right support. Even this failed to sway the authority.

    I now have an excellent degree and at one point spoke 5 different foreign languages (french, german, russian, romanian and kiswahilli). I've forgotten them now but thats beside the point, I completely showed up the authority and the chief executive resigned after I started attending the special school (or maybe after the authority collapsed following the same battle two years later about my sister. One authority woman was heard to say afterwards 'we're never going up against this family again'. They paid her fees)
  8. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    sounds like copypasta from the looks of it
  9. xallized

    xallized Member

    not everybody would want to be a chef, an artist or an interior decorator. the useless stuff that we study at school is just part of a vast amount of knowledge we need to gather in order to advance into the future.

    a dollar would never be complete without that useless 1 cent.
  10. Arcelio

    Arcelio Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to say that voters don't have as much power as they THINK they have. Florida, in the Bush vs. Gore election for President of the United States of America, can attest to that.
  11. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    Ooopsie doo. Just noticed this.

    I happen to live in Malaysia too, and I sure as hell care, even though I'm yellower than a banana.

    It's not just 'malays' being in charge - they shouldn't be loped into one whole group as a race. Even among them there are those who are blatantly racist against others, making derogatory comments about others only to retrieve it back when they get their ass handed to them. Then there are those who, (whether for political reason or really so) who actually give a crap about the rights of other races.

    Some even throw out ridiculous crazy-ass plans like oh, let's ban out all sales of X and Y from this COUNTRY because it's a muslim country. If you don't even know what's happening - and indeed what's happened in the past, how are you going to choose between them?

    Then there's history. What about for example, the May 13 incident? Most people use it as a bulwark for the 'malays all suck' argument - but do they even know that WE were one of the problems too? Yes, OUR self-proclaimed educated and superior to 'them pigs' people went out and killed one of their guys. Are we the good guys now? Or are we just the not-so-bad bad guys?

    These things you need to know before you can even make a decision on who to side. Admittedly, our history textbooks are so heavily censored and altered you wouldn't know truth from bullshit (A history textbook that can talk about the angel Gabriel would def. set your alarms ringing) but history doesn't only come from textbooks. There are other sources - and it's all important to see for yourself the reality of the situation. For example, I've always been told that in the aforementioned incident, we Chinese were only partying on the streets when they came down to wipe us out. Then I find out we were being pretty asshole about the victory too - being jerks at random people and allegedly carrying brooms to symbolize 'sweeping them out'.

    Whoever rules us DOES make a difference. There are all kinds of people in an ethnic group, and just because they're all the same race doesn't mean they're all the same mold. Voting and choosing our leaders IS important because that determines what privileges and rights we maintain.

    tldr; Start caring, yo!
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i dont care not because i'm a racist, otherwise i wont have any malay friend. i dont care is because i dont get government loan (PTPTN) for college even i got around 7A1 in SPM (G9 for history, i dont care about history, i dont even study them for SPM) or accepted into local university and my malay friend who got 5A1 got accepted into the same university that i apply. does it really matter if BN win or Pas win the election? it doesnt seem like it to me.

    btw my sister who get 12A1 doesnt get accepted into the same university that i once applied and she doesnt get the government loan either. satu malaysia konon.
  13. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    You didn't get the PTPTN loan precisely because you failed history. It doesn't matter if you like it or not- you should have realized not liking is not an excuse not to do well in it. Even if you aced the rest, a failure in one of the main subjects is one strike against you. If it had been a subject like Additional Mathematics where people fail a lot, you would have at least stood a chance. Saying you don't study for a subject because you don't like it is just digging your own grave.

    But yes, the government CAN be blamed when it comes to university seats, and that's why you should care about voting. Politics does not only extend to who wins and who loses- Barisan and PAS aren't the only guys around either. Take the recent election for example. The opposition managed to grab more seats than ever happened before, not to mention even Selangor, which is considered a rich and relatively well-developed state instead of the usual Kelantan/Terengganu duo.

    While they may not have displaced the central government - they make them realize that they can't feed us crap and expect us to vote for them. This puts them on their feet. Putting them on their feet means they have to start changing their policies to keep us happy.

    Barisan has been in power for far too long. They've grown lazy and into their heads, because no one ever provides a challenge for them. They've literally been in control since our independence, and that's almost 60 years. Our incredulity of the situation should be equivalent to that of American citizens if Republicans have been winning every single state for half a century. By voting against them, by showing that we HAVE a choice and we aren't afraid to displace them if necessary, you are showing them that if they feed us their lazy rubbish policies, then we'll feet them back lazy rubbish ballots.

    I'm not into kicking Barisan out - but as you say, if the politics are fucked up, then change it. If they're not taking care of us, if Ketuanan Melayu is going to their heads, then kick them out. How can you expect change to happen if you're not even willing to speak up and vote for it?
  14. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i didnt get it because i fail history; fine, but my sister get A1 in history and she didnt get PTPTN as well. explain that.

    no, you wont able to kick Ketuanan Melayu out, because BN and PAS even they have sub party like MAC and Rockets, but when ther sub party wins, it could toward to the main party, basically is MAC win, BN get a vote. so technically if MAC win every states, it would still put BN in charge, not MAC.
  15. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    You realize that not everything relies on academic excellence, right? The government puts great importance on things like participation in co-curriculum, leadership - i.e, leader of clubs, prefect, head prefect etc, as well as stuff like if you enter contests and which level (i,e, chess competition, state district, nationwide etc.) I don't know about your sister - maybe it's as you say, government's fault, which STILL brings us back to the topic that change cannot be sustained without willingness to change.

    Obviously. When the opposition wins it becomes the government.
    I never said anything about MCA either - MCA is part of Barisan, and thus a group with MIC and UMNO. THEY are Barisan. Voting for them is like voting for UMNO. They're the exact same thing.

    Also, DAP, the rockets, is not subservient to PKR or PAS. They formed an alliance - in other words, their alliance, the Pakatan Rakyat, is the opposition's equivalent to Barisan. Because DAP and the rest don't have enough seats to win the government over, they joined up. Should Pakatan Rakyat wins instead of Barisan, then THEY will be the new government. The cabinet will be made out of them.

    Just like MCA and MIC members in the House of Representatives become ministers (some of them anyway), the same thing will happen. Out of the House of Representatives, DAP, PAS and PKR members will be voted into position. The new Prime Minister will be determined from them - and THEY, the new ministers, will form new policies, which in turn may change the government's bias attitude.

    [quote author=Zydaline]
    If they're not taking care of us, if Ketuanan Melayu is going to their heads, then kick them out.

    And also, I never meant kicking Ketuanan Melayu out. I meant kicking Barisan out. Ketuanan Melayu will never ever go away, but it can become better - more opportunities for us. Over the years we have already regained some of the grounds that were never ours. The university places you mentioned have increased for us in. (I forgot which dude did this, Mahathir or some other) It's still bad, but it used to be worse. If you want it to be better for your own kids/relatives, then take action la.
  16. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i was the head of the librarian and IT club, and my sister was the head prefect. apparently 12A1 and head prefect wasnt good enough for local university.

    also i dont believe thing would change. sure they would sweet talk us into voting for them, but in the end, its just blank promises.

    you say the seat in university have increase for us, but does it really increase? if it does it make no sense that 12A1 student cant get in.

    no matter who wins, its doesnt matter, goverment bias would not change because in the end its still a malay party who wins, sure if MAC or rocket wins, they will get sit in the parliament and bark opinion and debate on rights and bill, but in the end, the main party (UMNO if BN or PAS if opposition) would still put malay in priority. the malay benefited and need will always come 1st. in the end nothing would change.
  17. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    You know what, I'm not even gonna bother anymore. YES, I say - Malays WILL always come first. FACT. But they also need OUR votes to win, so they'll also suck up to us by giving us more privileged, or they'll get kicked out the next session or two. YES, the privileges are still theirs, but NO it won't be as bad. They'll give us more because they'll need our help.

    And please. 12A1 is the magnum opus of results? Thousands of kids get that every year. Thousands more take more subjects than that - 15, 17, 20. Guess who comes first? If your sister is after the subject limit rule, then it's even more. My school itself had two A4 paper worth of straight A students last year, and that's just ONE school in a thousand. All of them are the same. Why don't I get a scholarship? Why don't I get a loan? I scored so well! Well, newsflash. You're not the only one.

    Good result may give you a natural sense of entitlement, but the government doesn't have to pay due. They don't OWE it to you, do they?

    In fact, I shouldn't even need to tell you this. You're an independent, working adult - simple theory like these should be in grasp already. Stop whining about how awesome you are and you still don't get it. You're never going to get anything if all you're going to do is sit on your fat ass and cry foul.

    Or should I say fowl?
    Over and out.
  18. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    they would, if they stop letting people like my friend get in.

    also good grade doesnt make me awesome.

    thats why i dont care.
  19. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    So if you can't have everything, you rather have nothing?
    Wow, ambitious.
  20. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    I hate the OP in words the English language cannot express. Why do people like this exist?