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Scariest Moment of your Life

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by str8ayds, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    wow too much about that
  2. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    ok... someone is clearly an expert on the subject, i would hate to be circumsised, and also, THE scariest moment in your life is dropping your ds...

    oh and natewlie, you seem to have a tough life, is your husband ok now and when did this happen, if you dont mind me asking
  3. Your_Shadow446

    Your_Shadow446 Active Member

    I thought this was a horror shop not a sexual education school :p
  4. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    If I come across a subject I study it for a while
  5. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    i see, fair enough. Lets just hope you dont get sucked into s&m

    ^ (its scary...)
  6. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    Scariest, running in front of a car on an A road near me. I was like 7 at the time. :-\
    The second scariest moment of my life so far is dropping my xbox from about 6 ft, good thing is it landed on the toilet roll i had in the room at that time so didnt do any damage. Phew, i was so crapping myself when i was plugging it back in to see if it was still working.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    My hubby got stabbed a couple years ago when we went on vacation in Vancouver. We're not going back there again. :p Atleast I'm at the point where I can joke about it, and he has this bad ass scar, and he's all better. And everything is better! YAY. Basically the easiest way to get through tough times is to have a sense of humor, without it, there's no hope. And yeah, my life sucked I guess, but meh, it worked out in the end, I'm happy now.

    And S&M is okay in moderation. :p
  8. nejcgx

    nejcgx Well-Known Member

    When I jumped into the sea from 25 foot high divingboard.. o_O
  9. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    lmao sticks and stones my break your bones but chains and whips excite you...

    p.s. good to hear hes ok, i just try to laugh when i get hurt or bad things happen (within reason, i don't laugh at deaths or things like that). It stopped me from crying when i was little, so i would laugh at any injury, for example i was playing footy with my mates and he kicked the ball at me so i ran away into a concrete bollard and i thought i shattered my knee, got up and laughed :D
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Oh wow, how one sentence can lead to several others...
    Also Natewlie, epic win
  11. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Lol. I was forced to siggy it!
  12. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    *Glomps Deathbreak911

    Now you can add my glomp to the scariest moment of your life ^~^
  13. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    My first and second furry glomp are the 5th and 6th scariest moment of my life!
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yay! *Snuggles

    A scary moment of mah life was nearly tripping over a steep hill but being saved by... a WEDGIE!
  15. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    My scariest moment was when my husband almost cut his finger of while fixing the car. It was horrible. He was in some kind of shock, didn't say a thing, and when I asked what happened, he just yelled me, that don't look. Next time I saw him was the next morning in hospital.
    If that wasn't scary, then this was.
    I was all by myself that night. I couldn't sleep, of course, and my drunk brother in law decided to come and visit his mother! (We're next door neighbors with my mother in law.) Then he noticed that I'm awake. Well, he came, banged on the door, I couldn't just leave him there, because he was very drunk and he had saw me. I was afraid that he'll come in by force. Well, I opened the door, listened to his mumbling and said that I'm gonna go to sleep.
    After he left, of course after visiting his mother, she called my husbands best friend to spend the night with us. Luckily.

    Well, my husbands finger is still there where it belongs, tough with huge scar and my brother in law is never ever going to come in our steps to bang the door while drunk.
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I had any scary moments, one which I'm too ashamed to say (because in reality, I scared someone else) but one which I can say with no shame...

    I had only got my car licence, and whislt leaving work, a truck was coming, but because another truck was parked on the side of the road, it became...cramped.

    This truck was an 18 wheeler, and the turn it had to make was tight, and I was comign thru, when I saw it I just slammed on the brakes, and screamed as the 1 inch of space it had left me during it's turn...I love my car...and what's left of my life!

    But today was one that just saw, woman and what I presumed was her dad, were loading up a car and a truck came past...saw nothing wrong with it, until I heard the screaming...

    The side door was open as it went by, swinging around-could have killed them!

    After 4 people screaming "you nearly bloody killed them" all he could say back was "thank you" and then close the swinging door...

    What an insane world we live in, no remorse, un-like what I've done...
  17. GoldenTalesGeek

    GoldenTalesGeek Well-Known Member

    When I was in elementary school, my class had an after-school field trip to the local high school to watch the drama department put on a play. I can't remember what play, but I do remember it was a comedy. When we got back to the school, it was getting dark. My older brother Owen had picked me up from school instead of my mom. The ride home was going really well until we had just turned into the street where we lived. Suddenly, another car is pulling out of the driveway of the local party store and smashes its hood into my side of the car. As a result, I was sitting completely motionless in the seat. It actually gave a very visual representation to the phrase "scared stiff", considering how terrified I was, and also how motionless I was. My heart was pounding so hard, I could actually hear it thumping against my chest. Plus, the thumping was so loud, I couldn't hear my brother asking me repeatedly "Are you all right?". Luckily, I didn't have any serious injuries, save for a couple of scratches on my right arm. Although, I couldn't sleep for a few days after that, because every time I closed my eyes, I'd see the car coming at me.
  18. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    Scariest moment of my life?

    That would be August 13, 1991. Car battery go boom. Right eye go splat! No one else was home. 5 days in the hospital initially, 8 more days months later for the cornea transplant. Worst headaches I ever had. Still have my actual eye, but no iris and no lens, which means no light filtering and no focus. Playing sports is over. Forever see in 2D. Must wear dark sunglasses even on cloudy days. Attitude on life drastically changed. Hardcore gamer status greatly reduced. Many career options out the window.

    I didn't even touch the freakin' battery. I was checking the oil when the battery blew, which I had to stand over to check the oil. It was an old 1976 Ford Elite.

    Not kidding and I don't wish to discuss it any further.
  19. khmc

    khmc Member

    number 6 is super-scary :'< happens to me a lot... especially when im tired
    Post Merge: [time]1243843638[/time]
    one of my scariest moment is when i thoughtlessly jumped down from top of stairway.
  20. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    it scares the crap outta me when you wake up in the morning and your arm is asleep and you can't feel it. I'm usually so dazed that i'm freaking out that i'm paralyzed or something.

    but the scariest moment of my life was probably when i was in 8th grade and i was on a plane going to Hawaii in the middle of the night. We hit really bad turbulence and all of the flight attendants ran to their seats and buckled in as fast as they can. After this went on for about 10 minutes, it got dead quiet...the engines had turned off. Luckily, they started back up again around 15 seconds later, but still that's the scariest thing that will probably ever happen to me