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Scariest Moment of your Life

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by str8ayds, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. Skane

    Skane Well-Known Member

    About 20 minutes ago, I thought that I wouldnt be able to play GTA:CW on my R4. I'm slowly recovering, thank you.
  2. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    The scariest moments of my life were the time a guy trying to make a U-turn in the road didn't see my dad driving by and rammed into passenger side literally caving in the door where I was sitting. The other time is when I was walking along the train tracks after school to a friends house when a bully from that school ran up behind me and snatched my glasses off my head and ran off with them. I have very bad eyesight and I can't see for jack without my glasses, and I wasn't in a very familiar neighborhood. Eventually I found my way with another friends help.
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Bullies are so retarded :p
  4. santaboy123

    santaboy123 Member

    My scariest day of my life is when i was almost killed twice. First i was riding my bike with my pals full speed the when i was turning my friend came in front of me and slamed into a van then i was playing with my friends and we were playing tag (i was 10 at the time) i hid in my friends garage and my friend had a electronic door so i was running out then my friend pushed the button to close it and my head was being squished.
  5. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    That' crazy lol :D :D :D

    I'm gonna have dreams bout that tonight lol :D :D
  6. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i blew myself up with fireworks the other day ;D
    it wasn't really lethal cause it's just a small firecracker, but it was quite scary
  7. Skane

    Skane Well-Known Member

    I shot my buddy with one of those 20 shot boxes of fireworks. Scariest moment of his life.
  8. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    my scariest moment of my life is...........waking up with the burger king

    lol no. the scariest moment of my life was when I was riding a tricycle then I noticed that the case (where you sit) is old and it was like falling then I saw the driver holding the brake accelerator wire (I think it is called the accelerator wire(i hope))then a fast ten wheeler truck was speeding in our way and at that time
    I was almost thinking about what will be my coffin like. luckily the truck stopped. then insted of paying ten pesos I paid 5 pesos instead because of his dangerous driving and when I looked back then I saw the case already separated to the motorcycle.ahhh I want to experience it again the thrill and suspense and thinking about my last wish.ahhhh my sweetest nightmare
  9. Skane

    Skane Well-Known Member

    Theres this restaurant near me named "McGuires irish Pub" and their bathrooms have been featured on the news several times. Their mens and ladies bathrooms are right next to each other, and the sign to the mens says
    "MENS BATHROOM" in huge letters and
    "---> This way" in really small letters.

    The opposite for the ladies bathroom.
    I've seen many embarassed old guys. lol I did it too the first time.
  10. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    scariest moment of my life was seeing a machine breathing for my son and hearing that horrible sound of ssshhhhh cusshhhh while his chest moved up and down almost lifelessly
  11. Skane

    Skane Well-Known Member

    I can believe that.
  12. faune

    faune Well-Known Member

    Scariest moment of my life.. when my period was a few days late.
  13. CIliek

    CIliek New Member

    1. Was in a public swimming pool and held my breath as long as I could in the water and when I was coming back up to the surface my brother pulled me back down.

    2. Drank three pots of coffee in 30 minutes and got anxiety for two hours and couldn't breathe.

    3. Smacked the side of my head on the pavement so hard I couldn't move for a couple of minutes and thought I was hemorrhaging to death. (skateboarding accident, was wearing a helmet too)

    4. Some punk asses pointed a gun at me from their car when I was riding a bike. They shot at me and it was only a stream of water -_-

    5. Went up to a friends house up in the hills on 4th of July and saw a big firework cruising towards the front of the house and the hill side caught on fire ultimately. Big ribbons of smoke and fire : (

    6. Fell asleep and still was conscious. (Hard to explain. My body was paralyzed, but yet I could still see through my own eyes) It was the feeling of wanting to get up so badly but was unable to.

    7. Witnessed my first internet screamer in 2002. It was late at night and Regan's big ugly face from the exorcist popped up on my whole 17" screen. Was frozen in fear and a cold sweat.
  14. Josh241294

    Josh241294 Well-Known Member

    1. Nearly got run over by a speeding sports car in the city (I live in Melbourne)...now I know 50cm does make a difference.

    2. Witnessed my first internet screamer in 2007. 12:00AM exactly, and I had the headphones plugged in at max volume. Regan popped up and screamed twice, taking up the whole screen, and nearly deafening me. The hallway was dark, and I was hallucinating about Regan being somewhere inside the house while I was walking down the corridor. I couldn't go on the computer for about 2 weeks, and I couldn't sleep, but tried to.
  15. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    There is actually a condition called Sleep Paralysis. Which acts exactly the way you described
  16. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    LOL you thought your pregnant?
  17. o8643

    o8643 New Member

    I'm not a person to get scared much (I laugh at screamers) but there were 3 instances in my life that really scared the the bejezzus out of me.

    1) Back when I was 12, my mother went into ketoacidosis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetic_ketoacidosis) 6 days before Christmas. She was hospitalized and was in coma. The doctors wouldn't let me see her because I was too young to go into ICU. Fortunately, she recovered (on Christmas eve no less!) and is still nagging me to cut my hair. She's since made a full recovery. Looking back on it I shudder to think what it would be like having lost her at such a young age.

    2) Freshmen year in college I woke up in my bed in the middle of the night and couldn't feel my right arm. It felt like it just wasn't there anymore, like it didn't exist at all. I felt around with my other arm and found it got stuck above my head and in between the wall and my bed frame. It was cold and stiff and I couldn't help but realize that it felt awfully like a corpse. I spent a good 20 minutes nursing it to the point where it felt alive again.

    3) Since I live in the DC area, I often take Metro. One time, I was running to catch a train so I could make it to work on time but slipped right before getting on and the doors shut on my midsection. I had half of my body inside and half outside. If the driver hadn't opened the doors and took off with me still stuck, I would have certainly lost my legs to the tunnel wall.
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Did I metion getting banned from RomU?
  19. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    when i was playing on a van besides a wall with some jagged glass is sticked to it(to keep trespassers out)
    and i hit a glass with my arms and it was stitched and is very very painful i still have the scar now
  20. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    my scariest moment is when we were practicing our rappeling for our community service training.
    I plummeted from 6th floor to 2nd floor in less than 3 seconds. I saw flashes of memory passing. and i can't barely walk for like 15-20 mins, and kept thinking of it for like 2weeks.

    mostly the people who saw it was scared more than me. lol