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Scariest Moment of your Life

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by str8ayds, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    When Ely Buendia got a heart attack.
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Psswww! You actually believed he had a heart attack during that reunion concert, how shallow could you be :p

    It was a Marketing ploy, sure people got concerned with his so called heart attack, thus making him popular again .

    I saw right through all that & so did alot of people. And don't get me wrong, I'm an Eraserheads fan myself, but that was way back when they were still cool back in the 90's, now they're just seeking attention, lame!
  3. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Another one:
    The time I realised how bad I had once got when I was little
  4. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    died in a dream. moms friend died in her sleep before christmas a few years back, realized she was sleeping for an awfully long time. about evening after sleeping through the night. yeah, cold and stiff.

    lost control of 2 cars one of which i did twice, 84' firebird. wet highway, in 2 lanes almost sideways with traffic coming on me. and in a tight turn when it was sleeting. WHILE doing under the speed liming. of course with some oncoming trafic who slowed down.

    06' suzuki aerio, snow covered road. testing AWD and fooling around, 4 wheels lost traction and slid all over.

    beat that, scariest was the cars. still have both with no damage. drive extremely slow in bad weather now. get the shakes when it slips a little.
  5. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    i was in bulgaria on a holiday and i did this excursion (spell-check?) and it was late at night and we were driving through these woods and the bus we were on broke down, i swear down on my life its the scariest thing ever. What makes it worse is that a few weeks earlier i watched wrong turn 2 :|
  6. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    why did you feel threatened? i'm not familer with bulgarian forests or bulgaria for tha matter. where is it even?
  7. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    i wasnt blaming bulgaria specifically thats just where i was, i was more scared of the fact that i was in the middle of the woods late at night.

    and to be honest i dont know where bulgaria is, i know its just joined the EU and i think its near turkey
  8. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    i wasn't blaming the country either, some forests have threatening animals. and other exotic threats. america we have bears in my area. i could care less bout em'.
    i fear being in city at night more than in total darkness in forest. city is scary.
    Edit: back on topic.
  9. XtremeBlade

    XtremeBlade Well-Known Member

    One of the scariest moments of my life was when I was chocking on some skittles and I know it sounds pretty retarded now but there was more than stuck in my throat, I actually thought I wouldn't make it but I did!
  10. pinkandblue

    pinkandblue New Member

    when i almost drowned.
  11. k9tozex

    k9tozex Member

    scariest moment of my life was when i was 10 i think. i was in a restaurant and had to go pee. i went into A (notice the caps) toilet and didn't see any urinals... not one and i was like: "weird, did they renovate it?" i went to go pee and when i came out 3 other women came out of the cubicles at the same time and they screamed. i was like: "OMFG SHIZZZ MAMA!!!" and they were on berserk mode. Took quite a while to calm them down >.<

    guess which toilet i went into...
  12. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You went into the boys toilet right?! :p
  13. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i think he went into the girl's washroom, notice he says there weren't any urinals
  14. k9tozex

    k9tozex Member

    lol girls :p
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    So they went into the right bathroom? :p
  16. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    eheheh... nope :p he went to the wrong one
  17. k9tozex

    k9tozex Member

    lol ima guy >.< that's why it was scary T.T
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Notice the :p?

    Oh wells... One of the scariest things for me was being chased by 8 teenage girls wanting to put make-up on me even after I told them "i'm not that way inclined..."

    Edit: That means that I don't like cross-dressing, I've read it again and it looks funny
  19. chivalricone

    chivalricone Member

    Once, I was under a glass patio table while my mom was above it trying to put the umbrella in while I guided it into the base. My mom dropped the umbrella, and it and huge chunks of glass came falling on top of me. Miraculously, I wasn't hurt at ALL.
  20. romsaremylife

    romsaremylife Member

    One night, it was around 3 am where I saw some ghostly entity floating near the air con. I was frightened and went to sleep in my parent's bedroom. The next day, something huge dropped from very near where I was sleeping and there were huge chunks of glass all over where I should have been sleeping. Was that spirit there to help me or warn me? Either way, thinking back of this gives me the creeps.