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Scariest Moment of your Life

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by str8ayds, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    On an Operating table maybe, but say someone shoved a knife through your head on a dark alley surely you'll feel that :(
  2. casper1910

    casper1910 Well-Known Member

    A few years back I was out bodyboarding some massive 12-13 foot storm waves over a sandbar about 50 meteres off shore. It was scary but a lot of fun. It was only me and a few other pro surfers out there. All the other surfers were just watching with their surfboards on the point, where the car park is. Anyways I was out there waiting for a good break, when about 10 meteres further out, this monster wave came out of no where. I mean this thing was around 17-18 foot high. I was thinking "oh shit, i'm f*****" so my only option was to try and get over the wave before it crashed. The white water on these waves when they crash is not something you want to get caught in, cause well it's really powerful and can cause some damage. So i'm paddling my ass off to beat this wave and i'm nearly there, like i'm soo close. Then it started to break my heart sunk, then it crashed 2 meteres in front of me. The white water was huge, once it hit the water it bounced back up nearly about half the waves original size. At this point im thinking that yep i'm screwed. The white water engulfed me and my board, I curled up in the fetal position because hell there is nothing else you can do you just have to let it take you. It sucked me under and I hit the sandbar a few times, then it sucked me back up, and back down again ect. Was doin flips and spins in the white water cause of the suction. I was shitting myself hoping I wouldn't hit a rock cause if I did I would have been a gonner. I was under water for a whole minute, then I resurfaced gasping for air, and I realised I could stand up. The wave had taken me right into the shore. Then I looked to my right and realised how close I had come to hitting the rocks there wasn't a scratch on me. I was shaking all over. Called it a day and walked back up to the car park. All the surfers that saw that slam where calling me miracle boy from that day.
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I have 3 if that's ok :p

    A long time ago i owned a custom 350cc Vespa scooter, had a hand built(not by me) engine squeezed into the tiny frame of the bike, anyway, as i had no licence or tax or anything that would make me legal on the road sometimes i went off-road on it, heh i was young and stupid.
    One day i decided that a very nice flat field would be great to show off the power of my super scooter and i cranked the little beast up to the max, i hit about 100mph before i noticed a shadow on the grass before me, it was a big hole, i had to make a choice very fast, go into the hole or throw the bike(and me). I went for the hole.
    I went over the handlebars and did many summersaults before smashing into the ground, while i was in the air i seriously thought i was about to die.
    Well the outcome was, i broke my collar bone and would have broken my neck if i had been wearing a helmet(according to the police report and the hospital staff).

    Second time is on another bike, but this time on a very serious piece of kit, a kwak ninja 950cc.
    I was living in L.A. (USA) at the time and was good friends with a custom bike designer, he had lent me the bike for a while and i was tearing up and down Pacific Coast Highway and also doing some inland runs.
    One day i had to deliver some cocaine(i was a dealer) to some place downtown L.A. , deal went smooth and i made for home and got a bit lost(please know i never drink/drug / drive/ride).
    So i think i am making a turn off the freeway that i have done before, a nice fast long bend into the streets below, but no, i got the wrong turn this was a very short and quite steep bend, not good when going 70mph(or so).
    I hit something (no idea what) and went airborne, it was dark and after being night blinded by the freeway i had no clue what to expect, then i hit a pole or at least the bike hit it and i was spun around like a helicopter into some forgiving grass bank.
    Again i thought i was dead.
    No injuries but the bike was totaled and on loan, thankfully the bike was destined to be cut up and the engine and front of it were needed for a new chopper(it was the rear that was destroyed) so i did not need to pay for the damage.

    Last time, and this one is the worst and does not involve my stupidity on motorbikes.
    My wife was due to have a baby, we were at the hospital, nothing much was happening in the delivery room so i went to have a smoke(tobacco(i have quit since)).
    So me and some fool orderly exit the building to have a smoke but the door closes and locks behind us, so we make our way back round to the delivery area(a good 15 min walk) and i thankfully return to the delivery room.
    I walk in and i can sense some tension in the air, a nurse comes to me and very professionally explains that while i was off having a cigarette my baby was next to death and my wife's vitals where dropping fast(shit).
    So in stunned bewilderment i try to do everything i can both to not get in the way of the medical team who arrived 10 seconds after i did and to coax my wife into pushing out the baby(he was starved of oxygen).
    I was so scared, doctors where saying that the baby will be lost and it looks like my wife may follow(she had nasty pre-eclampsia and other complications), i was told that if my wife did not push the baby out now then my baby will die and either way my wife may die(shit shit).
    I remember very calmly holding my wife's hand and telling her it will all be ok(i was in a weird dream like state of total calm) and that all she needed to do was to push real hard one more time and it would all be ok. She did just that and my son was born.

    I cannot begin to describe the fear i felt that day, i guess it is one thing to see my own life flash before me, but to be there when those you love may die is a much greater fear(for me anyway).
  4. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    I had a car run over my foot before. He was backing up at thirty miles an hour and in order to avoid the mirror I jumped back, which pushed my foot foward, which went under the wheel. Then, to make things better, he STOPPED on my fricken foot going "Dude, what's wrong!" as my cousin and I screamed "BACK UP DUMBASS YOU'RE ON MY[HIS] FOOT!"

    My foot didn't break. Those cheap cars are LIGHT.

    Scariest moment of my life is either A: We were in a car going about 35 and I was in it with my mother and girlfriend. Jumping out of the car started as a joke, but then I asked "can I?" and my mom said yes. I was waiting for her to slow down for the turn and... well... she didn't when I thought she would and BAM! I jumped out of the car. I'll tell you what: the car looks a LOT SLOWER when you're inside it. I got three steps, while holding on to the car door, and fell and ripped new jeans. My mom, of course, made me buy new ones and grounded me. "But Mom! You fricken SAID I COULD DO IT!"

    Or... it could be the time I tried to go down a much to steep cliff side and put all my weight on a root I then learned to be dead, but that's a story for another time.

    1prinnydood reminded me.

    Ok, so there me and my cousin were. Age 6, both of us, and wanting to ride bikes like the wind. Well, there was this BIG hill for us at the time and we wanted to go down it. He went down first, and I... well... I went down after him... but I was nervous and forgot to brake all the way down... Well, there was a miniature bridge at the bottom with these strange half foot high safty rails.... and the only reason I mention that bridge is because I hit the rails and flew over the handle bars. After my experience as super man was over, I was face first on the sidewalk, and had all the skin on my face from my nose over ripped off. I stood straight up, touched my face, and screamed. The ER told my mom if anything like this happened again I'd need to replace my nose or something like that....

    I can just imagine how scary that might have been. Good thing it was all OK :D
  5. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    Truer story tis not been told:

    Once, I and one o' me lads decided to venture inside an abandoned project tenement in Wa. DC. Twas a larger building with boarded up winders but the front doors were busted off and the derelict could be entered. So we had are cameras and were aboat to venture forth when we were both overpowered by a feelin' o mighty dread.

    We both exchanged glances and with nay a word stopper dead in oar tracks and reverse marched away. As me and me lad got further down the street, we turned back in time ta see a man walk out of the very same doors we was plannin' to step into. The bloke was dressed all in black, mark me words. Black shirt, black pants, black leather trench coat, black boots, and black sun glasses. The devil spawn of blighter looked at us coolly, hand in his pockets, as we stepped our pace up walkin' away.

    Me thanks me lucky constellations for that feelin' o' dread that warned us not to explore that ole buildin'.

    And I by me dead mates, on the great sea herself, every word o' me story is true.
  6. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    You left out the part where the TRex attacked you and your friend from under the sidewalk, which happened to be made of cheese the entire time!
  7. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    Boyo, you be hittin' teh rum a wee bit too hard. Methinks you should shy away from the grog if'n ye cants hold yer spirits so well!

    Nay! You accusin' this ole' cuss o' tellin tales! Be a true story or my beard be a sissy girly man's goatee!
  8. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    My top Three scary moments :(
    When i was about 8. I was swimming and a huge wave came and pulled me into a rip all i can remember is seeing water and bubbles spinning then black. Next thing i know i am laying on the shore face up looking at the sky.

    Another scary moment was when i was 14. On my scooter riding home at about 7:00 pm. About half way home a car pulls up next to me with two guys in it. The driver starts yelling at me and stuff and next thing i know the passenger is waving a pistol at me. I was frozen but still aware of what was happening. Both of them started yelling (don't know what) at me. I then said i am just trying to go home and they took off. I waited in the bushes for about 30 minutes then started my way back home as fast as i could.

    The most scariest moment i had was when i was 12. Driving my off road go cart at my mates place with my dad n mates watching. I was about to go around the first corner and decided to drift around it. I had a wicked drift around but the last bit of the corner had really loose dirt. It started to make the cart flip. I remember seeing and hearing my dad n mates yell as i was flipping. I landed up side down on my hand. They pulled me out and and gave me a check over. I was all good except for my hand. I asked them how many times it flipped and they said 6 times. The scary part was not flipping or breaking my hand it was hearing my dad yelling my name in a really frightened tone.

    Any way i have a few other ones but they are my top three. ::)
  9. The Mythical Butler

    The Mythical Butler New Member

    The scariest time of my life (too long to be a moment) was when my little brother went into the hospital. He was acting weird all day, (he was about 4 at time) and i was the only one to notice so i blew it off. later that night, he was rushed to the only hospital in my town, (which is the worst i have ever been to) because he had trouble breathing. He was dieing in my mother's arms saying "i can't breath." Luckily the hospital shoved a tube down his throat and put him in a helicopter and sent him to another hospital. This all happened during Christmas, which i spent at my aunt's house playing on my PS2 with my cousins. When he was in the hospital a bunch of the children were dieing, so i was terrified... He was unconscious most of the time, so he had to relearn most of his motor skills, which was terrible because he was so proud of finally done wetting the bed. One of the times that he was slightly awake, was because he kicked a nurse in the chest and knocked the wind out of her because she was talking about him being in diapers, which he was sensitive about. When he finally came back to a healthy state, he was talking very quietly, mostly because the tube in his throat scarred it. Mostly because they put one that was suited for a 17 year old boy, not a 3 year old. I beat myself up for a while, because i realised that I could have possibly prevented this from happening, if i said something to my parents when i noticed that he was sick, but i no longer feel guilty. He is now doing fantastic, and has no lasting effects from the sickness or scarring, and I am thankful that he is alive, and no matter what, this will always be the scariest point in my life.
  10. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    God love yer little bro. Tis a harsh lot fate deals the young an' old alike. Fate aint no respecter o' persons, aye. Tell me, what was the matter with the wee ankle biter? Did the docs ever offer a diagnosis on the lil' whipper snapper?
  11. The Mythical Butler

    The Mythical Butler New Member

    He had influenza A and Croup. Influenza is a flu virus and Croup is an infection in the throat which is what actually closed off his throat, so put the two together in a 4 year old child and you have one deadly combination.
  12. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i had many bike accidents... they weren't particularly scary but they WERE painful
    all cases were only wearing T-shirt, shorts, and no helmet/paddings

    1) i ride really fast down this hill, lose balance, fly off, and skidded across someone's driveway, all pressure right onto my dominant arm... it looked brutal when i got home

    2) a month later, i was biking through the neighbourhood, some house's huge dog suddenly bark at me, sounded real close, so i turn around, and BAM! wheel hit a fence, i fly off, hit my head on the fence (good thing it was wood) and skidded across the road on my OTHER arm! even worse than the first one

    3) ok some guy at school decided to undo my bike's front and back brakes, and i didn't notice until i felt like i almost died. so i was biking down this road, heading home, pretty good speed. i try to slow down for this crossroad, and when i was real close i was like "SHIT SHIT where's the brakes!!??" (it was mini rush hour that time, with parents all picking up their kids) so the first thing that comes to mind, i do a SHARP curve to the left, don't know how i maintained balance. bike flew in the air after hitting a curb, juuuust skinned a tree, finally fell off and flew into a bunch of thorny bushes...

    4) also biking home, but this was entirely my own fault... ok you may notice there's usually a small drop between the sidewalk and someone's lawn. i was riding one armed cause i was carrying something heavy in the other. front wheel gets caught in the drop, lose balance, fly head-first into solid concrete, landing my butt right on my glasses, bike fell on my waist, and the thing i was carrying hit the other side of my head. it's been a year since, and i can STILL feel the swell and a bit of pain
  13. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    Mythical Butler:

    Aye. Teh croup plus teh flu. An infernal combination, says I.

    rush n kaos:

    For certain yer pappy shoulda left yer trainin' wheels on a might longer. Protip- Switch to speed walkin' or stays off me street boyo! Don't want ta be a scrapin russian chaos off me driveway or bumper!
  14. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    wut? i was in a hurry on these days... besides two of them weren't even completely my fault
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Most scary?
    Perhaps crashing through a wall and getting stuck while struggling to breath for 3 hours or when I almost fell off a mountain when I went mountain climbing with my family?... I can't decide...
  16. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Probably that time I tried pushing CJDogger off of a mountain. I just about pissed myself when he stood back up alive but apparently he didn't notice me hiding in the bushes.
  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    He's camping I tells ya

    Oh yeah; I remember that time my leg got trapped when I tried to climb over a high wall and somebody had to get me down otherwise I would have fell and cracked my head open the 5th time
  18. metashinryu

    metashinryu Well-Known Member

    mine was like 4 ages ago:i discovered that i was asmatic and cant do too much running activity by the bad way, i was on a trip to a beach with my parents and i was excited(my first time on a beach)and i ran a lot around the place then i stopped to rest on a log of a tree and my parents were afar, like two minutes later i felt dumb and i tried to stand up and i didnt had strenght to do so i couldnt even breathe and i only heard whispers and my head felt like it was gonna fall apart, i couldnt see or distinge anything only black stripes and white pigments then i shouted to my parents and i felt someone pulling my arm but i couldnt see him,
    then i realized it was my mother and she had been searching the whole beach for me she guided me to a chair to see what she can do.

    then i couldnt remember anything i think i passed out or something.
  19. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Dude... that sucks.
    By 4 ages, do you mean 4 years?
  20. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    that ain't good...