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Scariest Moment of your Life

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by str8ayds, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I saw on discover (or was it National Geographic?) once this person having surgery done on his brain (actually it was just his cranium they were fixing), they didn't had to give him any anesthetic because the surgeons said that the brain area had no pain sensors or something like that, they were even touching the guy's brain matter & he didn't feel a thing.
  3. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Some woman got a leg operation by hypnotizing herself to stop her brain from processing pain or something. She didn't use anesthetics, and she was actually chatting with the nurses as they were cutting open her leg. Creepy.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the brain does not have pain receptors, that is correct, but your head does.
  5. Orvil28

    Orvil28 Member

    Being bitten by a spider when I was in Canada and going into anaphylactic shock. Suffocation is not good! :eek:
  6. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    around age 5-6 i fell in a tank of reserve water bout 4 feet...almost drowned wooot!
  7. Aiiko

    Aiiko Well-Known Member

    Dying my hair gave me a trip to the hospital :'(
  8. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    HOw do they cut opent he head then?

    anyways.. well the scariest moment for me (Or saddest :( ) Was when me and my best friend got into a fight... I had a hugr crush on her too, and we still don't talk to this day (1 month has passed...)

    I regret that day....
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I know how you could feel, "if only we could redo things & didn't do that" right? Oh well that's how we learn from life, painful but in a sick way we learn. :'(
  10. ClydeOne

    ClydeOne Well-Known Member

    I almost got shot for an item that belonged to me.
  11. minimario

    minimario New Member

    When i was like 6 i was with my dad at a train station and just before the train arrived i fell on to the tracks. Luckily my dad juped down and pulled me up. I could have died :'(
  12. sasquatch

    sasquatch Well-Known Member

    I have had a few run ins with water, when I was about 4 or 5 my brother and I were swimming in a local river when the tide changed really quickly and swept us out really far, I don't remember much but they tell me my dad and a fisherman saved the two of us. Another time when I was about 7 we were swimming in a pool at a party some one my family new was holding we were trying to see who could hold there breath the longest under water when I passed out from lack of oxygen again I don't remember too much except getting dragged out of the pool and kinda waking up feeling all groggy. I also have a big fear of being alone when I was about 4 or so I was having a nap when the rest of the family my dad mum brother and sister all went to the shops, they left me at home by myself cause I was asleep, I woke up couldn't find any one and went ballistic crying and wrecking shit I thought that my family had left me by myself.
  13. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    when i was like 6 years old i was taken to a Wal Mart with my mom. i got lost in the clothes place and screamed for my mom. took me like 10 minutes to find her.
  14. BlogMan

    BlogMan Active Member

    I'd say the scariest moment was when i was 10, me and my dad were in the car and the car in front of us ran over a little girl :(. My dad went "shit!" and nearly crashed twice tryin to drive away. That was the first time i went into shock, i couldn't talk or move and i was barely breathing. Nightmares and fits of crying followed for a couple of nights. That might seem a bit over the top but i was quite sensitive at the age of 10. I mean you see gruesome things like that on tv but you aren't there to see the bones snap and hear the screams. *shudders*
  15. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    Scariest moment in my life?
    I live in a house with 3 other girls. One night around 2am, the girl who lives down stairs screamed and ran up stairs. We all gathered and asked her what's wrong. She said that there was "something" in her room and it was staring at her. She also said it had no face and long hair.

    Basically 4 girls + dark down stairs and hall ways = horror movie prelude.

    We all stayed up and didn't sleep a wink that night while listening to soothing buddhist chants.

    Then we all slept in the same room for the next 2 weeks, and she still refuses to sleep in her own room.
    I can't imagine anything scarier than not knowing what's in the dark.
  16. dave_salmon

    dave_salmon Well-Known Member

    For me it would be when i was working on a farm a few years ago. I was on my way back to the farm from the moors at the back of the main house and it's about a mile of rocky downhill, grass lands and streams on the quad bike.

    It had started raining which is why i was heading back and i had the tools i was using to help build a run through for a stream which was destroying parts of the furthest top field strapped to the front and back equipment grills of the quad. I was taking it slowly coming down a particularly steep and wet part when the bike started to pick up speed even though i'd pulled the brakes to full.

    So i was sliding down a steep section heading straight for a stone wall and a 6 foot drop in to a narrow stream and decided i had to do something before i ended up splatted under the quad. So i decided to try and maneuver the bike over on to a small stream bank and then try gunning the bike up the other side of the bank. I managed it, got up on the other side of the bank and over a small lip only to pass through a bramble patch and catch the side of a wall as i was passing through a hole in.

    The bike spun, slid across the path behind the wall and i watched as the pick-axe on the front of the bike came loose and swung around the handle bars, miss me by centimeters and swing off the bike to embed it's self in the floor.
  17. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Wow! Must've been pretty bad
  18. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    That doesn't explain headaches, though... Surely the pain from concussions and headaches fits somewhere in that.
  19. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    What loony meant was the brain itself does not have pain receptors, but the area sorrounding the head (the skull, the muscles & skin) do. Also headaches are triggered by other factors & are interpreted only by the brain, like for example my personal favorite type of headache, brain freeze.
  20. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I hate brain freezes, it makes my head feel cold >.<

    So, do you mean that he wouldn't be feeling things that go through his head?