Dead Space relied too much on boo scares, but it was a great game Dead Space 2 seems even less scary and more reliant on boo scares, but it will be no doubt an even better game
Resident Evil 3 was the first one to get me. With the mood setting STAAARRRRRRRSSSSSSS!!!!!! That is when you knew it was a bad time to only have a pistol and a green herb. Silent Hill: Homecoming. I knew this game had me scared when I am playing through with my fiance tell me to go to the next room and I tell her to go F herself. More recently, Metro 2033 had a few parts that were tripping me out due to the sound. Not really any others besides that, still have to play Dead Space though.
Luigi's Mansion BETA demo - Game Over. At the end. Ever wonder what Luigi would look like as a fat ghost deku? Welcome to your new nightmare. For the lazy:
Silent Hill, getting mugged in the first alley got me worried that I screwed up and after that I was extremely paranoid for the rest of the game. The point and click adventure game Juggernaut is also the creepiest (not scariest) game on the PSX. Finally Eternal Darkness, the entire game, but especially getting to the end of the cathedral level in the game, entering the final room and staring way, way up at the level's boss and knowing that no matter what for the future of the world you had to win against it, then having it crush you witrh it's foot.
the only game i EVER got scared on was, Extermination for the PS2. Thats one scary *** game. Go to gamestop and get it for like $2 and see what i mean. Its scarier then RE and Silent Hill.
First time I played RE3, when you're in the RPD, walking down the stairs and *boom*. Nemesis crashes through the window and attacks you.
When my nephew said "BOO" right in my ear when I was sleeping, and then he put a his teddybear in front of my face. I fell out of my bed
my friend was below me playing my DS it was like geometry wars or something and he was really focused so i grab a toy pig and put it in front of his face and say BOO he flung my DS in the air luckily it landed on a soft mattress