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Say Something Good About The Person Above You.

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by sexywogboy, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    lmao.....she's hot ^_^ and her tatoos are awesome
    tommyboy is unknown to me but he's no troll :3
  2. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    he made my sig (need to say more?)
  3. tommyboy-735

    tommyboy-735 New Member

    i'm a newbie but when i reply, that would be my 2nd reply!!!! (yay)
  4. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    he already reply 2 Times :p (that's a lot)
  5. GoldenTalesGeek

    GoldenTalesGeek Well-Known Member

    That is an awesome avatar and sig you have, super_pastafari32! It's great to meet a fellow Castlevania fan, even if I am still slogging through Order of Eccelsia. It's pretty difficult. Also, judging by your username, I'd say you're a Pastafarian? If so, that's kinda cool. I've got some friends who subscribe to that belief. I'm not personally into that kinda thing, but I do have a good laugh about it.
  6. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    i aren't a real pastafarian... it was a big mess up when i get on RomU but... o well it's not bad XD and after that i read a bit of that pastafarism (surpresively it really exist o_O) and ... well whatever

    back on topic...
    you like castlevania :p
  7. tommyboy-735

    tommyboy-735 New Member

    you find 2 reply's much (this is my 3d)
  8. GoldenTalesGeek

    GoldenTalesGeek Well-Known Member

    Aww! Cute kitty in the avatar! ;D
  9. tommyboy-735

    tommyboy-735 New Member

    he likes my kitty ^__^ (google lolcats...)
  10. LilPrincess

    LilPrincess Member

    He's from holland ^^
  11. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    You're awesome! xD
  12. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    you got a cool scar on your face
  13. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    Your sig really suits your personality!
  14. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    A guy from my country and with good posts, that I do agree with most 'em.
  15. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    Mad max... ;D
  16. DaSiofthra

    DaSiofthra Active Member

    ^ is super. Otherwise he'd be mediocre_pastafari32
  17. tymaca321

    tymaca321 Active Member

    DaSiofthra has 2 captials these 2 form DS, thats why he's awsome 8)
  18. DaSiofthra

    DaSiofthra Active Member

    tymaca321 wears sunglasses at night.
  19. tymaca321

    tymaca321 Active Member

    I do??? :p (here its day XD)

    DaSiofthra reminds me of Shakira in some way :eek:
  20. DaSiofthra

    DaSiofthra Active Member

    tymaca321 was able to predict the exact face I would make upon that statement :eek: