Code: 97. always, always, bring some discs with you... you can always throw them... but first, practice your accuracy...
98. Practice the art of "Hey I'll kick you in the nuts" or the art of "turning around & farting on your assailant's face
Code: 100. (ooh-ooh!!...) always carry a baseball bat to hit the robber/hitman :P , but if he/she has a gun... hit them anyway with it, because it will probably be a proximity encounter ;D ...
Code: yeah, just edited it... sorry for the error... 101. don't have sigs bigger than 200 pixels... :P
SAVE THE FAMILY JEWELS!!!! 104. Try to avoid posers attempting to make fun of you. Laughing at them only makes them angrier.
Not only that if you react it just fuels their sick twisted view of life. 105. When going to unfamiliar teritory, DON'T act like you own everyone, 'cause chances are you might tick off some who really "owns" the place.
107. Always bring an comfortable improvised weapon with you in case your dealing with thugs or bullies, so that you can whack the life out off them.
108. If your a Girl and you were holdupped by Men try to seduce them then when the time is right slit there throat using a small knife but if your a man don't seduce them otherwise they will think your gay and they will kill you immediately.
I think "Kick the nuts" is the most suggested thing here. 110: Pretend you're retarded and start making weird noises and grab for their hair to pet it. If they have a gun, screw the previous advice and pretend you're a retard who also think's he's a bird and try to fly away. If the man still shoots you, he has NO heart D: