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RPGs-Dying Breed?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rpgirl, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    LOLOLOL morrowind and oblivion do not have a complicated spell/fighting system XD
  2. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Ok first of all Im talking about the new generations of gamers vs clasical RPGs.... Most kids are not the type to sit there reading the dialouge of say Final Fantasy I when they can blow stuff up in GTA or rip things to shread in God of War....
  3. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    There are a great many youth, mostly fangirls, though there are a few fanboys, that buy whole drama collections just to listen to their favourite voice actors. Just saying, you know.
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Both games have more interaction than a JRPG.

    Just saying.
  5. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    But how the heck do you get off if you can't hear the delicious voices of those sirens?
  6. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    She uses her husband for that. Also her many, many dildos that she likes to hit people with.

    On-topic: I don't think they're dying so much as they're evolving. I'll admit that I absolutely love turn-based RPGs(Lost Odyssey anyone?) but with all the advances in technology these days, I can understand how most people wouldn't care too much about having to go through the menus and stuff and instead opting for hotkeys among other things.

    In short, RPGs are doing the evolution thing based on advances in technology. I'll admit that I'd prefer to watch someone's head explode in Fallout 3 over playing Final Fantasy I again.
  7. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Ya I know but I couldnt think of a clasical game that most kids would know.... My point is they didnt grow up in the 8/16/32 bit era where we based the games the storylines and not so much on the graphics....
  8. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    I do believe people who loves RPGs are those that like to play a good game of plot and storyline. I would agree with Renji here, and I would not argue that the fact that action games has more button pushing and things going on. Kids these days don't really fancy RPGs mainly because of its repeatition of battles (the stuff where you need to grind your lvl), I don't think they don't like reading a good storyline though. We all want a good plot whether it's action or adventure or rpgs alike.

    That said, I do hope RPGs fans like us can voice out and support more Rpgs be made into English. I have been growing up with video game consoles since I was 8, playing a fair share of NES, Sega, Super Nintendo, PSX, PS2, and now NDS, PSP and Xbox 360, I would still vouch for RPGs because of its endless possiblility of item creation, character building and a good storyline. Some of you may be right about the old consoles not being able to deliver good graphics and so the makers opt for RPGs instead, but these days we have the XBOX 360 and PS3. Surely and most definitely RPG can evolve into something even greater than its predecessors.

    Turn based Rpg is the sole foundation of every good RPG, action RPGs lean towards more to action. Mass Effect and Fallout are not the same and cannot be catergorized into RPGs, I do feel they are different in all sorts of ways.

    If more people supported RPGs, I do believe we will see more titles being released into English. Yes, the DS has tonnes of good ol RPGs, but I would want to see more for the XBox 360 and PS3 because they can deliver kick a** graphics. :)
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I remember people playing games for gameplay and interaction, not graphics or storylines. and lol 32 bit era, that was a memorable one.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Dead right about the short attention spans.

    I just bought 6 ps3 games and haven't finished one in less than 2 months XD

    And they still have plenty of rpg's, but it's mostly a hand held thing as I see it now adays.
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i think the latest generation of gamers need to be re introduced to rpgs like they were when ff7 came out in 1997. ff7 changed games forever, its still talked about today as the best game ever, its certainly the best in my eyes. if square get their act together and stick with old school gameplay with todays technology we could have another game just as good and the young gamers will love it just like they did in 1997.
    I dont want rpgs to evolve, i want them alongside the new games
  12. maiyouk

    maiyouk New Member

    RPGs today simply suck thats all there is to it, that's why less ppl are getting into them. final fantasy once known to be the best in the rpg field now only release "pretty" games i think their focus is now how flash they can get the game to be. when i saw the announcement trailer for FFXIIIthey went on and on about how its in hd and the battle system is so cool but not much on the story and im a serious rpg fan but most of the ds titles really are boring and it has nothing to do with the battle system in any of them, the story is jus uninteresting. and ff7 isnt the best rpg ever it was jus so well advertised that it was the starting point for lots of fans but ask any real gamer ff6 was the best deep characters, lots of in game secrets, billions of side quest "i <3 ff6". anyway long story short rpg's today focus way too much on graphics and not on content.
  13. SWIFT84

    SWIFT84 Member

    I like the case of JRPGs simply evolving which is true. I believe the next evolutionary stage for JRPGs are the current tactics-style RPGs which resemble JRPGs, but have that extra element of--actual strategy. It's not to say that JRPGs didn't have strategy, but once you figured out what magic to use or XP grind then the strategy is diminished some. You just can't beat obliterating a boss's minions and then hunting them down on a grid. Although I will admit, I kinda miss the dungeon crawling-castle/tower scaling of older FF and DQ RPG stock.

    The point at which JRPGs were dying was when they got lazy and took out actually traveling on a map (hence killing the journey that made some JRPGs fun in the first place) and dumbing down the map to a straight path with side pockets...

    ...yes, I am jabbing at FFX and FFX2. Action RPGs are a different case. Now and days, the action RPG has seen growth and are now actual RPGs. It's not an action or action/adventure game that is simply considered an RPG because it has fantasy elements and swordplay. There is actual level gain, advancement, and award. In most cases you may still only play with one character (which kinda takes away the "role playing" part), but the base elements and mechanics that made an RPG an RPG are returning and action RPGs have earned their place in the fold. These and tactics-style RPGs will keep the RPG in general alive.

    ...and yes, there was a jab at Legend of Zelda. I love it, but it's a deserved jab.
  14. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    I love RPGs like Monster Hunter, god eater, ff 1-9, and the persona games. But I really like action rpg games and shooters because they make me feel like a badass. I mean have you ever played fallout 3 or mw2? It's amazing
  15. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    These arnt RPG's.... Atleast not the type were talking about....
  16. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    Well i also play Dragon Quest, TWEWY, Pokemon, Chrono Trigger, Star Ocean, and Valkyrie Profile
  17. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    Yup I agree...too much flashy and CG animations are hyped and overrated. I hate to have to sit and watch more movies than actually play it. And if these can't be skipped, it can be a pain.
  18. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    RPG's are dying, gotta admit that, slowly, but it'll disappear one of these days
    the future of gaming is going to be based of... HEAVY RAIN, it's like you're interacting in a movie
    RPGs used to be good cause it was something new, FPS' are now good cause it's something new
    so if we can combine an RPGesque FPS, we have THE game right there
  19. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    crazytuna is telling the truth. maybe that's why borderlands is so fucking amazing
  20. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    gah i am a fan of the tales series as well i would love to see it translated to english T.T cant play the j-version haha XD oh well i guess i should start japanese lessons in the near future :p
    i am currently playing mass effect though so i can get mass effect 2 when i finish the first one :p
    also i was a big fan of KOTOR series and also FF :d NOT to mention star ocean :D oh well so many rpgs yet now the younglings prefare smash and bash games like smackdown -.-
    i wish more rps where made T.T