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Romulation's gonna LIVE!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ronald059, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    CRAP.... I just learned a new Pokemon Ranger is coming out (Guardian Signs) and I want it, but I'm outta cash for months...
  2. jaimitovond

    jaimitovond Well-Known Member

    And that would probably be if we are lucky, considering 3DS games will be able to be up to 2GB. Still, Romulation has quite possibly the nicest community, so theres no way in hell Im leaving
  3. greenfire

    greenfire Well-Known Member

    Yeah and by that time 3DS will be solid as well so still if we do get emualators, flashcarts, and etc. we should probably stay cool so that RomU won't have to take another attack from the ESA. (multiple 3DS games are to be released for 3DS by next year!!) here are a list
    Paper Mario
    Mariokart (diffrent from mariokart DS)
    The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
    Star Fox 64 3D
    A Metal Gear Solid game is also to be released next year
    Kid Icarus: Uprising will come out sometime this Year (YAY!!) :)
  4. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Please stay on topic, and keep all Nintendo 3DS discussion to the following thread:

  5. greenfire

    greenfire Well-Known Member

    sorry ill do that...
    but by now im doubting the return of RomU just the fact that Seph hasn't said a word about any of this (correct me if im wrong plz. would definently help me cheer up!)
  6. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Seph has been really busy. That and the fact his birthday is coming up. I'm sure he'll comment on the situation as a whole eventually.
  7. greenfire

    greenfire Well-Known Member

    :) thanks!! and to Seph who may be reading thank you and Happy Birthday (sorry dont know your birthday! :p )
  8. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    Dang!!! Still I'll not pay 250.00 BRL per game down here. High prices is what really pushes foward the piracy thing.
  9. platinum01

    platinum01 New Member

    maybe a complete copie and paste thing can do the job??

    we change the site adress the site name (to a name that u wont notice fast) and the members get a mail will that help?
  10. greenfire

    greenfire Well-Known Member

    no, because posting that idea instead of mailing Seph the idea will now have the ESA on RomU's ass which you just did.........
  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    You guys realize that RomU is such a big site that it will be found regardless of name change or anything of the like, right? Plus, the ESA doesn't search for just names (though RomU was already on their list), they search for large, public NDS ROM databases.
  12. Leifio

    Leifio Member

    ouch... romulations too good to go down... and there are some paying for the services... they should just make the games more points i guess.. Tho IMO most NDS games suck and are not worth 30$...
  13. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    You guys don't know anything about hosting roms, they know the IP of the server, when they serve a C&D, they include every link for every rom affected, server included. That's what nds-roms had.
  14. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    In short, for other people, RomU is pretty much screwed at this point in time for NDS roms.
  15. greenfire

    greenfire Well-Known Member

    True.... but the upcoming games for DS (which may be the last from Nintendo theyre going all out with 3DS) are sure to be best-sellers, have you seen Pokemon Black and White?!?! im pretty sure that ESA doesn't want people ripping off Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs and Pokemon Black and White!!
    but only time will tell so guys stick around!!!
  16. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    well, time for romu to host some other system's games, then :p
    "Soz, Big N, but we go sony"
  17. cookieninja100

    cookieninja100 Active Member

    eh it bites but i really loving the community here so ill def will stick around. anyways im sure that just laying low for a few months will allow this to pass over. cides wats of a new golden sun im hearing of O.O golden sun is still my favorite GBA game.
  18. greenfire

    greenfire Well-Known Member

    huh thought discussion here ended....
  19. cyankain26

    cyankain26 New Member

    feh... screw the ESA... I don't care about their rules, they're just another department for holding people back... so what good have they done? obviously they're just doing this maybe because they want some kind of rewards from the big wigs or they want some kind of praise or something. but what do I care about that? do they even help us to not get bored at times that we're getting bored? their company is only one sided and has never been concerned for the public. feel free to get angry at my claim but I'm just saying most opinions of the people I know.
  20. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    The ESA represents most of all video game companies. They pretty much are the big wigs. They allow video games to get to the public, and they don't like it when people steal their underling's games.