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Romulation users...why are they here?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, May 9, 2009.

  1. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Well,i've used lots of money to buy PS2 and upgrading my Pc,and I've used my scholarship money to buy it..my father mad at me when he knew it(nearly get kicked out of house!!),and to reduce the amount of money i've used(which i thought to used it to buy PS3 and NDS..but..no..),i find an alternative way to solve it,and here I am..downloading roms...hehe..

    anyway,it's fun to be here and i'm glad to be one of the romulation community..
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    To be honest, I'm just here to sodomise Winterreise on IRC.

    He loves it, really.
  3. catman8155

    catman8155 Member

    The reason I'm here was because I was getting into modding pokemon GBA roms, I made an account, forgot about it, then logged back on in 2 years when I got an r4. You should've seen the look on my face when I saw how many points I had.
  4. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    My story is much the same as many others' really. I bought an R4 (back in the day when they were good) and wanted a good place to get roms. Romulation and a few others were my regulars, but slowly Romulation became much more reliable, and the others less so. But during that time, I came to get more involved in the community here. I do intend to buy games, but money is an issue whils a student. Soon, however I should be getting a job (after leaving college) and have some money. But I still stick around here for all the fantastic people, who are always willing to help, and are never offensive (with maybe the occasional exception). I really like the comunity here. *huggles all*
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    What the Heck!? ???
  6. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Hmmm at first my bro downloaded the games for me, and after a while he said: Screw this download them yourself
    And that's why I'm here now
    spamming the forums
  7. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    what's vro?
  8. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Corrected that it's bro
  9. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    This statement was quoted for truthfulness.

    I come here because I get an awesome $0.00 check every two weeks. I guess I also come here for community stuff although I never was a really big fan of forums(<3 IRC though).
  10. I'm here because a lot of games I'd like to play can't be found in my backwater country, either because they're too old or too new or because- er- it IS a backwater country. xD Aaaand I can't do internet shopping either, so...ta-daa - me!

    Seriously though - when it comes to games I like, I'm a completely insane, rabid, drooling, shop clerk-manhandling maniac and I WOULD pay a ridiculous fortune for them, if only I could get my hands on them. Come to think of it, it's probably better for me that I CAN'T find any here.

    I'd become a gamer-hobo in a matter of DAYS...no - MINUTES. [​IMG]
  11. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    wow.. I bought a CycloDS for myself, so I needed to find somewhere to help fill it. But my sister has now claimed it and now I only have 4 games on it for myself. =(
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i came here looking for some roms [those from the 16bit days] and couldn't find them at emuasylum. additionally, seph or someone, posted a link to this with the post suggesting to "check this site out" [so it's likely seph]. i checked it out and it wasn't bad. it had the games i wanted and checked out the forums. things were slow here at first but it eventually moved faster.

    the forums of this site had several problems. i remember two problems that occurred, one was that they had a drive crash or something and the other one they got cancelled by their host unexpectedly or so. the others i don't recall. this caused several of the previous posts on the forums as well as membership status being deleted [i remember i had to re-register].

    i switched from emuasylum [a platinum member with access to all those roms/isos in emuasylum] and moved here. i liked the people here as compared to emuasylum. i feel that there is more control here by seph, loony and the other organizers for the site as compared to emuasylum. people here are also more respectable to each other then compared to emuasylum.

    i still go to emuasylum to download some saturn isos or dreamcast games or to find other stuff. but overall i go to romulations forum page to visit the people of this site from all around the world because it feels friendly.
  13. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Well, here goes.
    I bought an R4 a while back, and stumbled upon romulation after issues with nd-roms.com.
    I'm not gonna lie, when I download a game, I don't really intend on buying it for real... shhh...
    And soon I found out how much I can get out of these forums.
    So I'm here for free games and the forum
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    On the search of 'Epic pr0n' I stumbled up0n a mystical item, the R4, I was promised many things from saving money to portable pr0n!
    I though "Gee, that sure is epic" So I searched for epic pr0n but found that such a mystical device could hold cheats, now I love mah cheats so I downloaded moar! And I though wait, cheats need games! So I searched for games and I found a mystical site! http://RomUlation.net
    I was wow'd! I thought "Gee this site sure is neat" So I spent lots of time on such a neat site, there was a button there, it said 'Forum' and loving my Ancient Greek I thought "Clicky clicky!!! >:3 " But I arrived somewhere to discuss 'Vidya gaems' and to eat deliscious pink stuff called 'spam'!
    I thought "Gee this is surely better than pr0n, maybe i'll stay" And that's how I became a member!
    Gee isn't that a story children? Now close your books out, it's time for a nap ^-^
  15. Shin The Archmage

    Shin The Archmage Well-Known Member

    Because now days they charge damned to much for games... developers may not like it, but I consider it payback for making those with not much money feel like outcasts. Meh.

    Other reasons... don't get much games where I live... yet another reason.

    The last reason is because... ROMS are just so darn fun... and you can do much more with them than buying a game itself... referring to DS here mainly.
  16. sirchewie

    sirchewie Active Member

    Im here bc its by far the best nds rom site and getting things for free feels better than earning them. I want to play games but they cost so much and taking the games in and out of the ds constantly rubs the leads off and can render a game unusable after a while. So basically using a flashcart extends the life of your games bc you rarely have to take it out of your ds
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks


    That's it, that's all.

    And the hope of furries and S&M
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Well you found some furries and I heard Seph enjoys a bit of the S&M
  19. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I hope more females members!!
    come to my post guys!!
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest


    Unlike somebody I did not come to stalk women