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RomUlation Promotion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seph, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    Wow! first compliment from anyone on romulation :)
  2. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    $$$$$$$$$$$Z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IZ$$$?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$Z$$+~~~~~+O$$$$$$$$=~~~~~OZZ:.  ..OZZ$$$$$Z. .  OZ$~.....OZZ$$$$$$$$$$$$I...... ~OZZ=......     .....?O: . ..OZ$$= .. ...  .... ...ZZ$$$=.....:Z$$$$I .. .OZZ$$$
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    ZZZZZZZZZZZ$$ZZZZZZZZZZ$=~==~=OZZ=~=~~7ZZZZZZZ?=~=~=IOZZ=~==~==7ZZZZZZ=====~=+OZZ......OZZZZZZ$ ... ~OZZ. ....OZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.... .. ..OOZO88DI.....IDDD8D8OO. ...DOZ..... ?Z$$$$$$....  8OZZ~... .  ?OZZZ.... .OZZZZZ
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    ZZZZZZZZZZ======8OZZZZ$=====IDZ$=====7OZZZZZZ7=====$8Z$=========8OZ=========78Z7.....+8ZZZZZZI.... I8ZZ.....~DZZZZZZZZZZZ=.....=O.....I8ZZZZZ......8OZZZZZ$.....=OZ7.....?OZZZZZZ?.....7OZZ...........8O+....=8ZZZZZZ
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    I just took the RomUlation logo and put it into some online ASCII Art generator. Kind of hard to read, though. I'm finding a better program.
  3. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    we can't put any more adds without flooding the site with them, can we?
  4. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    lol born2kill, it would be better if it was romulation.net.
  5. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    I know... let's see, now.

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    I know, it's still a bit big, but I don't know how to make it smaller. I had to crop out everything but the words, and I think it came out well. It's a bit rounded, too. (pleaselikepleaselike)
  6. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Damn, that's waay out of my league.
  7. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

       RURURURURURURURU                                         x                                                                
         RUR       RURUR                                         xx                                     m                       
         RUR          RU                                         xxx                                  mmm                        
         RUR          RUR   RURUR    RURURUR     xxxx             xx  xxxxx                oo         mm                      
         RUR           RU   RURUR    RURURUR     xxxx             ru    xxx                oo                                    
         RUR           RU  RU   RU   RU RU RU     xxx             xx    xxx                oo                                    
         RUR           RU  RU   RU   RU RU RU     xxx             ru    xxx      rrrrr    ooooooo   mmmmm      sssss    :):):)   
         RUR           RU  ru   ru   ru ru ru     xxx             xx    xxx      rrrrr    ooooooo   mmmmm      sssss    :):):)   
         RUR          RU   RU   RU   RU RU RU     xxx             ru    xxx          rr    oo         mmm     ss   ss   :)   :)  
         RUR         RUR   RU   RU   RU RU RU     xxx             xx    xxx          rr    oo         mmm     ss   ss   :)   :)  
         RURURURURURURU    ru   ru   ru ru ru     xxx             ru    xxx          rr    oo         mmm     ss   ss   :)   :)  
         RURURURURUR       ru   ru   ru ru ru     xxx             xx    xxx      rrrrrr    oo         mmm     ss   ss   :)   :)  
         RUR RUR           ru   ru   ru ru ru     xxx             ru    xxx      rrrrrr    oo         mmm     ss   ss   :D   :D  
         RUR  RUR          ru   ru   ru ru ru     xxx             xx    xxx     rr   rr    oo         mmm     ss   ss   :)   :)  
         RUR   RUR         --   --   -- -- --     xxx             ru    xxx     rr   rr    oo         mmm     ss   ss   :)   :)  
         RUR   RURU         ~~~~~    ~~    ~~     xxx             xx    xxx     rr   rr    oo         mmm     ss   ss   :)   :)  
         RUR     RUR        `````    ``    ``     xxx             ru    xxx     rr   rr    oo         mmm     ss   ss   :)   :)  
         RUR      RUR                          R  xxx             xx  xxxxxxx    rrrrrr     ooooo   mmmmmmm    sssss    :)   :)  
         RUR       RUR                            xxx             xx                                                             
        RURU        RURU                      R   xxxx            xx                                                             
        RURU         RURU                    R     xxx           xxx                    ~ru**333. 3333 33333~                  
      RURURU           RURU                 R      xxxx          xx                        33  33 33     3    
                        RURUR             RUR       xxxx       xxx~                     .. 33  33 3      3    ~x~lulz~x
                          RURURU        RUR         xxxxxxxxxxxxxx                      ^^ 33  33 3333  33    ~x~void~x   
                             RURURURURURUR            xxxxxxxxxxx                                         
                                RURURURU                  XXXX                                              
    I have too much free time. Too bad it looks mediocre. The smileys were cause I was almost done. Sorry.
  8. jadin72

    jadin72 Well-Known Member

    noones commented on my idea yet.
  9. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    heres us mentioned in a wiki, though I think it gives us bad press, perhaps complain seph?


    'Recently, Romulation.net, a large ROM site, received a Cease & Desist letter from the ESA, and was consequently shut down.'
  10. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Yeah i read that awhile ago, and i tried making a wiki on myself... it got deleted because i didn't ever contribute anything important to the world :'(
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Mention on wikipedia is actually quite good for SEO when it comes to domain url visibility, and I didn't add it myself so they can't complain to me about it either. Please don't remove it. :p
  12. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    nice. we have publicity. 8)
  13. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    i've done that. ;) ;D
  14. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    However the site has been totally revived and its fully working......come along ;D
  15. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    [quote author=Wikipedia]
    Recently, Romulation.net, the largest ROM site available, received a Cease & Desist letter from the ESA, due to it's large collection of roms and PSX isos, and was consequently shut down. It is worth noting that as of 30th October 2007 the two most recent ROM dumps are still being hosted in the root directory of the site. However, the site has been totally revived and it's fully working.

    this is the actual text.
  16. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Well not to a surprise they took it off :'(