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Romu members who are in love..........

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by adelie66, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. samusaran115

    samusaran115 Well-Known Member

    I'm in love with my cousin. Not in a "I want to bang her" way, she's just totally awesome. I envy her.
  2. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Does loving anime characters count?


    And yes, I'm not ashamed to say that I'm in love with her. Or to be more precise a girl like her.
  3. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    We all secretly love people without noses.
  4. radioactive

    radioactive New Member

    i was in love with agirl for 2yrs running still do but she doesnt like me ive tried and tried but nothing works thts y i want to stay single so i can learn to get over love :(
  5. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    Dude, you need to show more effort, run to her house and sing to her. Write her name in fire on her front lawn.
  6. radioactive

    radioactive New Member

    dont want to burn her lawn but i could sing to her or get her a gift i suppose
  7. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I would assume her thoughts are not with you.
  8. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Yes they are... She loves me! I know it! I can prove it! heeheehee!

    [me=toffster92]then sings all the ABBA songs in Mamma Mia in order while running through the neighborhood park naked. And then promptly lays down in the fetal position in the middle of the sandbox crying while sucking on a recently thrown burrito wrapper.[/me]
  9. RFT123

    RFT123 Member

    Well I've liked this girl for about....hm....4 years now. What annoys me is the fact that every time I have eventually mustered up the courage to ask her out, she will literally get into a relationship. The last time I tried to ask her out was over a year ago... :-\ It is very annoying, but nothing I can really do about it :D
  10. dt123

    dt123 Well-Known Member

    my dogs a sexy beast
  11. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    I've liked this girl for a few years now and I still persist. Slow and steady gets the hot blonde.
  12. Ovion

    Ovion New Member

    Currently am.

    Have been a couple of times before.

    Hopefully thisun will go better