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Romu members who are in love..........

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by adelie66, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Newton and Tesla had nothing to do with each other, so I think I speak for everyone when I ask what the hell you're on about.
  2. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    You just don't get it. try google about Newton's life.
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You expect us to believe that he's asexual? He's thirteen he probably hasn't hit puberty yet, interest in sex should come soon enough (hell there's a 1% chance that a person IS infact asexual, even then the chances are even lower since he's thirteen).
  4. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Protip: if you wish to effectively convey a point, comprehensible grammar goes a loooooong way towards "getting it".

    Newton's asexuality and Tesla's bachelorhood are still totally unrelated, though.
  5. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    NOPE. I want us to look at some of the most intellectual people in history. Look at their love lives. Being in love or not probably has little to do with achievement.
  6. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    This is a non sequitur argument. Nobody said he couldn't achieve anything.
  7. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    OK, before i say it, it's my assumption thus not absolute.

    I assume a lot of people think love (romance) plays an important role to determine a person's success in whatever thing she/he is doing.
    When a guy got a girl, he will feel calm and do anything in tranquility.(i assume that's in most people minds.)/or the girl got a guy. Newton defied this.
  8. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Tangents about Tesla aside, I can guarantee that people saying they've cut love out of their lives or cannot feel love or some such bullshit are just cut because they've failed to get a girlfriend/been hurt/have trust issues/are like 12 years of age/all of the above. This may be unthinkable but once I too had convinced myself I would never love or be attracted to the fairer sex. The latter was solved when I discovered fapping, the former is a story best left for another day.

    Anyway it's pretty cool and stuff, you'll see once you stop being socially inept introverts and live a little.

    Depends on the person, the state of the relationship etc. It's a variable just the same as, say, the state of someone's finances. There isn't anything special about love in that sense.
  9. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

  10. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    although there is this one girl... NAH I'D RATHER NOT
  11. adelie66

    adelie66 Member

    Oi share.......
  12. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    It's embarrassing...
    I... I don't want them to see... :-[

    It's... My room-mate...
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Unless they download roms, they won't ever see.
  14. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    Fair point...
    I'll have to start logging out from Romu when I'm not at the computer though...
    (Just in case...)

    Her name is Ruth :3
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If she doesn't know your user name then that's helpful.

    I keep track of post while logged out.
  16. Paralys

    Paralys Member

    Living with my gf at the moment so I'd definitely say I am. We get along well since we've got similar interests, both play fuck tons of games, watch anime, have a wide taste in music, have similar religious, political and parenting ideas (which is important as she has a son.) So I suppose the whole thing is just finding someone similar to you, as I've found in past relationships that the whole "opposites attract" concept maybe true, it definitely doesn't last long until you start grating on each other's nerves during big decisions or finding that you've got nothing to do with each other in your spare time.

    Also, what's with all this "I do not need love in my life as it clouds my logic"/"I only sleep around because girls hurt mah feelings...bawwww." type nonsense. Some of you people either have a serious obsession with pretending to be Vulcans or need to get your ass back to /r9k/
  17. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    lol lucky bastard. nvm I really don't care. I also disagree with the idea that love clouds your logic. It doesn't. You love your parents right? Does that cloud your logic? Or are you gonna be one of those emotionless evil people from Megaman that wants to eliminate emotions and hearts from the world because it 'clouds judgement'. Also, opposites attract is bull half the time.

    Anyways, I like my best friend. (And no it's not a guy)
  18. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    shit i'd love to get rid of emotions.i hate conscience.
  19. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

  20. DECADE5

    DECADE5 Well-Known Member

    You're trying to sign 'em up for your religious cult, right?