i though that is just figure of speech, not literal meaning because you just said they act like a zombie, you compare them to a zombie. anyway the only scary RE is RE1....... the rest arent so scary.
I dont really find any re that scary. But if I had to choose, RE1 is out of my list. RE3 had nemesis a real pest and Mr. Drop in Unannounced constantly chasing you and trying to get you in his chokehold so he can drive his tentacles through your head. If that isnt scary I dont know what is. And RE4 the beloved chainsaw ganado whereby if he slices you with his chainsaw its an instant kill. And I just saw a screen for RE5, a chainsaw ganado standing in front of Chris while he is being held in a half-nelson grapple by another zombie. Whoa! Finally they are teaming up on you.
I felt that the RE series when I played 3 when it came out at the time a much needed change, the tedious camera, auto-aim, and it's general gameplay style needed a revamp. RE4 revamped that and added an action element. Instead of the fear of running out of ammo compared to the other ones, they offer a big variety of enemies and more enemies at once, along with the non-stop action even during cutscenes. RE4 does not feel like RE because it's a revamped version in the series, if you can't handle the change, stop complaining and find something else to play, in my opinion RE3 and that type of RE got really stale. RE4 and 5 are still thriller, thus the control style where you stand still when you aim and the enemies come at you at a slow pace, thus the thrilling aspect. It works and it's different from the past RE's. Also the comparison of House Of The Dead and RE5 is retarded. RE5 is no arcade shooter and just because there's more enemies does not mean that it's like it. If that's the case then Starcraft is like HotD or Halo is like HotD or Quake is like HotD or Doom is like HotD etc etc. that being said, I thought RE4 was a lot more fun than any other RE game. I don't care about the 'scares'.
Sweet, someone who shares my opinions abourre4. And the scares are still there, as if chainsaw ganado guy wasnt enough, they added a butcher wielding a ridiculously sized axe. Just tried the demo and man that guy is annoying.
i'm not comparing, i just said RE4 and RE5 is becoming House of the Dead, hance i said it doesnt feel like playing RE anymore. House of the Dead: Tons of zombie, RE4 & 5: checked House of the Dead: Speed zombie, RE4 & 5: checked House of the Dead: Zombie armed with weponary, RE4 & 5: checked House of the Dead: Shooting zombie in special area for speciall effect and quick kill, RE4 & 5: poorly check House of the Dead: Kill them all before able to move into new area, RE4 & 5: checked oh wait, i forget, there is no zombie in RE4, only parasite mutant, base on the demo, it look like RE5 also full of parasite mutant. you may like the change, but i dont, so unless they are going back to "running away from zombie", I'm not touching RE anymore. its funny when RED is still base on good old zombie where lastest RE game isnt..... nah the only part in RE1 that scared me is when the zombie dog suddenly jump through the window..... thats it..... the only capcom game that i found really scary is dino crisis, they did a pretty good job in tricking you with sound.... making you think dino is coming when they are not and when you think you are safe, bam dino ambush! btw i dont find RE4 chainsaw guy scary...... maybe because i already get used to piramid head from silent hill.....
Well it is a little scary having to constantly watch out for him in a big group of them. As you would know one hit = ko
Also the deaths in RE4 were so damn gruesome it actually made me cringe and made me immediately turn off the gamecube. Chainsaw = Turn off walk away. Melting my face = turn off. Huh? You're still comparing it. 1. Dead Rising is like House Of The Dead? Any game with several enemies = House Of The Dead? 2. Most zombies move at a ridiculously slow pace regardless, unless something provokes it or something. 3. The reason why they have weapons is because they aren't exactly zombies, they have brains and have some sort of skill set. Also this applies to every other game with weapons. So everygame with weapons is like House Of The Dead according to that statement. 4. Poorly check? What? What? That doesn't make much sense. Quite a few games do that. Also what do you expect when you shoot them in either the head, leg, or arm anyway? Not to flinch or fall to the ground? In the past RE games you couldn't really aim for seperate body parts so this can't really apply because it wasn't present before with the type of game it was. 5. In the demo for RE5 you don't have to kill all of them. The first shanty town you had to survive for a set amount of time, and the second one you had to kill the chainsaw guy to get the key. That's an excuse to make them smarter, act like a pact, make them use weapons, but still have some characteristics of a zombie. Which is a lot better than a brain dead zombie who can't do all of these.
Haha who could forget the first time you got your head sliced off by the chainsaw ganado and you were probably going like: "what the f@#$" Memories..
Also correct me if I'm wrong but Nemesis in RE3 used weapons and was not just a zombie, technically they aren't even zombies, they are people infected the the T virus or some form of the virus.
Yeah that cheat used a bazooka not to mention it leaves question about when he drops weapons. Could he know how to use them as well?
Nemesis isnt a zombie, arcoding to the comic, he is an advance version of tyran created by fusing a type of parasite creature that is mutated by T-Virus with a living human host. His memory is suppressed by a micro chip implmented in his brain and through the same chip he is given order like "Hunt down all Stars members". 2 Nemesis were created, one of them was destroyed because he cant accept that he become a monster, the other Nemesis is the one you see in RE3. Bazzoka isnt his only weapon, remember the gun part you obtain from Nemesis? those gun are design especially for him. its funny you bring up dead rising, IMO that should be call RE4. i'm only giving you the similarity of both game which why i said RE4 and 5 is becoming House of the Dead. and no I dont said RE4 and 5 is house of the dead is just because they have ton of zombie, its because of all those point i have given earlier. IF i saying it is house of the dead just because they have ton of zombie, then i would count dead rising and left 4 dead as house of the dead as well. so they are not zombies, another reason why RE4 didnt feel like playing a RE game.
resident evil 4 and 5 killed the series. Re5 might be why re outbreak file 3 wont come out ever... poo. Only reason that re4 was named as resident evil 4 was because leon and ada was in it. BIG WOOP!