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resident evil 2...on nintendo...theroies?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by mds64, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Of course not.

    But you have to take things into account like cost...

    If they somehow release this on virtual console I'd be happy, it'll be direct software to the wii, cheaper than a ds cart-and means pirates (like us :p) would still to existing roms XD

    A ds game would cost a bit to make, a wii disc may be a cheaper option.

    It's all about cost, a ds version is certtainly possible but it would require 2 carts and some good marketing to sell them...
  2. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Capcom is smart. But still, they're good with Marketing. And I'm sure they have tons of money to go around with recent releases of great games like TvC. ::)

    I just hope they cater to us DS gamers more this year, and offer more than just Court epics.
  3. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    a remake of resident evil 2 sounds really great >_< i want to play as claire again :(
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Companies are tight-they can't afford to throw money around.

    They made resident evil ds as a test to see if it's worth making more-but I belive making a wii disc may be a cheaper option...

    Still it'd be nice to see it on ds...

    Don't forget leon :)
  5. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i forget him on purpose lol. he's good, but i don't like the rookie cop ^__^. anyway, if there will be a remake for biohazard 2, i hope capcom will make it exclusive to Nintendo again Only.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I think with the exclusion to the american psn (you can download it for psp/ps3 on that network I heard) the older series games are exclusive to nintendo, hence why resident evil 0 and remake have yet to leave nintendo :)
  7. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Nintendo would do good with remakes. I believe they should leave the new breeds to Sony. They did well with 5 anyways.
  8. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    aww i definitely agree with you dancubs ^____^
  9. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    Just to put some light into this (dunno if it has been said before, I read thru the topic but might've missed it), AFAIK, RE2 was never considered to be on the GBA. The avaiable videos of what appears to be RE2 running on the GBA is, in fact, just a tech demo for the Blueroses engine by Raylight studios (IMO, it's not even running on official hardware). It wasn't official, it was just to show off its power. Just to say that Capcom never had any (official) interest to port RE2 to a portable.

    As for the ongoing discussion...

    Y'know, I think RE2 could be done on the DS on a single cart. Hell, they did it on the N64, they could problably do it again if those bigger DSi carts came out. But I'd rather not have it. Not on the DS, not on the Wii, not anywhere. Why? Because if they port it and it fails, it's the last nail in the coffin for a full-blown RE2 remake (you can thank Darkside Chronicles for all of the other nails), or anything somewhat related to it. Ditto.

    As for an actual remake, I want it to be on the most powerful console avaiable and use the current RE style gameplay. Why? Blame RE0. That game showed just how tired the series was.

    I would like, however, if Capcom finished what's to be done on RE1.5 and release it as a RE2 Director's Cut on PSN. Now that'd make me a happy fanboy.
  10. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    RE Darkside was pretty good for me. Looked pretty.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    But the story was out of line..mostly the code veronica part.

    Since when did alfred get killed gy Alexia?

    Why did they change the tyrant from the t-78 to a training model of the t-103 (the one from number 2)?

    That would do the series justice...

    Still, I have a feeling wii owners like me may see resident evil 2, 3 and code veronica on our wiis, I have a feeling that they might do something different than wii controls...why add them into a game that looks so...dated?

    The archives series will continue, to much fan's dismay....

    As for the resident evil 2 gba concept, I kinda didn't read it properly...but your quite correct.

    It's a shame it didn't become more, just to show off what the gba can do AND as a bit of fun...I'd buy it :p
    Um dude, it's capcom, not nintendo that does the resident evil work, nintendo just finds ways of getting some of the games and get lucky XD
  12. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    What I meant was, Nintendo CONSOLES would do good with remakes.

    EG. Resident Evil 4. The Wii puts a new gameplay twist on the PS2, GC, PC, Etc. classic. But capcom didn't give RE5 to the wii, since it doesn't have the power.

    That's the sense I meant.
  13. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    If the camera wasn't so dreadfully shaky, perhaps I'd actually notice the graphics in front of it. But it wasn't. And so I didn't. Bloody hell.

    How is the Archives series faring? I don't know the numbers, but I hope it flops and dies before they decide to port the older games and ruin my childhood for good. Seriously, Capcom should stop milking the series before the hype dies.

    I'd buy it twice. RE2 on the GBA would've been awesome. Hell, just look at Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare on the GBC. Even tho they'd problably mess with the storyline to make it shorter (I can TOTALLY see them removing stuff like Ada/Sherry/Annette/Marvin entirely), and trigger my nerd rage, I'd still buy it, because it's RE2.

    And I know this is a bit of topic, but... where the hell is my Outbreak File 3? Now THAT'S what I'd like to see, regardless of the console.