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Reputations: Is it THAT important??

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    That is my opinion
  2. donieCaren

    donieCaren New Member

    yup for me it is very important....yahahahahhaa
  3. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    I think having a good reputation is very important when you start working. Because whether you get promoted or not depends on how your reputation is in your work area. I mean if you give off the image that you are a slacker, you probably won't be promoted any time soon. It's called selling your self. Sounds shallow, but it's true.

    And in front of your parents, it's essential that your reputation is good. So I think keeping up a good and positive reputation is good. But if your reputation is some one who drinks all the time, then I think it's time to change.
  4. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    hahaha....this is an interesting topic, from reputation we venture to discrimination, to school wars, and to spiritual beliefs.

    Reputation is important to some extent, you normally use it to use people. Commonly seen in a secondary group of society. Business people use it to impress customers, artists use it to sell albums, veterans use it to get a job.

    Naturally this doesnt apply to your friends and family, because you dont have to impress them to be with them, everything just comes naturally.

    by the way, a few off-topic insights.

    Cahos Rahne Veloza has photographic memory...man i wish i have that too, that way i could remember the image of my classmate flashing her breasts due to loose bra. ;D ;D ;D - yeah i know, im a dirty guy. ;D ;D

    Loonylion is deaf? thats a surprise, i wonder how hard he worked to changed the opinions of people around him.

    i checked in wikipedia, KKK stands for Supreme and Venerable Society of the Children of the Nation, sounds a lot better that stating it as a UNION. anyways the rebellion can be considered a failure. seriously what exactly did it accomplished? freedom?, after the defeat of the spanish colonizers the americans came and colonized the philippines, not much was gained from the revolution. The only reason that many joined the so called cause was because it was either to join or to be killed by spanish authority. and one more thing, a very shameful thing happened during the revolution. the head Emilio Aguinaldo sold off his fellow filipinos. talk about a let-down.
  5. Where I live, there are many people who believe status and reputation is important and because of such, people become much more self-conscious. I personally, don't really care as much and because of that, am less self-conscious. Just my two cents.
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @XD9999: Yeh Aguinaldo is a Major sell out.

    The rebellion against the Spaniards was because Spain didn't actually recognize the Philippines as a colony. Also, unbeknown to Spain, the Spanish leaders & upper class were ravaging the land. The native folk were being treated as shit & were deprived of equal rights, like education & land. Only the upper crust was recognized & none of these events get noted by Spain, as the Government was performing media blackouts.

    Only the voices of a few fortunate Filipinos like Dr. Jose Rizal, Juan Luna & Marcelo H. Del Pilar, who were in Europe were the ones who revealed what was going on in the country. But because Spain has no word of these atrocities, they marked these men as nuisance detractors & liars.

    Personally, the revolt could have been avoided if Spain did the right thing then.

    During the American occupation (We weren't considered a colony by the Americans as well) the Americans did the right thing. They helped save the country, feeding the hungry, providing the best medical & educational needs. But a few "paranoid" people fearing another oppressive country was unsettled by this new Country swaying them with treats, so they asked to be freed. Sad to say though, even if America isn't that much "cool" now, I'm one of those who wished that we should have just let America colonize us.

    Yeah we're a free nation now, filled with corrupt politicians, a downhill economy, world debt & no hope in sight. :'(

    Fantastic :p
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    much like the US
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    That's just in Recent years, back then the U.S. was a grand Nation.

    So adding one plus one together, if we were colonized by America, I guess we'd still be in the same boat we're in now, except we'd be American Citizens. And we'd have China & Korea up our asses right about now. Ulp, on second thought, things are fine right now, I guess. :-\
  9. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    [ok, this statement is in no way created to offend US]

    Yes you are correct, we were never considered as a colony thus the Ph-US conflict back then was considered a rebellion than a war. From here you can say that the so called "help" was just an excuse for a faster process of colonization.

    Yes its true that we are a democratic nation, world debt, and corrupt offcials. But what country doesn't?
    Our debt started when a stupid president of ours agreed to accept the loan in order to help restore the philippines from its war-torn state. Provided that we would allow trade. and such trade was quite unfair since it favored the industry of foreigners than the development of our own.

    -Correct me if im wrong but at least 20 000 was killed during the so called rebellion. Women and Children were included.
  10. Your_Shadow446

    Your_Shadow446 Active Member

    To me, reputations aren't important. Reputations are often linked to stereotypes, which leads to ridicule. I mean, all those 'popular' people are generally just sporty people, or full of themselves.

    Not insulting the ones that are popular which aren't those things, it just seems to be the general rule.

    I mean, my rep at school aren't so flash because I'm one of the computer guys and also a metal listener (Escape The Fate, BFMV, Slipknot etc.) but I still go fine.

    Reputation doesn't really mean anything unless you choose to use it, and even so, it can put you in very harsh places if you're found out. (Belinda Neal AUS MP tried to use her reputation and she had to step down from her portfolio)

    That's my opinion.
  11. ZoffyX

    ZoffyX Member

    I really don't care what others think about me, or say about me, but I still want good reputation, because for example, I want a girlfriend, but don't have a reputation at all, it would be much harder too get one, than if I had a great reputation. But reputation don't really do anything about you, as a person, it's more what people think about you, and it's based on your actions, so getting a bad or good reputation, is really up too you!
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Everywhere I go, I have a rep...but it differs...

    "the happy hard worker"

    "the chatter box"

    "the hot head"

    ...but none of them are really me...

    Some reps are ok, but other's, like mentioned-are for ridicule...

    Depends on the rep-person with it...
  13. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    whatever people think about you doesnt matter, its just what you think and how you see your self..... if you want a gf and you have a bad rep then just show her you are what she wants
  14. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    after reading people's posts, i felt like, yeah, so you have a rep, but the more you hold on it, the more they want to put dirt on you. and even with a reputation, the most important is dignity. I saw many person lose dignity so they can have a rep, especially when entering politics.
  15. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    first of all my labels:

    the player(this ones good i dont know how i got this i never had a girlfriend maybe i was linked to many girls but didnt go out with them and i have a very sweet words that girls just cant resist.LOL)
    the nerd(im the dictionary of our class even now i transfered school)
    the emo(my hair is always long im not emo i just dont want it cut)
    the perv(this is the worst of all)
    the dota master(haha im the best at it!)
    the serious boy(sometimes)
    the noisy boy(i have many sides)
    the ultra mega lazy kid(im lazy)
    the boy with the super ignoring power(i ignore bullying because of that i dont get bullied i just look them at the eyes)
    and many more

    and it some matters some not
    but the best things are people actually know you because of some of your traits except if some are not true or your just faking the act
  16. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Do you also have a reputation for being modest?
  17. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    if being prank is modest then yes
  18. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    nope its not
  19. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    Reputation while you are in school can really help.
    I can't say that I am bullied at school and cry home every day, but lots of kids pick on me at school simply because I actually strive to achieve and I sit with my friends who they wouldn't consider "cool"
    but really, I can't wait until I have a job and they are all homeless bums begging me for candy- or karate lessons.
  20. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Having "the geek" as rep is not good ,but being "the beautiful girl" ,"the handsome boy" ,"the talented boy" is somewhat helpfull to your relationships.