I think overpopulation is why i support war. War is like population control, bringing our numbers down a couple thousand every few days. I guess it does sound screwed up but then again we're all dying. Its just a matter of when, and Now i cant have a kid because i wouldnt want my kid to grow up in a society where the world is overpopulated, starving, and on the verge of destruction by either global warming, or nuclear crisis, or the yellowstone nation park super volcano that was supposed to erupt like a hundred years ago. (Im a bit skeptical on that last one)
you can still have a kid :| if you can support him he'll be immune to a lot of problems you said there except the ones that affect the entire human race
For me, I dont support abortion even for the babies with disabilities because take not that many people were able to succed even with their abilities so I believe abortion is a crime I also think abortion contributes a large role in the spread of teen age pregnancy because teen agers wouldn't do it if there was no abortionist
Everybody has their own opinions i guess, though i cant say im all for abortion, im not against it either. Really, i dont care wut people do with their own mistakes, i just hope i die before any natural or manmade disaster happens upon this horrible nation.
Irresponsible reproduction is a bane. Reproduction that has been considered, looked at, considered some more and can be supported without outside help is a blessing. 99/100 times the people who have many children are practising irresponsible reproduction. Because they can't support the children, or they reduce their current children's quality of life by having more and reducing what they can give to each child. There's some exceptions (like the Duggars and their 17 children that they feed, clothe and entertain without begging for scraps from other people) but... yeah. Biggest thing to get rid of it, though? Good education (without bias for pro-life), and free contraception and abortions. Then there would be much less unwanted/unplanned children and there would be less overpopulation. Problem solved I'm so glad I live in Britain so we get those. Our overpopulation doesn't come from new babies, but the masses of Eastern Europeans coming over here.
i'd say its a both a bane and blessing. bane: because these irresponsible teenagers do not use proper protection, hence having children too early instead of focusing on school or jobs blessing: well the experience is great and its results, a bundle or bundles of joy, can bring a smile to the face of anyone
Well first of all. Back to one of the first posts about what is "God" going to do. Well I'm a christian and I also believe God probably won't do anything as well. For example when a so many people died in the tsunami over at Asia somewhere many children died along with adults. I personally believe we will not be here much longer anyway. (Please let me explain why, don't think I'm a hippy or anything who never lies as I do a lot and I don't listen to that religious crap the priests tell you about "don't listen to rap or you will go to hell" after all where does it say that in the bible?) Anyway I love rap/hip hop XD but back to the topic. The reason I believe we won't be here much longer anyway is because of the following. 1. We will kill ourselves either by global warming/enviroment problems. 2. To many people on the earth will eventully happen and I think colonizing other planets won't happen for at least 75 - 100 years. 3. Jesus will come back sometime but who knows when as he never told us. 4. Maybe a natural disaster will be a global one and kill us all in the end. 5. I'm not emo. lol The reason all these children die is because they are going to a better place. In the bible it talks about children and their innocence after all if you are 6 and your mom says to do something you will do it no matter what it is because your 6 and you don't know any better. Therefore if you are at an age of innconcence I believe you will go to Heaven. This is why God won't help because he is bringing his "children" home and at the same time he is also putting less people on the Earth which helps the world itself. (please don't take that last line the wrong way) Oh yah. Another reason "God" doesn't save people all the time in my opinion is because even though he's loving hes a just God. If you would actually read the Bible and not say it was written by drunk guys you might learn a thing or 2. At one point he sent a guy named Jona (I can't spell it) to warn the people of a city (forgot which) that if they didn't fix something and repent their city would be flooded. I haven't read this story in a while but I think that's how it goes. Anyway the people didn't believe him and just mocked him. Everybody here on this post probably would have too including me. So God let the flood go through and ended up killing his people. Did he like it? Of course not but he warned the people and gave him the chance they just didn't take it. It's like the joke; There's a man drowning and a guy in a boat sees him and says, "do you want me to save you?" He says, "no, God will save me." A guy in a helicopter comes and says he will save him but the drowning man says God will save him again. The guy drowning dies and goes to Heaven then talks to God, "Why didn't you save me God?" God says back, "I sent you a boat and a helicopter you idiot." So back to the Philippines thing. The more people who are born, the more disasters I belive will happen because of over population. God will kill many children yes but those children being at the age of innocence will go to heaven and the world will also have less people on it. And about the thing saying that foreigners should go out of the Philippines. If we should leave your country you should leave ours to. Lol you will just have even more people to deal with then before.
Oh yah I also support war like posted above because liek teh other guy said, "It is like a population controller." Besides I want to be a fighter pilot, no war = no pilot
Haha yea, its like i said; War is population control, without war, we would be so overpopulated starvation would be an everyday thing everywhere. Plus the world would be boring without war. And I wanna be a sniper. Hehe. Unless somehow the human race figures out how to make orbital frames in which I shall be a runner.
it's a blessing. it tells us when society has improved as well as it's well being. it is a problem because we all know of the chaotic thinking that humans think of for themselves.
Let's just calm down here. The world is big enough to take a LOT more people. Food is no longer a problem, with GM crops etc. we can be sure that everyone (at least in the Western world) is adequately fed. The world's population is going to grow, and we just have to accept that and make preparations for that eventuality. As for war, the ending of human lives is never a good thing, and to say that the people died in wars to lessen the demand on resources for the rest of us is selfish, and flippant. It's ridiculous to say that to solve world problems we should pit humans against each other to trim numbers down - that is taking us back to a base age we should have cast off long ago. If people can support their children, then reproduction is a good thing. If they cannot, give the child up; lots of couples are very willing and able to support them in their stead. So yes, reproduction is a blessing. To say it is a bane is to deny our status as living things.
Sure it's a big planet, but we humans aren't the only lifeforms living here, we share this planet with millions of other lifeforms, we can't just own it. As for the quantity of food, other less productive countries, mostly third world countries have less & less food as the years move on, even we here in the Philippines have just recently been experiencing food shortage, rice in particular as it is our staple diet.
Fair enough. But I think that the world's population does not need to be controlled, to a large extent it will control itself - if a family cannot support a child without putting themselves at a disadvantage, then they will not have a child. The human population is pretty much a large cluster of family units, each supporting themselves and taking the resources they need. If there is not enough to go around, the family units will grow smaller (either through people dying, or people having less children) and the population will be controlled in that way. I think the solution in the poorer countries such as India etc. is to simply make contraceptives readily available, to give poor families the choice as to whether to have children or not. You can't stop people having sex, whatever happens. As for war, even as purely a method of 'population control', it's pretty darn useless; the negligible casualty rates of war are dwarfed by the numbers of people dying in accidents, or in famines, or being killed by disease. Unless you who are pro-war for this reason would like to see a return to the likes of the Holocaust or the massacre of Armenians, it's a moot solution.
Again sighting third world countries, people living in poorer countries have little or no education & because of this they have no idea that having a gaggle of children they can't support is not good, infact in some Asian cultures the saying goes, "the more the merrier". These people believe (dellusionally) that having more kids, in the long run is good, because there will be more hands to help in manual (hard) labor. But because the kids tend to not be educated, they may get taken advantaged without them knowing. In other instances, birth control is not allowed in their society, so is contraception, which to others is against the teachings of their religions. I know where you're going with your arguments, but do understand, everyone is different, just because you come from a more progressive nation you think everyone else follows your kinsmen's beliefs, you should look at things from various angles, take this thread for example, some posters here have even slapped out the "God does not allow this" card on their arguments.
More reproduction is okay, especially for some countries such as NZ, England is smaller than NZ, yet it has 80 million (about), while NZ has 4 million. I heard that some of the American court minister guys want abortion banned, to increase their population. Even in countries like India, the more children you have, the more you are respected. China used to reproduce like rabbits, until they made the "one child" law, although, some families have more children, but forge their documents or have them "adopted" under a relative. I'm pretty sure.
Yes, that was what I was talking about, different situations/cultures/policies, different argumentation. What!? The US is planning to ban abortion to increase their population? Oh no!
Blessings... in all aspect. Before you flame me... please compare reproduction to water. Is it a blessing or a bane? Too much it will drown you... too little you will wilt. The key... is control. There is nothing wrong with the reproduction itself as a process. The factor that make reproduction gone wrong is the "human" factor... that is where "bane" comes to effect. Please not to judge by numbers since we humans are not emulators or PC coding. Get as much kids as you can as long as you are responsible to all of them. If we overcrowded our planet... we can always conquer new ones or built a colony (thus effectively changing the calendar to After Colony ...). As Evangelion anime creators quote "Even without the moon, the stars, or the skies... for as long there is a man and woman... humanity will survive."