Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! Tales of Symphonia, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Pokemon Red/Blue/Gold/Silver, Crash Bandicoot 2, DBZ Budokai series (Including all the Tenkaichis), Zelda Series and KHII
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! 5) Grandia II (dreamcast) 4) Phantasy Star Online I & II (xbox) 3) The Last Remnant (x360) 2) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (x360) 1) Shenmue 2 (dreamcast) Honorable Mention: Tony Hawk's Ride (x360)
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! Don't quite have one fave >_< Tales of Symphonia Project Zero 2 (Fatal Frame 2) Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Shenmue 2 Dead or Alive series Saturn Bomberman Final Fantasy VIII Only a few I could've mentioned.
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! I love Wonder Boy III: the Dragon's Trap. I was one of the very first games I ever played and i still love playing it till this day. I'll even make sure my kids play it> Its just one of theose games that will go down as being really good for its era.
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! Dissidea: Final Fantasy, Crisis Core, FF9, FF8, FF7, Ephemeral Phantasia, Wild Arms 3, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Innocence, MGS4, Eternal Sonata, Cross Edge, Left $ Dead 1 and 2, Brave Story: New Traveler, Dark Cloud, KH 1 and 2 and chain of memories, and a funny and fun game Fairy Tale Fights on the PS3.
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! There are too many games to chose from but for me: GTA: Chinatown Wars Call of Duty: Modern Warfare mobilized Mario & Luigi: Bowsers inside story
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! For some reason, Pokemon G/S and HG/SS Sometimes it's LoZ: Ocarina of time.... Sometimes I'm fed up with pokemon, then I hate it for a while
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! hmmm... mine is the legend of Zelda:Twilight princess or resident evil 4
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! Me too. Geno Whirl. timed hit, 999999 damage WIN that and resident evil REmake
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! Mine would have to be Fable 2. Although i didnt get very far as my f**king xbox scratched it to sh1t!! :'(
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! final fantasy 7 lufia 2 i cant choose between them. star wars knights of the old republic (and TSL) come close though, if only they sorted all the bugs...
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! #1. WoW (over 5k hours logged)(PC) #2. SoF2 (i miss my clan)': (PC) #3. Dragon Warrior I (this bastard started it all)(Nes) #4. Phantasy Star II (this bastard set me back $75)(Genesis) #5. Castlevania SotN (this bastard changed what i love about the series now)(Ps1)
Re: What is your Favorite game of all time! 1. megaman classic series (except 7) / especially 6 2. castlevania 3 Dracula's course 3. castlevania SotN 4. castlevania aria of sorrow 5. megaman x4