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Religulous ~

Discussion in 'Debates' started by elk1007, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    We can and frequently do, no-one has yet been arrested for it. It's called freedom of speech
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    But in KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) you'd be lucky if the king even lets you face him. OK so I digressed.
  3. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter whether the DickHead of Saudi Arabia kills me for not respecting him.
    Just because he kills me doesn't make his argument valid, and it doesn't make him right.
    Additionally, someone who is 'respected' out of fear is not really respected at all.
  4. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    People who are "Respected" out of fear are not "Respected" they are Feared and people don't want to stand up to them.
    And I'd like to punch this King of Saudi Arabia right in the face if I got chance... Because I think I can run faster than some old man...

    And alot of people who try to debate for what they believe is right is shown up alot and made a fool out of, this Religulous guy is one and I guess I am in some aspects as well
  5. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    Me? Or Bill Maher?
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

  7. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Every religion that I have had the (pleasure?) of learning about has had one continuous point. We as humans have freedom of choice to do right or wrong. But at the same time we have an omnipotent omnipresent creator that knows everything since before time began and until time will end. Since "creator" has foreknowledge of everything that we will do before we do it, then aren't we just living out a predetermined life, since "creator" knows everything that we're going to do in life, and in fact have no real say or choice in life at all? I do not believe in predestination. I refuse to believe that I don't make my own decisions.

    If I wanted to go outside and kill everyone I met, that's my choice right? My decision? Of course it is. If what organized religion says is true, then "creator" knew what i was going to do, in effect rendering conscious thought invalid. I was merely playing out my part in life. Playing my "role".

    Bullshit. While I do believe in a creator (of some sort), I don't really believe the creator is the all knowing, all seeing, all present being organized religion has made him (or her) out to be.

    Each religion has it's own unique "deity" that it worships. With so many different religions, and so many different variations of the same religion (christianity), how in the hell are we as a species supposed to know which one is the right one? Don't you think "creator" would give us a point in the right direction? If "creator" is such a being of love, one would think the he would, instead of letting all the rest of us worship in vain.

    Just some of my thoughts. Everyone feel free to reply to them.
  8. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Ah, the question of destiny. I'm glad you pointed that out. I would LIKE to think that the Creator gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted in life. But, in essence, that cannot be entirely true. Is life really total freedom? Or are we just given a set of choices (a "tree of destiny", if you will), with infinite possibilities at the end? Or even are we not living life at all?
    This is a question for another debate.
    But anyways, I think the point is moot in this sense as we're talking about "if X was Y" types of arguments. They're entirely subjective, in my opinion.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    A friend of mine musing on life in general as he was handling a white tiger.
  10. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    and your friend's name would be... loonytiger?
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    No... his name is Simba Wiltz. If you'd looked its at the top of the poem.
  12. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    What? it's his real name, he's an author.
  14. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    he's english too? i thought someone with a name like the prince of the pridelands is an african...
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    he's of african descent I believe.
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Destiny does not exist only choice and luck. No more talk about Destiny.