Who could forget the Order of the Solar Temple, Aum, The Manson Family cult and Jim Jones' Peoples Temple. Destructive cults are more and more common these days.
I just want to put a reminder in the hope that this thread won't deteriorate. Religion bashing is not okay, discussing and putting forth arguments for your dislikes is fine but mindless bashing isn't.
the Crucifix has been taken from Christianity and used in an inaprotiate and disrespectful way, in my opinion. It's just like taking a country's flag and manipulating it to suit some cult, I doubt the people of this country would be happy! There are heaps of people out there who take their religion a little too "seriously"....they become fanatic and obsessed which is extremely unhealthy, (spiritually)... Christianity is NOT a cult (thats directed at elk1007's comment!)
"To you, your religion, and to me, my religion". That is a fundamental teaching in Islam on the point of tolerating other religions/ non-religions. If some of them try to "force" you, just repeat that same line. They'll leave you alone. Also, you may not like what they do, but there's no need to be rude about it. And to settle this, don't act like atheists (agnostic?) are totally innocent in spreading their teachings to other people. Why are there going to be buses with a "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life" ad in the UK? (source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/3236701/Atheist-buses-ready-to-roll-across-country-after-making-31000-in-a-day.html). I have to concede it's very much a "soft" advertisement, but it just goes to show you every group has an agenda.
that isnt even an atheist's view, it sounds more like an agnostic view, whereas an atheist view would be 'there is no god'. Having said that, the comment from the spokesperson for the christian pressure group made me want to smack him one.
totally agree with just about all of that! I actually have a Muslim mate who is a little 'pushy' with his religion! My other Muslim friends, although they have had their moments, understand when they've reached the limit and stop! The pushy one however, says that the reason as to why Muslims can come off a bit 'pushy' is because they have a 'mission' to spread the word of the true faith.... His English is a little off, as is mine, so maybe I didn't understand properly though! A lot of cults/religions/groups/etc do seem to have some sort of hidden agenda. They seem to run the show as if its a business rather than a community of religious people....
in present, we do know that people are willing to go all the way [that is doing extreme acts for religion] that it maybe irrational. so here is a thought, there are religions out there that have restrictions on diets, such as the jews aren't allowed to eat un-koshered products and muslims aren't allowed to eat certain meats [i believe pork but could be beef also]. so if suppose they are stranded on an island and the only way of survival is to eat the food that their religion forbids them, would they do so? so that means a jew stuck on an island and to survive must eat un-koshered goods or a muslim stuck on an island and must eat pork to survive. would they eat such foods if it means their survival or would they rather starve [and possibly die] to keep their religious faith? it is quite awkward that god is jealous and insecure. it's also awkward that god is in the shape of a human being. why would god have to be the same being that he created. similarly, if humans were in a different bodily shape [suppose humans were like the ninja turtles], then god would also follow the same form of that human bodily shape, which would look like one of the ninja turtles.
I have no Religion and NEVER will... And I ignore pushy religionists usually but if they get irritating enough then I will shout at them and make points about religion that proves they are wrong but with Muslims its usually through one ear and out the other if they are those pushy types, once I just said mto one "STFU noob" and walked off, they looked baffled when I said it which stopped them from being stupid for a while in the street.
RTFP! I basically just said, Islam doesn't GIVE A FUCK about your beliefs, whether you believe in God/ no God/ flying spaghetti monster, etc. To each his own. As for me, I just don't like people forcing their beliefs upon me, whether they be theist or atheist. This is technically his site.
[quote author=BloodVayne] This is technically his site. [/quote] And that's why I'm asking what he thinks 'bashing' means. My post saying that religion doesn't deserve respect because it hasn't earned it was deleted. Censorship and 'political correctness' do not help anything.
It was deleted because its obviously rude and disrespectful. ppl just dont delete shit 4 the sake of it dude! Censorship and political corectness don't help anything? I'm positive that there are things that if said to you would be offensive. So before you go ranting on about cnsorship, understand, it is there for a reason!
Hardcore ppl may not eat it, but obviously if your dying then i don't think God is gonna get cut at someone for eating what is there! As I am not Jewish or Muslim, I'm not 100%, however i doubt God would be mad and go throw lightning at them all or something! What do you mean by God being 'insecure" and 'jealous'? In Christianity, we believe that man was created 'in the shape of God' (im not sure of the exact phrase!). I'm not sure what it is in other religions though...
Looks like d_r_a_g-q_u_e_e_n double posted although she/he goes ranting at Elk for doing wrong things... Tsk, tsk, tsk... And, Ooh! Ooh! Spaghetti monster please! And if Islam doesn't care then how come they are in Cities saying that our afterlife will suck if we don't be Muslims and bla bla bla?
you have a religion [science and/or aetheism] and you say that it is superior then the other religion. because of such idea, it's considered bashing as you're taking one side and neglecting the others.
Atheism isn't an opposing idea. It's a negative. A lack of faith in something that there is no evidence for. I'm presenting the case that there is absolutely no reason that religion should be respected. Just because someone gets offended when you call upon them to verify their claims, their claim suddenly deserves respect? There is no side for religion as it's not based on reason, logic, or empirical evidence. The only 'side' would have to be argued from emotion, which is not a valid argument at all. Censored or not, I'm asking for someone to give me a reason that religion should be respected. Additionally, science is not a religion. A quick definition look up will verify that. @q u 3 3 n Censorship is only useful when you're cutting the crap out of a discussion. I'm not 'bashing' religion. I'm making the perfectly valid statement that religion has done nothing to deserve respect.
i'm quite passive and don't want to write so i'll passively agree and say, you are definitely right, by definition science is not religion.
There's no way to tweak it into a religion either. Science is process which uses evidence to back constantly changing and improving data. Religion's are based upon faith, and faith-backed beliefs.