WTF do you mean it did you no good????? Didnt you get into the fukn school??? didnt someone finally listen??? Seriusly, what more do you need??? Big deal that the was Jewish and Muslim!!! Shit, they fukn helped you didnt they???? And like SEph said, sher works hard for what she gets! So did your family! They did their best, worked hard and got it in the end! just coz a bunch of tossers think they're all that, your mum didnt stop!
So, I guess people born "different" do have it tough eh loony? Same here, I also got descriminated & even ridiculed, & when I make something of myself, people drag me down... But things were different in my case, me being Christian wasn't the problem, actually I was a devout Christian (& a part of me still is), the reason I began to loose faith was all the bad things that have been associated with the church recently. Priests, raping women or kids, priests accepting bribes & all that shit. I began to question my religion. There's even this "amusing" notion I once had, I thought Jesus Christ was gay because he had 12 men always with him & all of them always saying "I love you" amongst themselves, so I figured, if Christ was gay, then why is Christianity at the forefront of gay hate? Then things got a lot crazier when National Geographic featured that thing about Christ marrying Magdelene. So now it seems Christianity shouln't look down on prostitution now? This whole crap drove me mad that I decided to look for answers elsewhere.
everyone who opposed her was christian. My parents gave up because they had no money left to fight with. The help I got was from a Jew and a Muslim, no connection to the christian god. They helped because they were decent people who by their own hard work and skill were in a position to help. I dislike christian attitudes to other religions (my mum would disown me if she knew I am pagan) and christian (admittedly not just christian) disregard for nature. paganism is centered around nature therefore suits me perfectly. Being pagan, I studied witchcraft, and I learned not only how to reign in my temper, but also how to isolate myself from harm. no matter what the bullies tried, they were unable to harm me because my psychic shields were blocking it. It never got physical because they knew that if it did the school would lay the smack down on them.
There are sooo many things wrong here, i dont know where to begin! Heaps of people are discriminated against every single day for different reasons. Diabilites, sexuality, race, religion. etc..... Its stupid yer, but there's a lot of fukwits out there that have no idea what theyre crapping on about. People don;t understand that PRIESTS ARE HUMAN!!! THEY MAKE MISTAKES!! no one sees the good that they do though.... only the bad! If a normal person rapes a girl its just bad. If a priest does, shit the whole world is coming to a fukn end! Not all priests are like that. same as not all people are like that. All that shit about Jesus having married Mary Magdalene, is just that: shit! Some bored idiot made it all up! Christ being gay: do you have a brother or a father? Do you LOVE him? These people said 'I love you" not in a sexual way, but in a brotherly way. Obviously prostitution is just wrong, anyone can tell you that, they don;t have to be religious!
ok, so being bullied, by deaf people, for being deaf and talking like a hearing person? is that normal? even when you consider that the school rules forbade sign language?
If it suits you then dude, thats fine! Just because everyone that opposed your family was Christian, it doesn't mean that Christianity is screwed up! Its not the faith! ITS THE PEOPLE!!! Some people follow their faith correctly, not just Christians, in every religion! Some people, again not only Christians but other religions too, DO NOT follow their faith correctly. We can't judge the religion itself just beacause a bunch of people who are of that faith set a bad example.... I am aware that the help you got from was from a Jew and Muslim, but that wasnt my point. My point is that HELP DID COME! Doesnt matter that it came from someone from another aith, the point is that it did eventually come!
Well, your school was obviously veryyyy confuseddd for not allowing sign language! thats just wrong!!! Obviously no, that is not normal to be bullied like that! But what are you gona do? thats life! its unfair! I got bullied for being a "wog" in Greek school, go figure! Apparantly, i'm realllllyyyy woggy according to these drop kiks, coz i have an accent and couldnt speak english!!! I just think it is unfair to judge the entire religion, based on the example of a few idiots in the faith. The people who did the 9/11 bombing, were muslim. that doesnt mean that EVERYY SINGLE muslim is a terrorist! I've got plenty of Muslim friends! They went nuts when all that shit happened! They sit there saying how fukd up those people must've been to go kill so many inocent people! So, its unfair that shit happens, but it does! ANd we shouldnt judge an entire faith based on these idiots!!
Then I'm a bit fortunate then, my mom knows & accepts me for my beliefs. She has even gone through the stuff I've read as well, & in a level minded way she says that she is happy that I've found my own way. Actually having also been through a lot she too has some qualms of her own about our religion, so she still follows traditions, believes in the Christian God but cares less for the Church's body. And yes, priests are human & Christ... well may have been also human, but the church dictates that "they" are supposed to be "clean or holy" & yet they themselves commit crimes against their teaching, that what sickens me. Plus the attrocities the Christian faith has brought on "other" beliefs. So I guess, the cannons, & the convictions of any religion is really what I don't like, but the ideas & theologies are what I value most. So, why can't we just be allowed to have our individual "God" as our "spiritual-moral" crotch & not impose on others, so yes, if for you God is a flying Spaghetti monster then go ahead, it's better than believing in nothing at all, just let others believe what they want, BUT NOT preach nor pick on them for it.
Yes the priests are supposed to be clean and holy, but the point is that they are STILL human. They are not GODS, they are imperfect like the rest of us, even though the stuff that only a very small amount of priests have done is sickening, no one ever bothers to comment on the good that they do. I agree that people shouldnt preach or pick on any one else for what they believe in. I like the spaghetti dude!
They weren't confused, it was an oral school for the deaf. I can't even sign. (well I can a bit, and I can understand it). When I converted to paganism the attacks and bullying intensified, even a member of senior managment joined in; I knew I'd given them ammunition but by that point it didn't matter because I'd learnt to block it all. I found the christian bible to contain glaring inconsistencies and hypocrisy, and the contents were far-fetched at best. Since I converted, things have happened that have only convinced me further that I made the right choice; george bush declaring that it was 'the christian thing to do' when talking about unseating saddam, the christian church in England being blatently manipulated by the government. Don't get me wrong, there have been some amazing christians (mother theresa, john paul II etc) but I see all organised religion as a threat. Don't get defensive, just imagine this scenario: Pope Benedict dies, and a new pope comes in as head of the catholic church. Now imagine that this pope isn't quite right, he has something against a certain group of people, but people don't know this. Suppose, he makes a speech saying that he had a message from god, which said this group of people aren't quite right, and you should be careful of them. How many catholics would question the pope? Before you know it, you have global persecution of a particular segement of the population. Just like Hitler did. This is exactly what is happening within Islam, causing the extremism in the religion. There is no control; there is far too much power in the hands of too few people. This could happen in any organised religion. Paganism is immune to this, even if a high priest or priestess of a coven goes bad, their sphere of influence does not extend beyond their coven, and it would take collectively little effort on the part of other covens to reign them in. if the pope or a religious leader of another organised religion goes bad, its out of control right from the word go. People have caught on to this, as evidenced by the extremist islamic views that are spreading faster than the reasonable muslims can act. This is why organised religion is one of the biggest threats to world peace and stability; and ultimately a threat to the survival of humans.
Another thing I hate about the Christian Church, here in my homeland, is the fact that the church always sticks its nose where it shouldn't, mostly on Political issues. Take for the Contraception & family planning laws that should have been long been implemented here. Because the church doesn't agree with abortion or even in using contraceptives because this, as they preach goes against the bible, the government can't enforce laws that should have managed our country's over population problem. Another approach would have been responsible sex by means of sex education, but still the damn church still butts in because sex isn't "moral"!? Grrr! that pisses me off!
This is just ridiculous! everything you both just said!!! i know that sounds rude...i dont mean YOU are ridiculous, but the issues you are talkng about. Number ONE! I AM NOT CATHOLIC! The catholic church STEMMED from my religion, orthodox christianity. We believe young people should be aware of sexual thingsss! Not that we should go sleeping arounbd before marriage, but just to be educated on the topic. We don't have a pope. Our "pope" is a guy who just makes sure none of the priests or church's representatives are acting up and to make a few appearances here and there! If he says something that the people do not agree with, all hell DOES NOT break loose! Of course we are allowed to discuss it, to see what the hell is going on. And when someone in the Church is wrong about something, they get up in public and admit it! Shit, thats how its supposed to be. We dont just take it all at face value! Sorry, i didnt know there were oral schools for the deaf. i still think its stupid they wouldnt let you guys sign though! If you really believe you have made the right choice for yourself in your conversion then thats great! Seriously, not sarcastically! I tend to come off a bit sarcastic or crazy in type....
Roman Catholicism is just plain full of it, Protestants & the Born again folk, they're just as "cultural-other religious" receptive as well. It just burns me up that that guy from The 700 Club, Pat what's his name is still alive, he's one of the biggest religion bigots there is, too bad Seventh Heaven's Eric Camben is just a fictional character, now that guy's a devout Christian but he respects other religions.
ok this has nothing to do with anything, and i know theres probably somewhere else where i ask this, but im new, i have an excuse!!! for Loony lion: Blacksun23 was wondering why he's been banned from downloading too, and if it is just for one week? thanks! and sorry!!!!!
What do you mean by "....cultural-other religions receptive....." and what's the 700 club? sorry!!! is there some sort of site i can go to to read about it? The 7th heaven dude was cool! lol Hopefully it wasnt all just an act!
I couldn't think of any other term for it, but what I meant was these kinds of people think their religion is the only "correct" one & all others are Satanic, even Judaism, the mother religion where Catholicism & Christianity originated from. And since I'm on said topic, I believe Christ didn't really want to start his own religion, he was a devote Jew, all he wanted was for some of the Jewish Cannons or beliefs be changed as they (the Jewish faith leaders) mis understood God's laws & intentions. The 700 Club is an annoying preachy Christian foundation, whose major proponents are admitted other religion bashers read details here: Actually cbn was also the network that launched the Superbook & Flying House Cartoons, now those are the only Christian shows that I needed to watch. They taught me the value of Christianity without being preachy. I still remember the Crucifiction episode, I cried because the kids can't save Jesus from crucifiction because it was meant to be.
I never said you were catholic, I was using it as an illustration. It could happen to any organised religion. Catholicism is the most widely known form of christianity, and everyone in the world knows of the pope, therefore it was an ideal example. He is banned from everything for a week, this was Seph's decision. I assume its a film with a name like that. I could be wrong though.
Loony, I really respect your views on religion and Christianity. Here in South Africa people are obsessed with religion. They sing God's name everywhere they go. I don't mind other religions and people believing them but it's really annoying to have someone preach to you why their religion is so amazing and try to convert you. Every now and again people come to others' houses to try and sell bibles and preach about their religion. Christians (most of them) also tend to look down on other religions and on people that are non-christian. Because of the type of person I am, I always dress alternatively with band shirts and spiked armbands and black clothes and have longish hair, and people always look at me strangely because I'm into the whole "metalhead" thing without them even knowing what this culture is all about. And the people that do this the most is Christians which is why I have lost respect for these obsessed fanatics. They speak about things they do not even understand and think they are above everyone else. Anyway about the religion itself, I agree with Loony that it is full of contradictions and hypocrisy. I mean the almighty God that loves everyone so much kills so many people in the Bible. I believe in some conspiracy theories and personally think that the bible is the greatest fiction story written in our time. However, I believe there is meaning to life and believe in some sort of higher power. I believe in the inherent quality in human beings to be good people and do the right thing and live and create a happy world. Oh and Loony, about the pope, there is a belief that he is one of the high ranking members of the Illuminati/free masons. He knows the truth about the religion he is staging. I mean have any of you ever asked yourself why does he wear black which is the colour of evil and darkness? Why are there so many pagan symbols in Christian imagery and symbols?
ok thanks both of you 4 the info (and answering my annoying questions!) I believe Christ came to correct the people. Before He came, although people were aware of the faith, they were falling into sin, hence the Noah's ark thing! We don't believe He STARTED the religion when He came, but that it already existed. Loonylion: sorry! You're right though, it was a good example!
many symbols throughout history have been taken from the church and given a new meaning in another religion or cult. God "kills so many people" becasue he has a reason to. We are just humans, we dont know His reasons, but trust me, there are! if i was suffering from illness, i'd rather have God get rid of me, then live my whole life going through pain! but thats just what I believe. As for Christians looking down on you beacuse of your clothes and interests etc, then these specific people are idiots and are not worthy of the name Christian. Christianity is not about thinking you are superior to others, but about humbling (is that a word?) yourself, not being too up yourself in other words and recognising that we are all human, we all have our faults and NO ONE is better than any one else. There are just a lot of idiots around these days who think they know it all. right now, i probably also sound like an idiot who thinks she knows it all so there's your proof!