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'Regular members can't download more than one file at once' - Clearance Thread

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by necr0, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. makigt2

    makigt2 New Member

    hello admins. please reset mine as well. my download failed and i cant create new connections. Thanks in advance!
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    *Wow! So many experiencing this problem today.*

    You guys have to wait until Seph/Loonylion reset your download counter. Please have patience.

    As for those of you who are downloading a certain file, you have around 72 hours; counted from the time you first click 'download', to redownload the same file without further point deduction.

    Also if a file is corrupted when extracted, it's likely because of partial downloading from your end. While if it extracted just fine, and you tried playing on an emulator but doesn't work, that's the problem with the emulator.
  3. fatality789

    fatality789 New Member

    Hello, I've been having the same problem with too many connections. Can you please reset my counter, too? Thanks in advance! :)

    PS. Will this happen each time a game is downloaded?
  4. blmunda

    blmunda New Member

    Hello admins, having the "too many connections" problem
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    The issue affecting everyone has been fixed and all counters cleared.
    Great_Kyogre likes this.
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    The possibility of reoccuring can't be ruled out, so if it happens again, don't hesitate to ask for reset.
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Won't quite happen in the same way. This was triggered by a change in server infrastructure and me being forgetful, the other cases in this thread are related to something else that I haven't figured out yet but usually something to do with lost connections.
  8. carthago

    carthago New Member

    Thanks Seph =O) Season's wishes and a happy new year!
  9. hatcherista

    hatcherista New Member

    hi. please reset my download as well. thanks
  10. fatality789

    fatality789 New Member

    Thank you all for help and clarifications! :)
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Your download counter is zero already, either this isnt the problem or seph reset it already.
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Consider taking these?
    [​IMG] :p
  13. haahoo388

    haahoo388 New Member

    Thank you mister admin person
  14. Great_Kyogre

    Great_Kyogre New Member

    Thanks a lot Seph! I can finally download games again. :D
  15. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Don't need a reset, but I was a but surprised that this still occurs after the upgrade to the site.
    We any closer to finding a solution?

    Also a note, I got this error when downloading just as a guest - so not even logged in or anything.
  16. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Nope. Not any closer at all. It still seems to happen when people lose connection to the server and I still cannot replicate it no matter how I try to kill my connection, whether I pull the cable to the router, pull the power plug on my pc, introduce packet loss via software or block my ip via the server firewall it still happily closes the connection properly and reduces my download counter.

    Also guest downloading is based on IP so it's something completely different.
  17. kaito_jwuei

    kaito_jwuei New Member

    hello. please reset my download please
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Looks like you've been reset.
  19. subaru89IV

    subaru89IV New Member


    I am facing the same problem since January 3, 2016. Just a couple of hours after I downloaded 2 games (PSX format) and cannot download anymore with the same prompt issue. I am a regular user and I have 3 accounts with plenty of points stack in my accounts but can't use after the problem occur. Please fix the issue.

    Thank you!
    Warm regards,
  20. subaru89II

    subaru89II Member

    Hello! Kindly fix the download issue. I can't download any games. I'm a regular user only.

    Thank you.