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'Regular members can't download more than one file at once' - Clearance Thread

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by necr0, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. jcb8854

    jcb8854 New Member

    Please clear me!
  2. Fiddle132

    Fiddle132 Member

    Please clear me
  3. Hunter1122

    Hunter1122 New Member

    I am having this problem as well
    I would really like it fixed soon because points have already been deducted for the download I tried to start, even though I haven't actually started downloading.
    Please clear me
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    points do not get deducted unless the download starts.
  5. Hunter1122

    Hunter1122 New Member

    Well, if the download started, then it didn't last long enough to register on my end. My download window has no downloads running, I never got the confirmation window to save the file, the link redirects to the concurrent download error, and I'm down around 2700 points
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Go ahead and re-download from that same link. There's a 72 hours window to re-download the same file without further being deduction.
  7. Hunter1122

    Hunter1122 New Member

    I've tried a few times but I get redirected to the "update to premium" notice page and is claims I have a download running already. I've checked to make sure and nothing is currently downloading
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    In that case, wait until the admin clears your cache. Don't worry, as I've said, there's a 72 hour window to re-download the exact same file (time is counted from your initial click of the download button) without further deduction. However, once you exceed the limit, then it will be re-deducted.
  9. Hunter1122

    Hunter1122 New Member

    Alright, thanks. Yeah, I still need it cleared, but a 72-hr limit should be fine. Thanks
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I cleared the queue and added some points to your account so that you can redownload.
  11. LordNykon

    LordNykon New Member

    I have had no issues with downloading using Free Download Manager, until trying to download H.A.W.X. 2 Wii. I am constantly getting an "Unknown Server Error". I have reset computer, tried another file which came down fine. Went back to the above file again and am continuing to get this error, it just will not actually start and it does continue to try to reconnect with the same error. Not sure what is going on but thanks in advance.
  12. fishiiboy

    fishiiboy New Member

    I'm having this issue as well

    Thanks for your time
  13. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Cleared the queue and also found an issue where downloading Wii or PSP ISOs would cause this to happen. Hopefully this means it should happen a lot less now. It this still happens for any one be sure to let me know so I can look in to it!
  14. Mochtroid

    Mochtroid New Member

    Hi, I'm new to this, I tried to download Metroid Prime Trilogy but I saw it was going to take 12 hours (I'll have to do it some other time), but I decided not to. It deducted too many points and now I can't download Metroid Prime 3... can someone help? I didn't download it so I don't know why it took off points (no it's not saying "only one download", it says "not enough points").
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you started the download therefore it took points.
  16. Mochtroid

    Mochtroid New Member

    Is there anyway to reverse it?
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no, that's how the system is designed to work. It's completely impractical to take points after the download completes.
  18. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You can start your download of Metroid Prime Triology again, though. Use a download manager like flashget as it's a big download.
  19. synisterrabbit

    synisterrabbit New Member

    requesting reset please.
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Has been reset.