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red rings of death

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by hlw_rocer, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Ya... Microsoft made it hard for the user to go buy a cheaper HDD and put it in themselves. That way they get your money :)

    (Not hating on Microsoft, I love my 360. But it's true, they charge outrageous prices for the accessories.)
  2. Gray51

    Gray51 New Member

    when i got red ring i just turned it off by the power and it worked fine after that.
  3. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    If it's ONE red ring, it means that the xbox has overheated.
  4. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    if i were you i wouldn't bother to fix that piece of garbage instead i prefer to buy a ps3...
  5. tonyc21

    tonyc21 Member

    How to fix it depends on the error code. E73-4 can be fixed with a heat plate to replace the original x-shaped warped heat plate thing.(i forget the technical term)
  6. Buppazugan

    Buppazugan Well-Known Member

    The towel trick is VERY useful if you want to trade in a broken Xbox 360... They will test it out and it will work for them so they won't suspect a thing. My last BROKEN OUT OF WARRANTY XBOX got me a sweet £100 of a brand spanking new and improved HDMI falcon chipset xbox 360 :p
  7. AstroGod

    AstroGod Well-Known Member

    althogh it may not seem like it its best you call microsoft
  8. scottg1990

    scottg1990 Well-Known Member

    typical useless microsoft for you! Go for a PS3! way better then the xbox
  9. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    there IS a way to fix it than just spending $200 on microsoft to fix it for you. you'll be using $20 but at least it saves you $180.
  10. knightof3

    knightof3 Well-Known Member

    i doubt it. i thought that when the ring comes up it means the shitty glue they used to build the 360 melts and ruins the system. thats wat i heard dont beat me up if im wrong

    And for those of you who say to get a ps3 they have the yellow light of doom or watever
  11. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    oh you bet there is a fix! it worked for my brother before.
  12. ChangeJD

    ChangeJD Well-Known Member

    The RROD means that one of many problems could be affecting your Xbox, so it is best to just send it in to Microsoft.