Ya... Microsoft made it hard for the user to go buy a cheaper HDD and put it in themselves. That way they get your money (Not hating on Microsoft, I love my 360. But it's true, they charge outrageous prices for the accessories.)
How to fix it depends on the error code. E73-4 can be fixed with a heat plate to replace the original x-shaped warped heat plate thing.(i forget the technical term)
The towel trick is VERY useful if you want to trade in a broken Xbox 360... They will test it out and it will work for them so they won't suspect a thing. My last BROKEN OUT OF WARRANTY XBOX got me a sweet £100 of a brand spanking new and improved HDMI falcon chipset xbox 360
there IS a way to fix it than just spending $200 on microsoft to fix it for you. you'll be using $20 but at least it saves you $180.
i doubt it. i thought that when the ring comes up it means the shitty glue they used to build the 360 melts and ruins the system. thats wat i heard dont beat me up if im wrong And for those of you who say to get a ps3 they have the yellow light of doom or watever
The RROD means that one of many problems could be affecting your Xbox, so it is best to just send it in to Microsoft.