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Real gamers, is it really a legitimate category?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by kanakacheek, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    ultra is right, no matter what, if you do it seriously, it became a chore.
  2. duderedux

    duderedux Well-Known Member

    My opinion:

    Just because someone acts the part, dressess the part calls himself a gamer. It does not make him one.
    Same goes to all thoes who call themselves Geeks and Nerds(especially that "nerdcore" group). Your dedication to games just makes you obsessed. It takes others to label you, but don't always believe them.
  3. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    without labels we can't really define our selves. i guess its unavoidable to have people who refer to themselves as real gamers.
  4. multy

    multy Member

    That is what others outside gaming world called us.

    It is better than being called game freak...
  5. banhmr9001

    banhmr9001 Member

  6. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    just because you take something seriously or do something for a living doesn't make it a chore.
  7. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

  8. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

  9. ultra

    ultra Guest


    watch and what do you think?

    also, what about bashing on the wii?! you have to admit that it isn't a gaming machine. look at those gimmicky things.
  10. GibsonSGKing

    GibsonSGKing Member

    i think this was once a catagory (last gen consoles) but now with the developement of the eye toy, wii, ds, and other inovative touches, the line has become seriosly blurred if not non-existing.
  11. *starwatcher*

    *starwatcher* Member

    A real gamer?

    I don't dictate to that term at all, im simply a gamer!

    Am I Obsessed? or a game freak? Not really, I was just lucky to be born at a time when the world of gaming was taking off.
    I have grown up with all the consoles that have been made so far, when I was 5 we had atari's and Commadore 64's when I was 7 it was nintendo and master system etc etc

    I am now 25 years old and I'm still playing games, for me they will always be a part of who I am but they are not everything that I am about.

    I Don't mind people playing games but I often look at peoples games and think that they have the wrong games lol, only because I have the background and knowledge to play the right and best games on each system.... a real gamer isn't someone who will play any game because as gamers we know whats crap and what is good on these systems.

    Some games are made to be gimmicky, some are made to have the best grahpics but if they ain't followed up by good gameplay or good story then what is the point?

    A good game is something that needs to keep us in our seats, no one wants to grind for ages on wow but we know that if we do we can challenge some of the best baddies in the game and see more content and in return for that trip we get rewarded, there is also the social interaction and being part of a team that keeps us going each week ,this is an example of good gameplay mechanics and the reason blizzard will one day become it's own country lol ;)

    Games do not need stories to be good, they don't need the best graphics to be good.. games are taking your average person and impowering them with control, being able to take control of something and advancing somewhere in a couple of hours, in our games do we get to be the heroes and villians. In our games we get to be something more then we can possibly achieve and dream of.
  12. banhmr9001

    banhmr9001 Member

  13. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    The reason they are professionals is because they
    have spent a considerable amount of time playing, living, loving the game...

    To say tennis players, footballers, golfers etc.
    see their respective sports as a chore is ridiculous...

    If that's the case, why don't Federer, Beckham, Woods et al
    settle down to a nice comfy retirement?
    God knows they can afford to...
    They don't need to slave anymore...

    As for "true gamers"....
    In my opinion, they are people who understand gaming....
    They understand the model behind a game,
    what makes a good game etc.
    They also are skilled at playing games and spend a
    considerable amount of time doing so...

    Also, calvin makes a good point about
    blind fanboy's not being true gamers
    (I'm not talking about someone whio holds a slight preference
    for one system or another, but the truly retarded fanboys)
    These are the type of people who hurt gaming...
  14. ultra

    ultra Guest

    what about the people who play the wii, what do you consider them to be?
  15. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    The Wii is no different to anything else...
    It has alot of people who know and love their games...

    But because of the hype that surrounded it,
    particularly leading up to the Christmas season,
    alot of Wii owners are kids, who you can't
    expect to be mature and logical when it comes to gaming.

    By the same token, there's plenty of immature people
    who own Xbox's, PS3's etc.
    But the Wii has a higher proportion...
  16. SpooferJahk

    SpooferJahk Member

    I personally think a true gamer is a person who likes video games and has a passion for them, and will be able to enjoy the new titles and respect the classics that helped form the newer games of this generation
  17. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    There is no such thing. You either play games, or you don't. Case closed.
    One thing that perplexes me is how the "pro" gamers will shun anything that's not an FPS/Racing/RPG/big budget title. I enjoy the latest and greatest games as much as anyone, but gaming has a wide horizon. It's all about expanding it, IMO. You can play your WoW/CoD4/other similiar games and subsequent reiterations, while I will explore the wide variety of games out there.
  18. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Yes, that is what it is all about, Living the game becoming immersed in it. Not controlling the character, but actually becoming the character. Loving the characters they love and are. actually, Living the life of the character. That's what it's all about, if there is a term "Real Gamer" this would be the person.
  19. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    There is no such thing as a "real" or "true" gamer, its just something fanboys/girls say to argue that their fave console is better then the other and to complain about games.

    There are console gamers, handheld gamers, pro gamers, casual gamers, people who simply play games, people obsessed with a particular genre/series, even people who devote themselves to hacking games have a category, "real" and "true" are not.
  20. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Did I ever say there was? No I said IF there was it would be that person. I never put it down in stone that this IS what a "real" or "true" gamer was. And no, I don't entirely agree with your statement. There are real gamers, just inside of that gamers head, only in there does the catagory exist. There are so many gamers it would be impossible to put each one into catagory one, "Real gamers," and catagory two "not real gamers" No there is no such thing, a gamer is what it is to be percieved in the gamers head. If that gamer wants to believe if he/she is a "real gamer" I say let em' live in their little fairy tale land. Their reality is their's and not mine, let em' live it.