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Re: Mario & Luigi Bowsers Inside story USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by xlaw888, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. spamexp

    spamexp Member

    pretty sure that's what finalmario is working on.
  2. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    thanks. ill see if i can get some help later.although then the person that will help me if he will,will upload it and say he made it. but i dont care.im just trying to get this game to work for everyone! i dont care about credit of it.

    and yes everyone,i am working on R4DS first.(since that is the one i have also.)

    if it works then i will try for all the other flashcards.
  3. fairie2002

    fairie2002 Member

    Ah, so does one patch it for the Cyclo?
  4. Speedy83

    Speedy83 Member

    I'm playing on my CycloDS the part were you play as bowser and it hasn't froze yet using the AR code.
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    fairie2002...just use the AR code and it should work fine.
  5. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    sounds like the priacy check there was for the japanese one.


  6. fairie2002

    fairie2002 Member

    Ah, so do I need to add the cheat code application to my card or can I do all the steps on the computer?
  7. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member


    ..but theres ANOTHER one! .-.

    it wont let me save...
  8. Ryosuke356

    Ryosuke356 New Member

    what do u guys think the esimated time of the patch being released for the r4 is?
  9. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I do backup my original game, And make a copy into a seprate folder... good is it not lol!

    I could lose nothink!

    I just cannot fined a unpacker program & repacker that do not trim the rom at the same time?
  10. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    let me say this again for those who are still wondering

    i dont know what flashcards work with that code but that code does not work for R4. thats why im trying to make a patch
  11. Hamtier

    Hamtier Member

    ow yeah you should do that xD.
    but i always keep the orignal seperate of my using file so i never think of that xD
  12. Inkaflare

    Inkaflare New Member

    I found a way to play the game on a Supercard DS One!
    I don't know if this will work on other flash cards.
    First, i created a .txt file with the AR cheat. (you know which one don't you?)
    Then i took an unpatched game and used DSATM to put the AR file into the game. Then I started my card, diabled patch mode and IT WORKED! I went past the "load save" menu, now i have to try out if everything works. Hope i could help ^^
  13. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    I vote someone tests this theory with an R4 or M3.

    I also vote myself not it.
  14. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    i would test it but i never knew how to use DSATM
  15. DarkJake

    DarkJake Member

    I patched it but it won't work on Cyclo...any other methods?
  16. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    Be a little more specific with what you did. Everyone else with CycloDS is having fun playing it; where did you mess up? Did you try using the Action Replay code?
  17. SnoozingBox

    SnoozingBox Active Member

    Is it me or does the r4 not seem to work as well as the others
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    Is there a way to do it with out AR cos i dont have a cartrige or program for the R4
  18. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    everyone i finialy got it to play from the regular R4 menu. but freezes when saving.im working on it
  19. joe_yoshi

    joe_yoshi Well-Known Member

    The DSATM method doesn't work for R4 users... Damn!
  20. dynezxice

    dynezxice New Member

    <--- patch is working fine on my DSi with Acekard 2i, firmware 1.4, AKAIO proper 1.4.1, and the ak2_loader.
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